Maiden of the Planet

What did you think of Maiden of the Planet?

  • It's awesome

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • So so

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • It sucks

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Maiden of the who?

    Votes: 5 10.6%

  • Total voters


Your Mom
I suppose I could indulge your machinations of forever extending threads. Like I said before, the story is mediocre, pointless fluff. The plot neither creates nor resolves any meaningful story arcs. It just rehashes the original FF7 plot from Aerith's POV, along with chapter-long interviews with minor NPCs no one gives a shit about. The narrative at best could be described as meandering; the prose includes runny egg metaphors whose negative impact on the author's credibility can't be excused by translation.

The entire premise, "let's follow Aerith behind the scenes", is shit. She's dead. Killing her was a bold and artistic move, her sudden absence intended to have a profound effect on the player. Giving her a post-mortem story completely invalidates the point of her death. Quit straddling the fence, either appease her fans by wishing her ass back with a dragonball, or respect the original story by letting her RIP.

In summary: functionless art is tolerated vandalism.
Epic post, my friend. This amateurish fanfic makes Twilight look like a masterpiece.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
That's not even a good comparison. It'd be like having two versions of the scene where Han didn't fire, and, instead, Greedo's shot bounced off something and came back and hit him in the head.

Trust me, Han shooting first IS the Nibleheim of Star Wars.

He apparently can't put two and two together in the new continuity imposed by BC. Fuck, at the very least, he knows a terrorist organization that isn't Shin-Ra was attacking, which means he knows the shit wasn't an accident as he claimed to be the case in the original FFVII.

Actually, all he was told was that people were trying to stop construction. And what he says in FF7 was
"There was an explosion at a reactor."
"Shinra blamed the accident on the people. Said it was done by a
rebel faction."

Given ShinRa slaughtering everyone he ever knew, even though AVALANCHE was there, A: Barret thought they were supposed to be there and thus were probably members of ShinRa, and B: unlikely to believe their stories, even if true.

I didn't really get the impression they blamed Sector 7. More that they were that desperate.

It's not that they 'blame' Sector 7, but that AVALANCHE was in Sec 7. If they thought AVALANCHE was in Corel, that explains why they killed everyone.

She goes into the shrine for three years. That's what happens after the ceremony, and it's mentioned in the Episode. You just missed it, I guess.

The only mention of 'three' in the episode is that the main character has been out cold for three years. Seriously, nothing in the Shotgun Romance episode script mentions any sealing of Dinne.

I can't believe the excuses you guys are making for this tripe. How about the kid she couldn't carry?

I figured she was just getting exhausted by that point. And the kid was her age and probably weighed more than she did, actually.

Even were that the case, it would have come out the same time as the OtWtaS book.

In any event, the publication date in the book itself says May 7th.

In either case, I can actually understand why they aren't in the new Ultimania. Protecting the profit margin. Wanna know what happens in the new OTWTAS? Buy it. It ain't in the new Ultimania!

Only in that case we don't know that he actually talked about it (he was kind of ashamed of it, ya know). And we don't have reason to believe that Bugenhagen was playing along every time, pretending like some stupid fuck.

Idunno, I can definitely get behind Bugenhagen teasing him. He is always laughing in that bizarre ass way.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
He did the EXACT SAME THING about his DAD. It's par for course.
No he didn't. As soon as he found out Nanaki thought his dad was a failure, he brought Nanaki to see him.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Trust me, Han shooting first IS the Nibleheim of Star Wars.

Yes, in terms of how many times it's gotten changed, but I was making the point that even that fails to point out the drastic differences between Seph offing himself and Cloud killing him.

Ryu said:
Actually, all he was told was that people were trying to stop construction. And what he says in FF7 was
"There was an explosion at a reactor."
"Shinra blamed the accident on the people. Said it was done by a
rebel faction."

Given ShinRa slaughtering everyone he ever knew, even though AVALANCHE was there, A: Barret thought they were supposed to be there and thus were probably members of ShinRa, and B: unlikely to believe their stories, even if true.

Still sounds pretty fucking retarded since -- even if he thought the AVALANCHE members were Shin-Ra at the end of the day -- he would know it was no accident. He knew some people were there to fuck with the reactor.

Not to mention you can't deny that the circumstances of Barret's whereabouts are different.

Ryu said:
It's not that they 'blame' Sector 7, but that AVALANCHE was in Sec 7. If they thought AVALANCHE was in Corel, that explains why they killed everyone.

Sure, just seems kind of stupid that they would conclude that.

Ryu said:
The only mention of 'three' in the episode is that the main character has been out cold for three years. Seriously, nothing in the Shotgun Romance episode script mentions any sealing of Dinne.

You need to look at XComp's translation, as well as our own translation for Red XIII's profile from FFVII's 10th Anniversary Ultimania. =P

Ryu said:
I figured she was just getting exhausted by that point. And the kid was her age and probably weighed more than she did, actually.

Someone capable of hurling a hunk of metal through open air the length of several city blocks should -- even at their most exhausted, assuming they themselves are still capable of standing -- be able to lift a couple hundred pounds in the form of a person.

John Marston said:
Also Ryu, Han shot first and it. fucking. matters.



Rookie Adventurer
Definitely sucks.

Shorty after the Maiden was released Aerith's popularity tanked, she looked awful in Famitsu's top character lists and dropped a whopping 20 places in the GameFAQs Character Battles. I'm not even sure if a remake can slow her fall from grace let alone get her back to pre Maiden levels anymore.

I never really understood why any self respecting Final Fantasy VII fan would eat up a grade-Z story about Aerith chatting up deceased NPC's but yeah... sucks sums it up.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No he didn't. As soon as he found out Nanaki thought his dad was a failure, he brought Nanaki to see him.

That's my fuckdamn point, Quex. Nanaki spent forever before even asking anyone.

Hail, robo buddy. :salute:

Also Ryu, Han shot first and it. fucking. matters.

Damn right he did.

Yes, in terms of how many times it's gotten changed, but I was making the point that even that fails to point out the drastic differences between Seph offing himself and Cloud killing him.

And YOU fail to understand the difference between Han shooting in pre-emptive self defense or in reaction.

Still sounds pretty fucking retarded since -- even if he thought the AVALANCHE members were Shin-Ra at the end of the day -- he would know it was no accident. He knew some people were there to fuck with the reactor.

True, but this is Barrett. Explaining things is not a thing he's good at.
Ain't no getting offa this train.

Not to mention you can't deny that the circumstances of Barret's whereabouts are different.

The mine's a fair clip outside where the town was. It's not unreasonable to call that being 'out of town.'

Sure, just seems kind of stupid that they would conclude that.

I'm not sure it's 'they must be there' as much as the more horrific 'just in case there are.'

I knew it was somewhere, just not where it was. I should have checked his profile, but I was struck with CBA. For the record, Gunshot romance's transcript has the 'For three years' bit entirely omitted.

Someone capable of hurling a hunk of metal through open air the length of several city blocks should -- even at their most exhausted, assuming they themselves are still capable of standing -- be able to lift a couple hundred pounds in the form of a person.

Grabbing a human deadweight's harder than you might think. She's more than capable of lifting him, enough to put him on her back, it just seems that even with her strength, trying to deadweight lift him off the ground in one go wasn't working, 'by the torso alone'.

And when she's dragging him, considerable time has passed, which makes sense to me.

Of course, even if your point holds out, and I might try and check the physics on the energy needed in flinging an aerodynamic object of X weight Y distance, this is more bad/ inconsistent physics, rather than bad writing outright, though the two often go hand in hand.

Crack in the goddamn event horizon.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
That's my fuckdamn point, Quex. Nanaki spent forever before even asking anyone.
Hey now... there's no need to get your peacock feathers all ruffled. :monster:

You're right about the dad thing but it's not the same thing. I mean considering how often Nanaki talks about being the last of his kind, you'd think that would have come up before... it came up in the game and Bugan never says, "Hey remember that Dinne girl?" If he told Nanaki right away that his dad wasn't a failure, you'd think he'd be pretty quick to bring up Dinne the first time Nanaki was talking about being the last of his kind.

Unless you're saying he thought she really did for sure 100% die, but even if there was the slightest hint that she was alive, he would have said that.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And YOU fail to understand the difference between Han shooting in pre-emptive self defense or in reaction.

I get that it's Serious Business. Believe me, I do. Han shooting Greedo demonstrates that 1) Han was not a Luke Skywalker type of hero, 2) that characters can do that and still be heroes, and 3) that acting in self-defense doesn't require waiting to be attacked.

But Han was in a situation where he had to defend himself, and was preparing his blaster to shoot Greedo while they talked. That remains the same either way.

In Cloud and Seph's case, we have an incident where Cloud, in a manner of speaking, created the present crisis by making Sephiroth more powerful and knowledgeable, even while simultaneously humiliating him and earning Sephiroth's undying wrath by so harming his pride -- which itself will lead to Seph's downfall in the future because he's more hung up on his revenge against Cloud than on making sure his longterm plans come to fruition.

On the other hand, we have Seph randomly choosing to off himself when he was still in much better condition to continue fighting, and then still being really mad at Cloud anyway. And Cloud no longer has any direct role in Seph gaining his increase in power.

One of these conflicts involves massive changes to the plot and motivation of the primary villain. The other involves almost no change whatsoever in Han's characterization given that, again, he was readying his blaster to shoot Greedo in both versions.

Ryu said:
True, but this is Barrett. Explaining things is not a thing he's good at.
Ain't no getting offa this train.

He may not be the most eloquent individual, but it's absurd to suggest he doesn't grasp the language he's spoken his whole life well enough to know the difference between an accident and a bombing mission.

Ryu said:
The mine's a fair clip outside where the town was. It's not unreasonable to call that being 'out of town.'

It's unreasonable to call it that given what Barret said:

It happened when Dyne and I were out of town for a few days.

I was on my way home from visiting a Mako Reactor
being built.

Even if one wanted to fanwank the reactor being constructed that Barret visited as being the one in Corel, that doesn't jibe with the fact that he also said he and Dyne had been out of town for a few days to perform this visit.

In BC, not only had Barret not been out of town to visit another town's reactor, but Dyne isn't even with him at all in BC. Yes, he could have run into him on his way back to town (acknowledging this so no one can act like it blows this whole thing wide open), but it still doesn't reconcile the discrepancy involving being out of town with Dyne to visit a reactor that obviously wasn't Corel's.

Ryu said:
I'm not sure it's 'they must be there' as much as the more horrific 'just in case there are.'

Fair enough. And, yes, that is significantly more horrifying a notion.

Ryu said:
I knew it was somewhere, just not where it was. I should have checked his profile, but I was struck with CBA. For the record, Gunshot romance's transcript has the 'For three years' bit entirely omitted.

Yeah, I know it's not in the Gunshot transcript. DarkAngel must have made a forgivable mistake. The woman's human, after all, and she's translated a shit ton of stuff.

Mistakes are going to inevitably happen.

Ryu said:
Grabbing a human deadweight's harder than you might think.

It's easier than lifting a lead block that weighs a couple hundred pounds, though. You can manipulate the physics of a person's shape, weight distribution and flexibility to make it easier.

Ryu said:
Of course, even if your point holds out, and I might try and check the physics on the energy needed in flinging an aerodynamic object of X weight Y distance, this is more bad/ inconsistent physics, rather than bad writing outright, though the two often go hand in hand.

I'm interested in whatever results you get from such an analysis.

At the very least, to me, it seems such a major inconsistency in the physics that it breaks my suspension of disbelief -- and that's pretty fucking hard to do. I can't buy the two events happening in the same reality.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's easier than lifting a lead block that weighs a couple hundred pounds, though. You can manipulate the physics of a person's shape, weight distribution and flexibility to make it easier.

Just a quick question, and then I'll butt back out, but where do you get that Yuffie's weapon weighs a hundred pounds? Is this listed somewhere that I am unaware of? Because, I would assume, and maybe wrongly so, that her weapon is similar to the big-ass buster sword and every other HUGE hunk of gun-arm, metal shoes, airship, and such and was made of something NOT real world based and light but effective?

Perhaps I'm wrong, as I said,m in this little assumption, but I never thought their weapons were designed to reflect realistic weight. :shifty:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hey now... there's no need to get your peacock feathers all ruffled. :monster:

You're right about the dad thing but it's not the same thing. I mean considering how often Nanaki talks about being the last of his kind, you'd think that would have come up before... it came up in the game and Bugan never says, "Hey remember that Dinne girl?" If he told Nanaki right away that his dad wasn't a failure, you'd think he'd be pretty quick to bring up Dinne the first time Nanaki was talking about being the last of his kind.

Unless you're saying he thought she really did for sure 100% die, but even if there was the
slightest hint that she was alive, he would have said that.

I'm saying Bugenhagen was just going to let Nanaki emo himself out, since there wasn't anything he could do about it.

I get that it's Serious Business. Believe me, I do. Han shooting Greedo demonstrates that 1) Han was not a Luke Skywalker type of hero, 2) that characters can do that and still be heroes, and 3) that acting in self-defense doesn't require waiting to be attacked.

But Han was in a situation where he had to defend himself, and was preparing his blaster to shoot Greedo while they talked. That remains the same either way.

In Cloud and Seph's case, we have an incident where Cloud, in a manner of speaking, created the present crisis by making Sephiroth more powerful and knowledgeable, even while simultaneously humiliating him and earning Sephiroth's undying wrath by so harming his pride -- which itself will lead to Seph's downfall in the future because he's more hung up on his revenge against Cloud than on making sure his longterm plans come to fruition.

On the other hand, we have Seph randomly choosing to off himself when he was still in much better condition to continue fighting, and then still being really mad at Cloud anyway. And Cloud no longer has any direct role in Seph gaining his increase in power.

One of these conflicts involves massive changes to the plot and motivation of the primary villain. The other involves almost no change whatsoever in Han's characterization given that, again, he was readying his blaster to shoot Greedo in both versions.

Yeah, but to the fans, it's about the same, and arguably (as in I've seen it argued) that changing it ruins Han's character and is just as Jarring to SoD as you think Yuffie's strength issues are.

He may not be the most eloquent individual, but it's absurd to suggest he doesn't grasp the language he's spoken his whole life well enough to know the difference between an accident and a bombing mission.

Well, I was thinking about this, and for one, the man is definitely emotional, rather than rational about this. Calling it an accident to suggest ShinRa did it just because would fit with that.
That's if 'accident' is the correct word, since it seems to cause all the contention. Time to dig around in the JP script again, I guess.

It's unreasonable to call it that given what Barret said:

Even if one wanted to fanwank the reactor being constructed that Barret visited as being the one in Corel, that doesn't jibe with the fact that he also said he and Dyne had been out of town for a few days to perform this visit.

In BC, not only had Barret not been out of town to visit another town's reactor, but Dyne isn't even with him at all in BC. Yes, he could have run into him on his way back to town (acknowledging this so no one can act like it blows this whole thing wide open), but it still doesn't reconcile the discrepancy involving being out of town with Dyne to visit a reactor that obviously wasn't Corel's.

The Corel reactor IS out of town. The reactor and the mine are a considerable distance from the location of Corel proper.
As for Dyne not being there, we see Barret for five minutes. Dyne could have easily been nearby and we never saw him.

Fair enough. And, yes, that is significantly more horrifying a notion.

Here's one that might be more horrific- ShinRa did not retaliate immediately, but instead waited for some time before dropping the hurt.

Yeah, I know it's not in the Gunshot transcript. DarkAngel must have made a forgivable mistake. The woman's human, after all, and she's translated a shit ton of stuff.

Mistakes are going to inevitably happen.


It's easier than lifting a lead block that weighs a couple hundred pounds, though. You can manipulate the physics of a person's shape, weight distribution and flexibility to make it easier.

Actually, it's the other way around, initially. Easier to carry the human, easier to deadlift the block.

I'm interested in whatever results you get from such an analysis.

At the very least, to me, it seems such a major inconsistency in the physics that it breaks my suspension of disbelief -- and that's pretty fucking hard to do. I can't buy the two events happening in the same reality.

Just a quick question, and then I'll butt back out, but where do you get that Yuffie's weapon weighs a hundred pounds? Is this listed somewhere that I am unaware of? Because, I would assume, and maybe wrongly so, that her weapon is similar to the big-ass buster sword and every other HUGE hunk of gun-arm, metal shoes, airship, and such and was made of something NOT real world based and light but effective?

Perhaps I'm wrong, as I said,m in this little assumption, but I never thought their weapons were designed to reflect realistic weight. :shifty:

I'm fairly certain her Shuriken weighs around 10 pounds, actually. It is basically two flat metal rods welded together, and will weigh around the same as a greatsword or perhaps a little less.
In any case, I'll try and cludge something out, though aerodynamics are one of the cludgyist aspects of physics.
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Rookie Adventurer
I actually attempted to guesstimate something for Yuffie's weapon, based upon the images we're given and the average weight of Japanese katana. I'm not claiming it's anywhere NEAR accurate, though, so feel free to call me out if you don't agree.

Overall tip-to-tip = 44”
Blade length = 17.5”
Blade width (base) = 4.5”
Balance ring = 2” diameter
Crossbar length = 8” (or 16", depending on how you look at it)
Weight = 9 kg


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
I love how everyone calls Aerith OOC in Maiden then eats up her shitty character in Crisis Core.

I FUCKING HATE CRISIS CORE and Aerith hasn't been anywhere near in-character since Kingdom fucking Hearts, and I don't know why you all pretend to care either way. Just admit that you're asspained she isn't eating Zack's dick in the afterlife.

The compilation as a whole sucks ass, and I am rather fond of Maiden just because for once Square Enix threw me a bone. Maiden isn't BREATHTAKINGLY AMAZING by any means, but I am far more interested in it than 80% of the retconning, shitty, forced-new-character-filled Compilation.

God forbid anyone try to fill in the plotholes the size of Texas that SE seems to leave all over the place.

Sorry for the rage, it's just... you all piss and moan about how much Maiden sucks and invalidates FFVII, when the Compilation is just as bad if not worse. Like the fucking Nero/Weiss storyline was SO MUCH BETTER than giving us some insight into the Lifestream and the Cetra.

Mako said:
See how fun it is to throw context and common sense out the window to just shoehorn something where it doesn't fit? :monster:

You realize this is exactly what the C/A shippers that you hate so much say? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just pointing out that you can't get mad at me for thinking C/T secks under the Highwind is retarded when that about sums up how I feel about the matter.
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Meh. The entire compilation is pretty crappy imo. I feel the highlight are the Otwtas entries, they only barely make into the "so-so" category.

As for Maiden's canon status: once upon a time could be considered canon but since it's been superceded/retconned out of existance, there is no use paying it any mind.

For that matter, I would say that The Ultimania Omega (or whatever Maiden comes from) as a whole is pretty much invalid since it's been replaced by the newer Ultimania. Likewise that Ultimania will be invalid when the newer edition of it comes out. It's the same way textbooks work :monster: Unforutely, that just means students fans have to shell out big bucks for the up-to-date literary compilation literary canon.

also the nero/weiss storyline was better than a lot of the compilation because I could at least say Nero was sexy + could have fun with the ridiculous MGS parallels
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I love how everyone calls Aerith OOC in Maiden then eats up her shitty character in Crisis Core.
THIS! If you think Aerith is OOC in Maiden then it's YOUR fault for not understanding her character. I just got done playing the scene where you meet Aerith for the first time, not once does she mention Zack or anything like it.

The real nonsense is making a really great independent character into some clingy psychopath that writes her dead BF 89 letters. EIGHTY-FUCKING-NINE LETTERS! Who does that? That's like some kind of stalker nonsense you'd see on Law and Order. (yah I know I guess I just don't understand her character :awesome:)

I FUCKING HATE CRISIS CORE and Aerith hasn't been anywhere near in-character since Kingdom fucking Hearts, and I don't know why you all pretend to care either way. Just admit that you're asspained she isn't eating Zack's dick in the afterlife.

The compilation as a whole sucks ass, and I am rather fond of Maiden just because for once Square Enix threw me a bone. Maiden isn't BREATHTAKINGLY AMAZING by any means, but I am far more interested in it than 80% of the retconning, shitty, forced-new-character-filled Compilation.
Also this :monster:

God forbid anyone try to fill in the plotholes the size of Texas that SE seems to leave all over the place.
Sorry for the rage, it's just... you all piss and moan about how much Maiden sucks and invalidates FFVII, when the Compilation is just as bad if not worse.
I no rite? :monster:
It's why I hate "MAIDEN CONTRADICTS SO IT'S NOT CANON!" argument. That's pathetic and retarded, among other things. The ONLY thing that people should be using to say Maiden isn't canon, is the fact that the Ultimanias have always left it out of the compilation. That's it, nothing else.

also cocks.
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THIS! If you think Aerith is OOC in Maiden then it's YOUR fault for not understanding her character. I just got done playing the scene where you meet Aerith for the first time, not once does she mention Zack or anything like it.

In FFVII? You mean when Cloud bumps into her and he can buy a flower?


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I love how everyone calls Aerith OOC in Maiden then eats up her shitty character in Crisis Core.
alright, I've never played Crisis Core (or DoC or really did anything besides watch AC/C :monster:) but I thought she was sorta OOC during her comforting of AVALANCHE, cause the Aerith I know would be like 'yeah, a lot of guilt is bogging you down, but it isn't helping to sit around and mope over it!'

tho I admit I haven't read it in 4+ years and I only really recall the bit where she says she was (at the time) thoughtlessly selling flowers. :monster:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
THIS! If you think Aerith is OOC in Maiden then it's YOUR fault for not understanding her character. I just got done playing the scene where you meet Aerith for the first time, not once does she mention Zack or anything like it.

The real nonsense is making a really great independent character into some clingy psychopath that writes her dead BF 89 letters. EIGHTY-FUCKING-NINE LETTERS! Who does that? That's like some kind of stalker nonsense you'd see on Law and Order. (yah I know I guess I just don't understand her character :awesome:)

Okay, usually I agree with the stuff you say, and find your assessments humorous and often spot on but now....? I'm not saying you don't understand Aerith, except, I am saying you don't understand Aerith. What the fuck, Quexi?

Who does that? stalker-like behavior? FUCKING STALKER AERITH. Did you not play the same FFVII I did? Here...

Within minutes of meeting Cloud:

"Hey.... Cloud. Were you ever in SOLDIER?"

"...I used to be. How did you guess?"

"...Your eyes. They have a strange glow..."

"That's the sign of those who have been infused with Mako..."
"A mark of SOLDIER."
"But, how did you know about that?"

"........Oh, nothing."

Then she takes Cloudy boy home, and when he tries to leave she BLOCKS his way. PHYSICALLY BLOCKS HIS WAY. Are you paying attention here, because this is NOT normal behavior.

Then, again, here:

"What rank were you?"


"You know, in SOLDIER."

"Oh, I was..."

(The screen goes solid white, briefly.)

"First Class."

"Just the same as him."

"The same as who?"

"My first boyfriend."

There is NOTHING leading into this conversation. SHE starts it. With a guy she has known less than TWELVE hours. O.o

Then we have the admittal:

".........first off, it bothered me how you looked exactly
"Two completely different people, but look exactly the same."
"The way you walk, gesture..."
"I think I must have seen him again, in you..."

YES, Quexi, she was OBSESSED. **eyeroll** Or in love, depending on your take, but either way it WAS NOT healthy or normal.

So, again, YES, for her to be dismissive of Zack upon meeting him in the LS as in Maiden is fucking OOC. this is not hard to follow, honest to god. :catfight:



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Quexinos said:
THIS! If you think Aerith is OOC in Maiden then it's YOUR fault for not understanding her character. I just got done playing the scene where you meet Aerith for the first time, not once does she mention Zack or anything like it.

The real nonsense is making a really great independent character into some clingy psychopath that writes her dead BF 89 letters. EIGHTY-FUCKING-NINE LETTERS! Who does that? That's like some kind of stalker nonsense you'd see on Law and Order. (yah I know I guess I just don't understand her character :awesome: )


Oh wait nevermind, Fairheartedstrife laid the sexy smackdown of logic as usual. Carry on.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I love how everyone calls Aerith OOC in Maiden then eats up her shitty character in Crisis Core.

I FUCKING HATE CRISIS CORE and Aerith hasn't been anywhere near in-character since Kingdom fucking Hearts, and I don't know why you all pretend to care either way. Just admit that you're asspained she isn't eating Zack's dick in the afterlife.

The compilation as a whole sucks ass, and I am rather fond of Maiden just because for once Square Enix threw me a bone. Maiden isn't BREATHTAKINGLY AMAZING by any means, but I am far more interested in it than 80% of the retconning, shitty, forced-new-character-filled Compilation.

God forbid anyone try to fill in the plotholes the size of Texas that SE seems to leave all over the place.

Sorry for the rage, it's just... you all piss and moan about how much Maiden sucks and invalidates FFVII, when the Compilation is just as bad if not worse. Like the fucking Nero/Weiss storyline was SO MUCH BETTER than giving us some insight into the Lifestream and the Cetra.


You realize this is exactly what the C/A shippers that you hate so much say? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just pointing out that you can't get mad at me for thinking C/T secks under the Highwind is retarded when that about sums up how I feel about the matter.

So Winter, what are your thoughts on Cloti and Zerith?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
In FFVII? You mean when Cloud bumps into her and he can buy a flower?


By the way some people talk about how obsessed she was, I totally expect this of her. Speaking of:

Within minutes of meeting Cloud:

"Hey.... Cloud. Were you ever in SOLDIER?"

"...I used to be. How did you guess?"

"...Your eyes. They have a strange glow..."

"That's the sign of those who have been infused with Mako..."
"A mark of SOLDIER."
"But, how did you know about that?"

"........Oh, nothing."
And? She recognizes the signs of SOLDIER, lots of people do. This doesn't prove she's obsessed with Zack.

Then, again, here:

"What rank were you?"


"You know, in SOLDIER."

"Oh, I was..."

(The screen goes solid white, briefly.)

"First Class."

"Just the same as him."

"The same as who?"

"My first boyfriend."

There is NOTHING leading into this conversation. SHE starts it. With a guy she has known less than TWELVE hours. O.o
lulz, okay. put yourself in Aerith's shoes. What if you had a husband who died in a war? Then you meet a new guy from the Army, wouldn't you ALSO ask what rank he is or whatever?

I've been really super-duper-in-love-would-dunno-if-I-can-make-it-without-this-person before. And let me tell you, any time one of my friends does something that reminds me of her, I say so. or if I find out they're from the same fandom as she was, I ask if they know her. Does this mean I'm obsessed?

Then we have the admittal:

".........first off, it bothered me how you looked exactly
"Two completely different people, but look exactly the same."
"The way you walk, gesture..."
"I think I must have seen him again, in you..."

YES, Quexi, she was OBSESSED. **eyeroll** Or in love, depending on your take, but either way it WAS NOT healthy or normal.
She's admitting she saw Zack in him. Unhealthy would be if she didn't admit it and continued to deny it. If you ask me, it's extremely healthy that she realizes this before it went too far. She ALSO said she wanted to get to know Cloud for Cloud. She ALSO still loved Cloud after she got to know the real him. She also says Cloud is her beloved and there's not a hint of Zack in CoLW. For someone who was obsessed, you'd think she'd have thought about him at least ONCE in the novel. But she did not. It was all about teh Cloud.

So, again, YES, for her to be dismissive of Zack upon meeting him in the LS as in Maiden is fucking OOC. this is not hard to follow, honest to god.
After CC sure, but not before then.
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