Man of Steel / Justice League / DC films


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Well, I did read a WMG on TV Tropes that
Jor-El would be able to "possess" people for a certain time, as apparently he does in Smallville

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Who makes a better dad though? Jor-El or Pa Kent? I think they're both equal and have their own perks that makes a child grow into the Skywalking Knight.


Could be a hologram type thing. Or they're changing the story quite a lot, which I would be excited about tbh.


Pro Adventurer
God damn I have to buy the soundtrack to this. This could very well contain some of Hans Zimmers best work yet!

Oh and awesome trailer too :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Wow! No more kneeling fetish! for the first time... Im scared of General Zod and his men/women. T-T
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Why do I feel the same aura for this as when Iron Man came out? Like its an openning to a real universe? I cant really wait to see this :D

Ghost X

No shit. Jor-El is shown speaking with Clark in person.


I've heard that Krypton is not destroyed in this movie's universe, thus Jor-El speaking to Superman? =p


Pro Adventurer
^That. I saw an advert for Superman Returns on FX earlier today.
The differences were stunning to say the least.


The Pixie King
I think alot of that comes from Snyder's understanding of the process, whereas Bryan Singer is all about character.

I think Returns was set out too much as set pieces. I did enjoy it, but it was badly written.

I just hope Goyer has figured out how to write female characters. Rachel Dawes really wasn't written well. Even some of Catwoman's stuff toward the end was a bit lazy.


Pro Adventurer
I managed to get a free ticket to an early screening at 7pm today and just got back.

Wont drop any spoilers I will say though that this movie really gets you in the feels in the first half, this is especially augmented with Hans Zimmers work composing the music.

They did a great job at showing Kal El's upbringing but while still keeping you in the present. The second half is absolutely amazing.

This is the live action Superman we have been wanting to see for the last 30 years, they finally nailed what its like to see a Kryptonian in action on the big screen and its nothing short of spectacular.

Also since the screening was only for 2D and the 3D showings wont start for another 2 hours I wont be able to comment on whether or not they nailed it. How ever I did note a ton and I really mean a ton of moments where 3D could have been utilized very very well and wouldnt really seem like one of those gimmicky in your face moments.

Anywho I loved the movie. Im going to attempt to grab a 3D showing tomorrow (the lines are packed for the midnight premier unfortunately :< )

Also there was nothing after the credits at my showing, I dont know if it will be the same for any other showings but dont be surprised if theres no after credits teaser.


The Pixie King
Cant wait to see this. Unfortunately there's going to be alot of disruption in Belfast over the next week or so because of the G8 summit. Might have to wait if it all kicks off


Harbinger O Great Justice
Ho. Lee. Shit.

Everything that Gabe said, and the 3D was magnificent. SO blown away and pleased right now. Need to sleep though.

Also- No aftercredit.

X :neo:


The Pixie King
Just got back from seeing it. Might go see it again sometime when Im not so tired.

I honestly think its the best action movie I've ever seen.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Ok, now that I'm awake and in front of a computer again, it's time to get into detail, and I'll also be addressing something that a reviewer who disliked the film brought up:

The opening on Krypton was great. It does a good job of showing how the roles of the Kryptonians is very singular, but they're not one-dimensional, and I was glad that the specifics of General Zod's role and Jor-El's role not being explicitly stated until later.

Despite being nervous about it at first, the intercuts of him growing up worked REALLY, REALLY well. Jonathan Kent's change is done in a way that I've seen some people HATE, but because they rather missed the point of what was being done with him. He believes COMPLETELY in Clark, but he also believes that if people aren't ready for him, they'll never give him the chance to be the amazing person that he can be. Even when he & Clark are arguing in the truck and Clark's being a bit of a teenager, in the end, he shows that he fully trusts his father by NOT saving him, because his dad fully (and rightly) believes that he is saving Clark's life by allowing him to not be seen as a superhuman, because humanity isn't ready. This is reinforced with what Lois realizes when she meets him for the second time in Smallville and listens to his story.

Superman GETS this reaction when General Zod shows up, and he gets to prove it within combat to the military who originally surrendered him over, and also treated him as an enemy target. He earns the trust of those who would and did retaliate against him, and he learns that he can be the example that BOTH of his fathers believed he could be. The biggest point about Superman is made here, because he doesn't encourage us to believe in him - HE believes in US, and that's what makes him great.

This next bit is from This Review that brings up that Superman doesn't attempt to avoid collateral damage in the two big battles. Let me address why that makes sense:

First is the fight in Smallville. The military pretty much pins down the fights location, and this is LITERALLY the first time that Kal-El has ever fought anyone at this level of his OWN power (not to mention just in general), and EVERYONE starts by treating him like a target. This isn't a Superman who's been using his powers at their utmost to stop disasters - him at the oil rig is the peak of the sort of thing that he's done before, and all that PALES in comparison to what happens here. On top of that, he's attacking them out of rage for threatening his mom, and he's never been ABLE to unleash that type of power against someone before, which would explain planting them through a gas station. He tells everyone in the area that it's not safe and to get indoors. The next thing that happens is that as soon as Faora-Ul & her ENORMOUS Kryptonian sidekick show up, the battle is absolutely no longer on his terms. If he attempts to move the battle into an unpopulated area (as the review suggested), the Kryptonians will just move it back, or they'll split up and just start murdering people. Faora-Ul attacking the Marines is a pretty clear indication that she'll just wipe out anyone in her way.

Next we've got the two-part battle in Metropolis. Kal-El & Lois' plan is that the military is going to send all of the Kryptonians back into the Phantom Zone, while Superman takes out the World Generator. The Kryptonian ship is just slaved to the World Builder, so Kal-El is attacking the source of what's actually damaging the earth, right off the coast of India. Yes, there're LOTS of casualties in Metropolis because of the Gravity Attack effect, but I'd argue that the spread of an atmospheric disturbance that will continue to be generated EVEN AFTER the Kryptonians are sent into the Phantom Zone next to a country with a population density like India is a much bigger issue here. Also, let's be clear, the military BARELY managed to hit their target, and the World Generator FOUGHT BACK. The plan here is for Superman to stop the most deadly threat, and have the military employ a solution where they didn't have to kill the Kryptonians - just banish them. You're going to sustain casualties either way, but I think that this plan actually makes the most sense.

Now we'll move on to the fight against Zod - this is ANOTHER fight that is absolutely not on his terms. Zod basically managed to get up to Kal'El's level of power in what... a couple hours? He's hell bent on murdering EVERYONE. If he stops attacking Zod for a second here to save people, that's a moment where Zod is going to go the other direction and murder WAY more people. The fact that Zod is focused on Superman, and not just toppling every building he can see is the big point here. A majority of the time, it's Kal'El getting tossed through buildings, and not the other way around. He's not CAUSING collateral damage, he's simply not in a position to be able to stop it.

A big point is that the climax in the film ISN'T and it's SUPPOSED to not feel like a victory. Clark doesn't want to kill ANYONE, let alone his own people, which is why he attempted to throw them all into the Phantom Zone. Destroying the ship that was already on Earth doesn't really mean anything, because it can't create anything without the Codex, which IS HIM. All of Krypton literally and figuratively lives on within him.

The very end of the film, we get to see Superman as the Superman everyone knows. He's being snarky but lovingly heroic to the military with his, "no spying on me" bit and seeing him showing up as Clark Kent was great, because THIS is showing that he really does still believe in humanity, and believes that he can help them be great. Everything that he does, he places trust in humanity. He's not the saviour who expects everyone to rely on him in this film, he's the one who can wants to makes humanity great.

Lastly, let me just say - Lois Lane, Martha Kent, & Faora-Ul were fucking AWESOME, and it's great having some badass female characters on all ends of the spectrum.

X :neo:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Went to see the film today and I was blown. away.

Everyone fit into their roles fantastically. I always had faith that Henry would pull off Superman right from the start and he most certainly did now I've seen him in action. Switching between the past and present was done very well. And the theme of humanity was constantly there.

I loved Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent and it was so incredibly brave of him to sacrifice his own life to prevent everyone seeing Clark as different to everyone else. That's fucking beautiful.

The fight scenes were amazing. I had to pay attention because everything was happening so fast.
But when Superman had no choice in killing Zod to save that family, my heart broke for him. From what I hear in the comics, he's against the killing of anyone, so this looked like a brave step from the film makers.

Excellent film overall. And from what I heard of the sequel,
they're going to be incorporating the "Clark Kent of the Daily Planet" persona into it.

I hate 3D. I'm not a Superman fan. I saw this in 2D.
I want to go back tomorrow and see this again in 3D.

My only real complaint is
Pa Kent died to save a dog..? Come on. Lame death.

Other than that everything was done fantastically well. Hell, I almost CRIED a few times during a summer blockbuster super hero movie.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I just want to say out of spoiler tags that the number one thing that I wanted to see about Superman come through in Man of Steel was what is so perfectly described in this post about a panel from a comic and the film FUCKING NAILS IT, which above and beyond the most amazing superhero action that's ever been done on film is the biggest triumph for me in making Superman still be him, but set in a time that's modern and believable without losing what's core to what makes him, HIM.

Also, Inter: That's some pretty damn huge praise coming from you.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer

I hate 3D. I'm not a Superman fan. I saw this in 2D.
I want to go back tomorrow and see this again in 3D.

My only real complaint is
Pa Kent died to save a dog..? Come on. Lame death.

Other than that everything was done fantastically well. Hell, I almost CRIED a few times during a summer blockbuster super hero movie.

I dont know.

I love my dog. Sure it seems irrational and people usually laugh at pet lovers who exclaim there pet is part of the family but imo they really truly are. I would definitely attempt to save my dog if it was in that predicament... not sure if I could go the full way like Pa but an attempt would be made lol.

Either way that scene is so moving, when papa kent raises his hand to tell clark to stop. Right in the feels.
I dont know.

I love my dog. Sure it seems irrational and people usually laugh at pet lovers who exclaim there pet is part of the family but imo they really truly are. I would definitely attempt to save my dog if it was in that predicament... not sure if I could go the full way like Pa but an attempt would be made lol.

Either way that scene is so moving, when papa kent raises his hand to tell clark to stop. Right in the feels.
I love my pets, and consider them a part of my family, it's just, the hurricane was basically ontop of him. He could have easily died from debris while on his way to the car. It just would have had a better impact for me if he died saving that kid, or another person.
It's more noble to die saving a child than a dog imo.

X-Soldier: What can I say? They got this shit right.
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