Cat Rage Room
Great Old One
- Mog
also I love me some JRPGs but if I see one more JRPG fag bitching about the high score ME2 got I will personally hunt them down and give them a swift kick in the crotch. I know that WRPGs are all the rage right now, but saying that ME2 didn't deserve the excellent reviews that it got is stupid.
Tell me these people so I can slowly cross off their names. I love JPRGs, ever since I was a kid, and even though I've always appreciated a good WRPG, JRPGs have always had a special place in my heart.
But this game is good. Not even just 'good for an WRPG'. I wouldn't even say 'subjectively' good. This game is a victory for video gamers everywhere, because of how good it is. It is a massively well done, well polished, well written, well built game, and instead of having envious pity parties, the best thing for everyone to do is to shut the fuck up and play it until you black out, because I can pretty much assure everyone is going to have a good time! And in the larger scope, it shouldn't be about 'WRPGS vs. JRPGs' in that sense.
Smart developers learn from other developers that did it right. Mass Effect 2 is quickly becoming one of the highest acclaimed games of its kind ever (or by the end of the month, maybe even one of the highest acclaimed games just in general, so I figure it would be great it developers everywhere looked at it, and say 'Hey, we can learn from this game'. Not that developers should try to copy it, no, I don't mean basic things like its setting or whatnot, but more fundamental reasons why. Its writing, its immersion, likability of its characters (Garrus and Mordin are going to be legends before the year is up) it's near perfect detail in its setting (I dare you to find a plot hole in how things work in Mass Effects setting. I fucking dare you. Literally everything you see has an explanation somewhere, and it all fits. No inconsistencies. No holes. Nowhere. In both games. They got that shit on lock. Square, Final Fantasy VII, I'm looking at you).
Instead of sippin' on that Haterade, I hope that both fans and developers note the success of Mass Effect 2, and other successful games to continue making great produces for us video game fans to enjoy, because at the end of the day, new games are still fifty fucking dollars. Make it worth our while, WRPG, AND JRPG developers!
Garrus: You ever miss those talks we had on the elevators?
Tali: No.
Garrus: Come on, remember how we'd all ask you about your life on the flotilla? (at this point of the sentence it actually sounds like he's holding back a giggle) It was an opportunity to share!
Tali: This conversation is over.
Garrus: Tell me again about your immune system!
Tali: I have a shotgun.
Garrus: Maybe we'll talk later.