AI Researcher
- hitoshura
More people need to invest in my investment of an XBox 360 

All the close calls I had on my Insanity run through felt so satisfying, especially at the end. I'm on my third play through now.
- Jack and Thane should both step it up. Both were amazing in cutscenes and underwhelming and mediocre as actual teamates. I want to see Jack actually doing all that crazy biotic shit. Kasumi is closer to what I expected from Thane.
It would be nice ifthat HUGE decision we made in Mass Effect 1 between Ashley and Kaiden, would actually amount to a 1 minute appearance by said character ending in them not being seen again.And as for the one selected for death, They're barely mentioned by Shepard in the story, apart from to confirm his memories.
It would be nice ifthat HUGE decision we made in Mass Effect 1 between Ashley and Kaiden, would actually amount to a 1 minute appearance by said character ending in them not being seen again.
And as for the one selected for death, They're barely mentioned by Shepard in the story, apart from to confirm his memories.
I had the most epic kill for the final boss. Tried to keep spoilers out of my description but just in case.It was oddly satisfying running backwards in a circle from armored Husks on Horizon. *warp* *run* *head shot* Oh shit, the Praetor sat on Mordin *run*
She was the only character whoJack needs to die. That is all. Terrible bitch of a character.
As the gameplay works as a Squad-based shooter (or in some cases does not work), Mass Effect 3 may benefit from a co-operative play feature.
I could take or leave her. She'll have rough, nasty Renegade sex on a dime, but she'd rather have nice Paragon missionary on the bed while crying.
The thing about Jack is, she would have made more sense as a male character. She's the stereotypical "bad boy", tattooed and brooding, but desperate to be saved underneath it all. Females in general tend to gravitate toward that archetype more so than males.
- In fact, I'm a Spectre. I'm supposed to have unlimited resources. Stop making me pay for stuff.
Being a Spectre is optional in ME2. Either way, getting shit for free would only apply to Citadel space anyway (if at all), which a lot of ME2 takes place outside of it.