Mass Effect Series


Save your valediction (she/her)
"No John, you are the Jesus." And then John was a zombie. Unless you're playing FemShep, in which case, I don't know, tasteful BioWare fade-outs during your lesbian tentacle porn.

My actual prediction
Shepard dies at the end, heroic sacrifice, then she goes to some vague "afterlife" where those re-occurring nightmare trees are in full bloom and the blurry figures are actually all her dead friends, smiling and patting her on the back. You did it! Credits.

Even though I clearly said in ME1 that I was an atheist, BioWare has conveniently forgot cause I've been saying some Christian-ass things ALL OVER Mass Effect 3. Mordin dies on Tuchanka? "Wherever he is he's putting in a good word for us." Thane dies? "He knew all about our inner Angels." It feels like they're jamming it down my throat. It started in ME2 where they made "Paragon" synonymous with "Christian" but in ME3 you aren't even given a choice. I am not a fan.



Finish it already.

(then go back and read all of our initial reactions from March 2012. Because you'll want to and because it's hilarious to do so)


Dammit, Lex, your post made me go back and read through all of our old posts....and now I want to play through the series again :monster:


Pro Adventurer
You know what's funny, Joe told me everyone complains about the Mako, but am I the only one that drives it around laughing because it's kind of fun and hilarious? Yes? And I get to blow up enemies in one shot?

Ah well :monster:


Joe, Arcana


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm thinking maybe....just maybe...I made a mistake starting with ME1. Totally failed to suck me in, don't really give a shit about any of the characters, except maybe Garrus with his mesmerising lipless beak.

Anyway, I might just start over with ME2, after I'm bored of Animal Crossing and Mario Kart :monster:


Joe, Arcana
I played all three but started with ME1. It didn't draw me in at all and I only gave ME2 a chance upon recommendation from somebody else. So glad I did because this is my favourite game series. I even enjoy the first more now knowing how it influences the better games in the series. ^_^


Pro Adventurer

Made my morning laugh :awesome:

Well ME1 is what I've started with; the Citadel in the beginning gets a bit old, and Ashley and Kaiden are boring, so I'm always having the aliens on my teams because Garrus and Wrex are just awesome mofos. :closedmonster:
Currently since I left the Citadel I've not done any more main quests and have been exploring the galaxy. :awesome: I'm actually really enjoying it.

The story seems interesting and I'm enjoying all the different races and the background.

The combat kind of really sucks ass.

Also the game throws you into everything with like no simple tutorial about it. I was thrown into combat and gameplay and the story and then given a mountain of tutorials to read. :closedmonster: I was not impressed.

The game has it's definite flaws, but it's also still managed to be fun for me so far. With all this 'ME2 is so much better and is awesome and drew me in' talk, I'm super excited to play it next. :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
Wait til it throws you off a bridge into your last save point. :monster:

Player: Phew that section in Feros was hard, all I need to do now is to get to the checkpoint on the other side of this bridge.



Player: *sees that last save was an hour before*



Joe, Arcana
I still adore the interaction between Cortez and James in ME3, where they argue with each other on the Mako's flaws and benefits. Friggin' hilarious. :monster:


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Friendly reminder

Tali/Ash>>>your fav.

Seriously though, I'd gladly do another run if my PS3 was still alive.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I played ME1, wasn't all that impressed, and then, since I don't believe in spoilers, went and looked up where the rest of the games went to see if the ending was worth another 120 hours of gameplay (at least) and remained unimpressed and didn't bother finishing.

I'm pretty sure a large part of that was because I grew up with a bunch of engineers who were huge Star Trek nerds even though they kept making fun of all the incorrect physics of Star Trek (even as they thought a lot of them would be really cool). Problem with Mass Effect is that a lot of the drama is based on a bunch of real-world physics that don't work at all the way they do in the game (dexro/levo biochemestry is my particular pet peeve) and it asks me to give various races the Idiot Ball for even more drama (seriously, where are all the Quarian bio-engineers? they obviously would need them to make the Geth, but they somehow can't remember how to keep an immune system working right?). Yeah, I think I spent enough times faceplaming at the worldbuilding that the game series turned into a comedy, a black comedy to be sure, but still, a comedy.

The other part of it was that I had just finished playing though Alpha Protocol which manages to cram in a crazy amount of meaningful player choice for a 17 hour game (like more then the first ME at least) with anywhere from 0-2 bosses at the end and it has satisfying endings all around. So the prospect of another 120 hours to get the type of endings Mass Effect has didn't seem a worthy investment of my time.


Chloe Frazer
Friendly reminder

Tali/Ash>>>your fav.

Seriously though, I'd gladly do another run if my PS3 was still alive.

For me is Wrex/Ash, especially when you go to recruit Liara on Therum, fuck that planet.

Flare I'd recommend you save every 5 minutes, ME1 is a dick about auto saves. Depending on where you are it can go a long time without auto saving.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Unimpressed, did not play sequels

I think you have to really invest in your Shepard, first of all. I gave mine the Spacer/Thresher Maw background, she's basically Ripley, and that got me instantly stoked on the game. Another one of the main draws for me is the allusion and stylistic nod to 80s sci fi. It's definitely a "romp" throughout, like, you're buying a ticket for cheesy one-liners and the ability to choose which cheesy one-liner to say! :O It's not the most sophisticated story, but it's hella fun.

For me, the whole concept of "Citadel Space" is amazing -- it isn't often in American-made sci fi that humans are the galactic newcomers. Even in Star Trek, humans made the Federation, and in Babylon 5, the station is a joint effort between humans and (the B5 equivalent of) Asari. In Mass Effect, it's just Asari, they've been running the show since we were cavemen. We're just yokels with shockingly advanced warfare, but only the HRAs and that terrorist cell (Cerberus!) have any delusions of human significance on the galactic stage. I like that.

And the gameplay improved drastically with each title.


Sometimes I feel like one of the only people in the world that enjoyed the first game, regardless - or even sometimes because of - the things that, in a certain sense, made it less enjoyable.


Pro Adventurer
So I've done Feros and Virmire (in that order). Feros was interesting, I liked the story and such. Virmire was better, I played through that in just a couple days, finished it last night after getting home from being gone all day. :monster:


Er, anyways. So quick glance at Feros, I never drove off a bridge, 'twas easy for me to drive the mako anyhow so yeah. :awesome: HOWEVER I saw a gap in the rocks near the ocean on Virmire and decided to see what would happen if I drove into the ocean. Well, it's the toxic ocean of instant death, that's what. :monster:
Anyways my decision as follows: Sent Kaiden with the other team and Ashley with the bomb. When it came time to choose who to save, I went after Ashley. Tbh the pull to save either wasn't very strong, and thus I had no big love loss if either died. My decisions for doing it mostly boils down to Kaiden being boring to me and Ashley having more characterization to me. Plus she's all soldier and he has the same skills I have (Vanguard). So I went back to the bomb and saved her.
Also, I like that the Sovereign ship IS the Reaper. Nice plot point.
Saren has become a baddie I like. One I have some sympathy for since his dialogue on Virmire before you fight him.
Also, I rescued the Salarian who spoke clearly and let the Asari women go that was being held in a job she couldn't refuse. :monster: Crazy Salarian cracked his skull and I left him. XD
At the end, on my ship the entire Salarian team and captain Kirrahe made it. So apparently I helped them quite a bit.

I've now landed on Noveria (no more big side quests right now so I might as well continue with the big ones).
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