Mass Effect Series


boring as fuck Kaiden.



Pro Adventurer
I've beat the first game! :reptar:

I enjoyed it better than Feros, but not as much as Virmire. At first I wasn't sure if I liked the place, but I actually took a liking to the colony there. :monster:

Err choices... I got the Turian's data-stuffs from his office being ransacked, convinced him to testify, and the Salarian boss-dude was taken into custody.
Went after Benezia and found a rachni infested lab and Jesus are they dangerous if they get close.

Anyways the order of this mission went:
-Found the survivors.
-Went to find a cure for the doctor, got ambushed by the Asari, and took her out.
-Followed the passage that the Volus survivor from the hot labs showed me.
-Met Benezia and did the whole fight/scene with her.
-Came across Rachni Queen; I let her go alive.
-Finished clearing out hot labs like I promised, then left the facility.

I wrote that down because I thought I stumbled across someone saying that the way you do the order of events determines a couple things in said events. If it doesn't oh well :monster:

Back at the Citadel first, I did a bit more mission stuffs (let a dude take a photo of me... kinda creepy...) and then let Anderson pick what he'd rather do in order for us to escape the Citadel and go after Saren. Fucking Council, bunch of fucking twats that are true stuck-up-their-own-asses politicians :wacky:
Anderson knocked out Uduno (?) and we escaped, huzzah.

I did moar missions back in space before Ilos :monster:

Anyways Ilos was cool, captured the vibe of an ancient city that was horrifically destroyed thousands of years ago. I love these vibes, and the creepy statues definitely added to it. My headcanon is that those statues were Protheans that were turned by Reapers into Husk-thingies and then maybe fossilized by some weaponry :awesome:
Seriously though, I enjoyed the visuals of Ilos. I also enjoyed learning more about the Citadel, Protheans, Keepers, and Reapers. Nice bit of info dump for the end.

Does anyone try to fight those Geth constructs while racing to the relay? Like seriously, who's going to fall for than when you got one minute to drive to it :monster: I'd be running over any fucker that got in my way.

Last note, awww yeeeaaah that mini relay statue in the Citadel was foreshadowing :awesome: I love it so much. Foreshadowing is one of my favorite methods of storytelling; it's why ASOIAF is so big for me. :awesome:

I wish you could've explored more of the ruined Citadel, but oh well. :monster:
Oh was anyone else getting a twinge of 'serves you right' when the Reaper and Geth invade and destroy the spaceships around the Citadel? Like fuck you guys, you didn't listen to what I was saying, so there :wacky:


Err decisions made...
Chatted to Saren, and made full use of the dialogue. Poor guy ended up shooting himself, realizing he was doing the wrong thing. I avoided a fight, it seems; I really am glad to have seen him end this way though, it's definitely my preferred way of doing things (trying to convince someone to do good instead).

At the console, I made the decision to save the Council. I just find it very hard to abandon those that need saving, when I know I can do it, even if I dislike them. So for better or worse, they've been saved. They'd better change their attitudes. Twats :monster:

Sovaren Husk was creepy. :closedmonster:

Epic spaceship battle, wooooo

Final 'choice', I gave a vote for Anderson to be the human on the Council, let's see if that does anything. :monster:

Oh yeah, Garrus and Wrex were in my endgame party. For the record they were my standard party members. I like their characters and their abilities.

I'll try and download the next game tomorrow morning with bonus bytes and continue the series! :awesome:

Last thought about the game: I had fun with it, yet I feel like it has a low replay value. Fun to play for the first time (once you get past the beginning), but hard to want to play again. I take heart hearing that the next two are way better.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Now that I've finished ME3 I am STOKED to replay ME1.

Can't wait to hear what you do in ME2 Flare!!


Save your valediction (she/her)
I liked the ending. *shrug* it was so hyped down, I was just super glad my prediction was wrong.

I chose the third option, and created a new form of consciousness, which I find fascinating from a sci-fi perspective. The only thing I didn't like was the still-image-over-narration ending. Each of the ending options deserved a 5-10 minute ending movie, not a slideshow epilogue.

Also, I take some issue with how the writers treated AI like a lesser form of life before the ending. Like, EDI's narration is all "I'm alive!" Except that she'd been alive since Mass Effect 2.

Oh, also, the only Renegade quick-time event I took was to shoot the Illusive Man in the head. I don't know if that's supposed to be a boss fight but I just fucking hated that guy.


^it's a slide show because that's the extended cut ending DLC they released after the outcry of doom. There are a bunch of new scenes and dialogue sequences added there (like the
normandy appearing at the beam run, for example
). The original was just
beam - we did it son - god child - implied death of almost everyone no matter what you do
followed by a message about how awesome DLC is.

your prediction of space jesus was completely correct, what the fuck are you talking about :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
That's the extended cut??? Way to phone it in, team.

your prediction of space jesus was completely correct, what the fuck are you talking about :monster:

I mean, most protagonists are Jesus, so this didn't do anything special really. It was at least better than Matrix 3 and other sci-fi Jesuses (Jesi?). I was mostly just happy that there was no Afterlife for Shepard. Once you're dead you're dead. Maybe the whole last bit after Anderson bites it (meeting the God Child) it is a mid-death hallucination, or maybe it's legit sci-babble tomfoolery, but Shepard's journey ends at the catalyst. No forest, no reunion with lost friends. It's still hard(ish) sci fi.

Of course I'd played through all the DLC before the ending, so I was already satisfied-as-fuck. Dat Citadel DLC hnngggh


We have come to terms
The reason why this is so frustrating is that the ORIGINAL ending was going to be so much better. But then hacks happened and changes were made after the plot of the game was spoiled online months before the game's release.

The plot originally was actually a continuation of a small but major story device in Mass Effect 2 - specifically, Tali's recruitment mission and the subject of "dark energy". Mass Effect 3 was meant to be the final battle against the Reapers, only at the end you would have learned that the reason for the Reapers destroying advanced civilizations was that FTL travel was what was actually causing the creation of dark energy, and that these civilizations were actually slowly destroying the universe, and the Reapers were essentially intergalactic environmentalists trying to save the galaxy.

but I guess you can't have everything


Chloe Frazer

So Bioware sneaks in the first gameplay footage for ME4 when we were least expecting it.
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3x3 Eyes
It might have been the playback for me, but the lipsyncing seemed kind of off. Other than that ... it looks awesome.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen, find one and come back."

...because we all have one of those lying around. :closedmonster:


Pro Adventurer
Guys guys guys I just started the second ME



I'm really really enjoying it. It's hard to stop playing but I have to go to bed at some point. Omg. :closedmonster: My first impressions are good impressions. I'll play some more tomorrow and write more tomorrow I think.


Chloe Frazer
"If you're not watching this on a 4K screen, find one and come back."

...because we all have one of those lying around. :closedmonster:

I'm just gonna go to a Walmart or something and say to one of the people at the electronics section "Hi, a video game developer said I needed to watch this trailer on a 4K tv but I don't have one, can I borrow one of yours?.......Why are you walking away sir/ma'am? I think this is a completely reasonable thing to ask for."

Flare: ME2 is the best one of the trilogy. You're gonna love it.


News: Both the male and female Ryder are "canon". They're brother and sister and both exist within the game world regardless of which you choose. The N7 dude from one of the original trailers is their dad. Source.

Pretty cool IMO!
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