I think that writing thread does a better job than I could at giving advice. For beginners, I guess it is important to have the story make sense, so try and develop some kind of objective eye when reading what you've written. After all, you may understand it, but what about everyone else? Also, be efficient with the information communicated, and make it easy to read. I really think world-building is important too, so the more knowledgeable you are about your subject matter, the more complex and convincing your story can be.Writer to writer, what advice do you have?
If you want to publish to kindle, http://kdp.amazon.com <-- It has a step-by-step tutorial thing of how to do it. If I can follow it, so can everyone elseHow on earth did you do the publishing thing again? Pretty sure I asked about this a loooong time ago, but refresh my hazy mind.
Yop/Aaron/Remnant-of-VIII know you're straight, but if you had to snog/marry/avoid any guy on here?
Damn you, taking away my options. Soakette/Octo/ObsidianFire (*creepyface*?)The same question, but for women (also Dawn and Carlie DO NOT COUNT!).
Probably a nursery rhyme. I get easily tongue-tiedIf you had to rap to a song, what would it be?
I'm not really one for remembering good jokesTell us your best joke.
I'm definitely singerYou, me, Dawn and Carlie in a band - what role are you? Singer, drummer, guitar, etc? More importantly, what is our name?
Apparently being a successful artist is a time-consuming life, but I figure I could still appear on a regular basis. I could only imagine departing TLS if I met even more awesome people IRL (crowd goes "awww").Would you still dwell on TLS if you became a famous artist, or famous anything?
I'd say stirfry, but given that's what I always cook, that'd be pretty insulting. I might make up a crumbed chicken.I'm over at yours for a friendly dinner. What do you cook for me?
Meatlovers.What's your favourite pizza?
VB and XXXX are Australia's greatest selling beer. No one drinks fosters, like the stereotype suggests. Fosters owns popular brands of beer though.Do Aussies drink Fosters like I do?
Depends on the lore. Depends on a lot really. I'd probably team up with friends immediately, and give everyone a task to complete straight away. I fortunately know people with degrees in horticulture, but would probably have people collect some books on such, just in case they dieThe zombie apocalypse suddenly happens. Run us through what on earth you'll do and how you react to this cliched, but serious news?
Don't be so naiveIs it always sunny down under?
Anyone who disagrees with me >=). Just so I can see the source of the flaw of their reasoningYou get to read the mind of someone here - who is it?
Whoever has the best job security and health prospectsSame question, but with inhabiting their body.
Yes, Australia has a secret service. I don't think it gets up to as much exciting activities as something like Mossad though (that's what they want me to thinkYou're now the Australian James Bond (do you have a secret service?). What gadgets do you have at your disposal?
I guess I was surprised to a degree at how different English culture was to Australian culture. I thought the difference would be less. Hard to describe.You once said you lived in England before. What was your opinion about us before you came over?
Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. Probably in that order.Speaking of which, is there another country you'd fancy living in?
Do you still play it?Why won't you play Uncharted with us?![]()
Crimson.Favourite colour?
Lamb marinated in garlic. However, I had duck at some Korean restaurant that was an awfully close secondWhat's the best food dish you've ever eaten?
Liquorice.What food do you really hate?
Distance myself from what is winding me up, either physically and/or mentally. This is important when it comes to when I'm trying to get sleep. The last thing I want to be doing is thinking about stressful thingsWhen you're wound up about something what do you to to relax or calm down?
Probably my first trip to Canada.What's the most extravagant thing you've ever purchased?
Probably Dunlop. Cheap shoes (which now makes me question the chain of supply. God damn itWhat's your favourite shoe brand?
A bonobo. The most peacefulIf you could be an animal what animal would you be and why?
Given the power, what changes would you make to the world/various countries?
I'm not going to do anything stupid like jump out of a plane. However, I'd like to experience micro-gravity, despite my dislike of vomiting. In those "vomit comet" things, I think they give you an injection to reduce the likelihood anyway.What's something you'd love to try but have not yet dared to? Do you think you might do it one day?
HIVIf you could cure one disease, what would it be?
Disclaimer: I wouldn't kill anyone unless in self defence. This is a hypothetical scenarioIf you could assassinate one person in the world (a diplomatic tower of cards, as it were), who would you take out?
You get to meet 3 people from the present and the past. Who are they, and why?
Nope. It is a product of my childhood. I thought ghosts were cool, and the letter X was also cool.I am currious about your user name. Are you the 10th ghost? The goes of number 10? A former ghost that was somehow resurrected? Is it a reference to killing an "ex" of yours (like that bitch ex of mine is now a ghost)? Of am I just missing a key reference here?
Are you sure you're not a product of the tenth program in a series of clandestine government operations to produce powerful covert operatives, and didn't, in fact, escape into the Canadian wilderness from one of this program's facilities after being imbued with properties that made your already resilient form nearly indestructible?
Retractable claws may also be involved.
You get to meet 3 people from the present and the past. Who are they, and why?
Ever had any dreams involving people from TLS?![]()
Your favourite game in the Metal Gear series?
What got you interested in ancient Greek philosophy?
I answered what I'd do for the U.S. here. I wouldn't change most of this today. I'd enact similar policies for other countries, albeit with some differences (most countries don't have military budgets as grossly out of proportion as the U.S.'s, for example, so that's one thing that applies to the U.S. that wouldn't apply to other countries). Probably other things you mentioned as well.I'm not strong on libertarian socialist theory, so I can only go by models that currently exist in the world. Being a dictator, as the question implies, kind of defeats the purpose anyway, I guess.
First off, as a priority, all states with the capacity should majorly invest in the research and development of technology that would lead to the best case scenario in regard to climate change. We must ween ourselves off fossil fuels, asap. If corporate welfare should be given, it shouldn't be to oil companies, but renewable energy companies. The violence in the world and displaced groups of people caused by it you see today is nothing compared to what will happen in the future otherwise.
I'd then realign state boundaries in some places of the world to reflect cultural groups, rather than those drawn by western colonists over the past few hundred years, which is causing many modern day clashes, and stifling progress in those regions. Some cultures simply don't mix, because they are unable to reason with each other (due to conflicting baseless ideologies). Separate them, educate them (with a rational theory of knowledge), and they can naturally reintegrate down the track (as Reason is a unifying force). The more divided a state's population, the more extreme the views are on either side of the divide. This is what you're seeing in Iraq and Syria now. Remove the divide, let things calm down, or it will happen anyway in a violent fashion.
All constitutions would have something like the US's first amendment, complete with first clause and separation clause (with the added separation of money and state). Election campaigns would be financed by taxpayers. Reason would rule debate, not money. Secular governments free from all forms of corruption are the only governments that can represent everyone equally. Representatives would also receive AUD$100,000 at most a year, so they can better represent their people.
I could write many more paragraphs. I would ask you the same question also
Yop was in one. He taught me how to ski.
Yop was in one. He taught me how to ski.
The list is quite small, because I was always worried about my finances I was rather conservative in my travels (despite being a few thousand in the black when leavingWhat part/s of the UK did you live in/visit etc? Thoughts theron/therof?
Spiders are a regular event, though fortunately only of the less dangerous garden variety. I've encountered more deadly kinds, but fortunately at a distance. Fortunately my encounters with snakes have been rather second hand, eg: Driving over them, or seeing one after someone else has killed them. Working in a kangaroo meat factory, I've encountered lots of dead kangaroos, fresh from the truck. Encountered live ones too, both in nature and in a zoo (where they even allow you to pet themAustralia is home to all of the most evil animals (spiders, snakes, kangaroos, man) have you had any encounters with any of them? Did you smush them righteously under your Blunnies? Do you wear Blunnies?
I really don't mind the work side of manual labour jobs I've done, and would love to work them again, but only if I knew I was working with good management, good co-workers, and good machinery, but in my experience, there is no such combination.What is your ideal job? (besides obviously being able to make a living as an artist)
I get the impression it is actually less batshit than Australia, but then I hear that's only because their government actually represents their people more than our government does here, and that we are culturally very similar otherwise. They seem like nice folk. I don't partake in nationalistic nonsense, beyond barracking for home teams in sport.Aus and NZ seem to have a rivalry going, how do you feel about New Zealanders in general?
I said "in one" because I dreamt of a TLS member "in one" dream(Re: Dreams featuring TLS members) In one.... Who was in the others?
It wouldn't be unprecedented for me to develop a bond with a person I've met on a forum, but distance is generally the issue. I don't do LDRs. I've given up my globe-trotting skirt-chasing ways for now too. So unless a local lass becomes a member, it is probably a no. I have no issue moving country to be with someone, just as long as their country isn't completely batshit, though I'm not in a position to do such now or for a few years anyway. They'd have to be suitably rational (Would ever get together romantically with someone on TLS? Would distance be a problem? Would you expect them to move to you, or would you be willing to move to them? What qualities would that person have to have to really get you?
No.Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
No.Have you ever broken a bone? Or had any other serious accident?
- Getting good grades academically (so far).What are your top 3 proudest achievements?
I love a good mocha, but tea is healthier, ain't it?What's better tea or coffee?
Who do you think is the best girl and boy at sex in the forum?![]()
Who do you think is the best girl and boy at sex in the forum?![]()
I have visions of test tubes and scaffolding now @_@scientists and engineers would probably be the best in bed
I figure you're talking to Carlie, but sure, all three of the people I mentioned in an awkward threesome. I ship them!I need clarification, you mean with each other or individually?
I said I'd marry you in a previous answer here (hope you don't mind), but I guess that would be illegal@Ghost, you have to marry one TLS member, and breed (or adopt if it's a guy) and you can't get divorced or anything. Otherwise aliens are going to blow up the Earth! You don't want that to happen do you?! So yeah, who do you choose?
I said I'd marry you in a previous answer here (hope you don't mind),
I dunno, you'd have to ask the Aliens, they're pretty conservative with a small 'c'nothing was said about open relationships.
The current face is based uponSo what's with that face in your avatar?
I figure you're talking to Carlie, but sure, all three of the people I mentioned in an awkward threesome. I ship them!
I said I'd marry you in a previous answer here (hope you don't mind), but I guess that would be illegal. Bigamy, etc. Seeing as you haven't given me restrictions however *glares at Ami* and we're going for legal options, I'd say Carlie (apologies in advance). On the plus side, I'd probably be entertaining for a couple of years, and although you can't divorce me, nothing was said about open relationships
If there were some way around the distance problem (let's say the Doctor left you his TARDIS) which, if any, forum members would you date?
The current face is based upon![]()