Michael Jackson is dead.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

Anyone who isn't moved by the second video is simply not human. Though it's a bit odd seeing a family grieve that publicly, but there's pretty much no way a family that exposed to the media wouldn't be receiving publicity in such a circumstance regardless of whether they wanted to or not.


NO! Not the girl again! :'(

It does, and it's the one that already exists! Icecap Zone, Hydrocity Zone, Carnival Night Zone, and ESPECIALLY the ending/credits theme are all the remnants of the work he did. Youtube those tracks and listen, you can definitely hear the MJ in those songs.

Actually, MJ was never officially contracted to do anything, as far as I know. There's a whole lot of conflicting interviews and such but it pretty much seems like there was some communication going on between him and the SEGA sound department, but the higher-ups never authorized anything.

The reason why a lot of stuff sounds so MJ-like is simply because his sound guys and band members were composers for the game.

Tbh, if he ever DID do anything for a Sonic game, I think he'd be more original than just sampling his own stuff, like the "Jam"-bit in Carnival Night. Also, most song resemblances can only be heard if you alter the songs or change their tempo somewhat. All of that makes this pretty fishy imo. I still don't hear the resemblance in the staff roll music and Stranger in Moscow, for example.

There was one youtube video that tried proving how similar they are by slowing down the credits music and overlaying it with Stranger in Moscow. But it didn't really sound alike at all, it was just a great mash-up of two songs that worked really well together.

I guess his guys were just inspired by his sound since they've worked with him for so long, but I don't think any actual original stuff by Jackson was ever composed, if it's ever been seriously considered.

Oh yeah, read this, raises a few good points imo:
http://www.sega-16.com/feature_page.php?id=392&title=Sega Legends: Michael Jackson & Sonic 3
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm really fucking pissed right now.

This is the cruelist, stupidest, and offensive publicity stunt I've ever seen in my life.

Michael Jackson is alive. I just fucking saw him today. I have no idea what he's trying to pull but he's as alive as you and me, man. I'm offended he'd do this.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm really fucking pissed right now.

This is the cruelist, stupidest, and offensive publicity stunt I've ever seen in my life.

Michael Jackson is alive. I just fucking saw him today. I have no idea what he's trying to pull but he's as alive as you and me, man. I'm offended he'd do this.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm not lying, man. I'm dead serious.

All of this shit seems a bit suspcious now.

Look at the first posts here. Don't you think it was strange how all the news coverage was only saying he was unconscious but then AFTERWARDS they said he died and CNN was the last person to say so? As if they were pressured into reporting that?

And why have we not seen a body? And why is it taking so long for the toxicology reports to finish?

This sounds like Elvis all over again. Which is ironic because Jackson told Lisa Marie that he was sure he was gonna end up like Elvis...which means "ALIVE BUT IN HIDING FOR MONEY."


Don't ruin this thread with conspiracy bullshit imo. :monster:

The little girl crying is proof enough he died imo.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Is that really is kid? Who is she? How do we even know that's Paris and not some actress he paid off?

I'm just stating the truth. Here's what I want to know. Since Michael protected his children from the spotlight all their lives, why would he stop a few days before his death?

Also, they always wore masks. We don't know what their faces look like. All we can do is just take their word for it. Do you have proof that thats his daughter?

Do you trust someone wearing a mask?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Elvis, Tupac and Michael Jackson are all chillin on their own private island somewhere laughing at all of us man.

Fuck you, I'm putting on my tin foil hat.


fresh to death
I'm really fucking pissed right now.

This is the cruelist, stupidest, and offensive publicity stunt I've ever seen in my life.

Michael Jackson is alive. I just fucking saw him today. I have no idea what he's trying to pull but he's as alive as you and me, man. I'm offended he'd do this.




EDIT: Also i called it first, fuckers.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Elvis, Tupac and Michael Jackson are all chillin on their own private island somewhere laughing at all of us man.

Fuck you, I'm putting on my tin foil hat.

Actually they're probably somewhere on Easter Island with the Moai by now but yeah, pretty much.

It makes me sick to my stomach how much they lie to us and milk us fans for our money and sympathies, knowing how much we care.

But I will say this. Michael Jackson is dead now. Dead to me.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You're right, you did call it. I was stupid to doubt you :(

I thought he'd be different and not pull this shit.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I spotted Michael Jackson the other week in the Leeds General Infirmary.

He wasn't looking too good mind :/ He was in the children's ward having a stroke.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Michael Jackson just trolled the world, we're entitled to troll his thread imo.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It's official. CNN has officially run out of shit to run news stories over.
No they haven't, there's a fuckton of illegal/dodgy crap being done by our government and large corporations that they haven't touched with a ten foot pole, probably because Time Warner is complicit in a lot of it. They're running with this crap because it distracts people from the real issues and because it's profitable.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No they haven't, there's a fuckton of illegal/dodgy crap being done by our government and large corporations that they haven't touched with a ten foot pole, probably because Time Warner is complicit in a lot of it. They're running with this crap because it distracts people from the real issues and because it's profitable.

That's pretty much what I meant. :monster:

They're stupid to run a fucking news story on something so nonsensical and untrue since Michael Jackson is still alive and you can't reincarnate the living because that's like dividing by zero and the universe would implode and they're obviously running on the hype of the alleged death of the King of Pop.


Diamond Dust...
I'm not really sure, I heard he was going to play some shows and called up my rents asking if they wanted to go for old times sake, then they sorted the rest out.
We had tickets for a few of the nights but the first load got canceled before he died didn't they.
Well, the first four dates were postponed. The first date, for 8th July (the one I was supposed to see) was postponed until 13th July and the other three were postponed until March 2010, much to thousands of people's disappointment.

EVERYONE was in that video.

In fact, I was there too.

And so were you.

I lol'd. Yeah, EVERYONE was in that video. I love Weird Al's accordion part.


Pinkfish, Fish
Yeah it wasn't one of the first few untill it was pusponed it was ment to be this week some time? I think it mite have been this thursday, well I'm going so so that Thriller play this thursday anyway, not that its comparable.
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