[Mideel] In this topic I comment on all of the towns of FF7.


Anyone else who'd like some fanservice in a remake? Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith in bathing suits, anyone...? :awesome:


That One Person
I've been following this thread and have to say it's pretty neat to hear your commentary.

Now that I think about it, Costa del Sol is a bit of an odd town. And I do agree, I hope they make it larger in a remake (this would apply to several locations, actually). Not necessarily the ability to explore the entire thing, but some skyscrapers and city landscapes in the background, and maybe some more traffic. And a volleyball mini-game. Or something. That way we can get guys and girls in bathing suits :awesome:
Pro-tip: Don't stay at the inn before speaking to Hojo at the beach or he won't be there! At least that's what happened to me the first time I played through there.

Me too. I spent ages looking for him.
What I enjoy about CdS are the things the party does there - Barret posing in his sailor suit in front of the bathroom mirror in the inn because Aerith said it looked cute; Tifa catching up with Jonny and making Cloud jealous; Yuffie and her schemes for getting materia....

Please, though, NOT Miami. Costa del Sol's in Spain and based on Spain. It should be Mediterranean - white villas with terracotta roofs, old churches, dark bodegas down back alleys, tiled courtyards with fountains, bougainvillea everywhere.... In fact, a lot of the older parts of their world have a distintly European feel: Kalm's very German, Nibelheim ditto; there's Costa del Sol of course, Rocket Town looks kind of English, and Icicle Inn resembles Switzerland.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Please, though, NOT Miami. Costa del Sol's in Spain and based on Spain. It should be Mediterranean - white villas with terracotta roofs, old churches, dark bodegas down back alleys, tiled courtyards with fountains, bougainvillea everywhere.... In fact, a lot of the older parts of their world have a distintly European feel: Kalm's very German, Nibelheim ditto; there's Costa del Sol of course, Rocket Town looks kind of English, and Icicle Inn resembles Switzerland.

Come on, no speed boats? :monster:

Ghost X

I envisage a 'remake' of Costa Del Sol, with a port about the same size as presented in the game, but with a coastal string of resort-like houses with a Spanish and pacific islander feel to them. I didn't mind Costa Del Sol. I think it only felt out of place, because there isn't much to do there, not even story-wise.
I just had to say something about Junon. Playing through the game today for about the sixth time, I discovered, for the first time, the bar in Junon where Tseng, Reno, and Elena are having a drink while Rude's off shooting craps with some tough dudes elsewhere. I never even knew those three were there to be found! A little treat.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I always figured the FFVII version of Costa Del Sol to be a lot bigger than the game presents it to be, because well, port towns are historically usually pretty large (New York City, for a major example), and doubly so when it's connected to another big city (in FFVII's case, Junon). I figured if this city had a real life equal, I'd like it to be Miami. That would be pretty cool. It's a pretty modern city with a modern port, docks, helipad, cruise liner, sea planes, etc etc. It's pretty cool to see.

It's not strange that it's a little village, I can tell you that. Most locations at the real Costa del Sol are not very big. I loved the "resort" feeling that the FFVII Costa del Sol had.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Ah, thanks for the insight!

Still though, I would think it should be bigger given its location and function relevant to FFVII's world. It's a transcontinental port town connected to the second largest city in the world. Traffic alone should make it at least the 4th (after the capital of Wutai, which I'd imagine would be 3rd)


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Always a pleasure! :monster:

Maybe they made it that small to give that feeling of “tranquil place”.

You are right about the relationship about population and traffic. However, that doesn’t mean that Costa del Sol has to be a big city like NY or Miami. For what I understood of the FFVII world, only Shinra operated as a transport company: ships were of Shinra, as helicopters and planes. If Shinra held a complete monopoly over shipping business, that would reduce the number of installations and workers necessary to run business, so the population wouldn’t grow much.

That leaves tourism. I agree in this case that what we saw in the game was too small if it was the only beach resort in the world. At least they should have a hotel instead of an inn.

TresDias said:
Come on, no speed boats? :monster:

Lol! There are speed boats at the real Costa del Sol, so don't worry.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
hey guys whats up im going to totally gloss over the fact its been a week since i've updated this hee hee



Sorry, this is really the only pic I could find. North Corel is understandably not very popular. Which is understandable, because this place is a shithole. And it's not even a shithole with real character, like the slums; no, North Corel is just a straight up legit shithole with no real reason for anyone to visit it. No industry, no commerce, no anything.

The only real intereaction this town probably gets with the outside world is with people who pass by to get to the Gold Saucer, which is really strange because why would a world class resort's entrance be in the shittiest town on the planet? It's like having to go through South Compton to get to the ticket gate for Disney World. I suppose the explanation that a lot of us came up with is that 1. It's most likely not the only entrance and 2. Since the screen with the tram and North Corel itself look different and have a generally different feel, there's probably some distance between the two places. Not game breaking or anything, but hey, crazy, eh?

From a narrative point of view though, it's just to get Barret's background story off the ground and get your party to the Gold Saucer in one fell swoop.

Also, I'm sure all of you have noticed the faint outline of a highway on the ground here, and ruined buildings. So this place had a function in society at one point.

Next up, the Gold Saucer!

also main page updated
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Pro Adventurer
I hated North Corel solely for the fact that I would try to run through the town and get to the Gold Saucer tram only for that DAMNED GUY pacing across the road to RUN INTO ME EVERY SINGLE GORRAM TIME. Even when I actively tried to avoid him.

North Corel can burn.


Higher Further Faster

All for you. :)

But uh, ehem COREL! YEAH! AWESOME! Even though it's kind of a shitty town. :D

Least favorite part of the game. Mainly because of Dyne. I don't like him, he's too mellow-dramatic.


Higher Further Faster
What I had to say was actually serious. You brought up good points that I want an answer for. I also seriously did not like that part of the game, and mostly I think I really do blame Dyne. I'm wishing that he would have already been dead instead of what he actually was. :/


Green Mage
Does the part with Cid controlling the train count as part of North Corel? That would be a highlight of the town for me.

Ghost X

I actually thought North Corel was pretty cool. That is if we include the train tracks that go to it n' the train you have to stop before it possibly destroys the town etc. I like having that sort of power :monster:.
Barret needs more love. I love Barret, and I love Corel - much more than Costa del Sol. It's the arsehole of their world. It's the place that really made me hate Shinra. It's like a real refugee camp: the energy of the kids, the despair of the adults; the guy down by the river lying on his bed all day; the madness of the old train engineer; the one who sits around dreaming of leaving, but making the need to actually act on that dream contigent on the impossible "If I had the money...." Quite aside from the awesomeness that is Cid, Barret and Vincent hijacking a train, how can any fail to see the greatness of Corel itself? It is the antidote to Costa del Sol; it's everything that's wrong with their world.

I also loved Dyne. I found his battle with Barret and his death really moving. So there.


Double Growth
I hated North Corel solely for the fact that I would try to run through the town and get to the Gold Saucer tram only for that DAMNED GUY pacing across the road to RUN INTO ME EVERY SINGLE GORRAM TIME. Even when I actively tried to avoid him.

North Corel can burn.

You could just crash the train through it, you know. One of the few ties you can actually decide the fate of a city, lol. Of course, the train through the middle of town actually impedes the path to Gold Saucer a tad, but hey, that guy will be out of your way. :monster:

Ted Lange as your Bartender said:
which is really strange because why would a world class resort's entrance be in the shittiest town on the planet

Well Orlando isn't really the best city in the world either. :P It's not Corel or anything, but it is kinda boring.
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