Most popular FFVII pairings?


Pro Adventurer
Because IMO there isn't really much to say about it... they're having a pre-battle moment, comforting each other with some physical action. That's basically it. We already know the conversation that presumably took place right before, so there's not much to say there. I don't know, yeah, there wouldn't be much to say except "he touched her there, clothes were removed in such and such way" - it goes into detail too easily, and there's a fine balance when writing good smut of keeping things explicit while still leaving some stuff up to the imagination of the reader.

Yeah I agree. The story posted by Unlucky Pug was written really well but it's too "sexy" and lacks awkwardness IMO. I have yet to find an HW scene where Cloud and Tifa's emotions are explored deeply (savoring their last moments, afraid of death etc.)

edit; And thanks for that Zerith fic, I'll read that once I'm done with something. :D

And again, new stats as requested by Chev Chelios.

On a different note, I do wonder which paring has the highest percentage of wangst. Some Cloti and Clerith fics are so god damn depressing it hurts. Then again I don't read the yaoi stuff, but I'd imagine those fics would probably be fairly OOC in general.

Fic filtered under angst, note that I only searched 4 pairs:

Clack - 359
Cloti - 364
Clerith - 283
Clephiroth - 265

By percentage to total fanfics, orz the wangst incidence rate

Clerith - 21% --> Highest wangst
Sephesis - 21% --> Highest too (added)
Clack -19%
Clephiroth - 16%
Cloti - 14%

Tragedy, I only searched 3 pairs

Clack - 144
Clerith - 97
Zerith - 52

Tragedy fics/total fanfics of the certain pair

Zerith - 10%
Clack - 7%
Clerith - 7%

EDIT: I searched Sephesis and it has a high number of wangst:

Sephesis - 79 fics total, 21% rate

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Yeah I agree. The story posted by Unlucky Pug was written really well but it's too "sexy" and lacks awkwardness IMO. I have yet to find an HW scene where Cloud and Tifa's emotions are explored deeply (savoring their last moments, afraid of death etc.)

The fic seem to focus on the idea of their 'first time' but you're right, not much feelings are conveyed. Nonetheless it's a good fic ^_^

Tragedy/total fanfics.

Zerith - 10%
Clack - 7%
Clerith - 7%

Clack equally popular as Clerith? :)



Pro Adventurer
Clack equally popular as Clerith? :)

Just to be safe, I must clarify that it's the percentage of tragedy fics over their total fanfics, not the total of

Zerith tragic fics/total Zerith fics is the formula. I means 1 out of 10 Zerith fics are tragic, a higher rate than 7 out of 100 for Clerith and Clack. if I were to interpret this, I would say that Clack and Clerith are equally tragic to the fans.

EDIT: I searched if there's anything about Johnny and there was one fic for him, and guess who he was with? Genesis. :closedmonster:
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Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Clack and Cloti. I see so much fanart and fanfiction and love for these two pairings, they easily top all the others, imo. And I'm not complaining in the least bit.

Then again, there are certain pairings I avoid like the plague in fanfiction so maybe I'm just biased. :awesome:


Clack and Cloti. I see so much fanart and fanfiction and love for these two pairings, they easily top all the others, imo. And I'm not complaining in the least bit.

Then again, there are certain pairings I avoid like the plague in fanfiction so maybe I'm just biased. :awesome:

Same here. Couldn't care much about the rest. :monster:


So where does one go to find all these fics? I haven't read a good long one in years, and some I saved I can't remember where I got them from.

The name "Eric Bakutis" springs to mind. It stood out to me because no one was OOC and there are like 20 chapters, and it's post game. There may have been Clack (or Cloti), but I think it was mostly non-smut. Can't really remember.

EDIT: I've just found that fic on my computer. It was written in 1997. OMFG.


Pro Adventurer
I'm lazy to do another thread but I made a list based on Pixiv fanarts, but it includes all other FF couples. All fanarts without filter:

TidusxTerra- 5
RamzaxDelita - 5
BaschxAshe -7
BaschxBalthier - 7
KainxRosa- 8
DelitaxOvelia- 10
Noctella - 16
CloudxFirion - 17
RamzaxAgrias - 19
SnowxHope - 25
VaanxPenelo - 26
BalthierxFran - 26
Balthierx Vaan - 26
FirionxLightning - 35
HopexVanille - 35
NoctisxLightning - 37
SnowxSerah -37
ZidanexKuja - 38
ZackxSephiroth - 38
LightningxSnow - 46
BaschxVossler - 59
WoLxCosmos - 60
CloudxBartz - 65
CecilxRosa - 65

CecilxKain - 77
SquallxSeifer - 83
SquallxZidane - 84
Yuffientine - 85
LockexTerra - 88
CelesxTerra - 97
Noerah - 107
AerTi - 110

NoelxHope - 125
FangxVanille - 129
WOLxFirion -141
BartzxLena - 163
CelesxLocke - 297
Tidus x Yuna - 309 :(

10. SquallxCloud - 313

9. ZidanexGarnet - 402

8. Clephiroth - 430

7. Zerith- 455

6. SquallxBartz - 524

5. Squinoa - 531

4. Clack - 603

3.Clerith - 620

2. Cloti -848
*note around 20 fanarts in Cloti are CloudxTidus and CloudxTerra

1. HopexLightning - 1078

Kermitu Kleric Katie

CecilxKain is moar popular than CecilxRosa? That just ain't right. Yaoi fangirls, stay away from mah FFIV. And why does LightningxSnow have moar than SerahxSnow? Lightning hates him. And why does VaanxBalthier have moar than VaanxPenelo? People seriously ship Vaan with Balthier? And Clack and Clerith should NOT have moar than Zerith.

I'm not surprised Cloti is the most popular FFVII pairing on Pixiv. They have the most fics on, and Cloti fics tend to get the most favs.

And Pixiv needs moar AerTi fanarts. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
AeriSeph in my opinion is the guilty pleasure of the fandom.Or in my case and other cases their favorite fanon pairing.Besides it was once originally supposed to be canon as well.They are so different but at the same time so alike.But enough of my gushing I guess we should talk more about other fan prefered pairings.

Although I think Lightening would probably jump from a train rather than marry Snow.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Yeah, though I think the least plausible pairing out of all of these is Clephiroth. Both Cloud and Sephiroth hate the other with a deep, burning passion. Why would they want to enter a romantic relationship with each other?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Yeah, though I think the least plausible pairing out of all of these is Clephiroth. Both Cloud and Sephiroth hate the other with a deep, burning passion. Why would they want to enter a romantic relationship with each other?

Don't enter logic into a crazy yaoi fan's mind.


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Don't enter logic into a crazy yaoi fan's mind.
I totally agree. Clephiroth is just a drop in a comprehensive ocean of questionable yaoi/slash pairings. It’s sad, but the same thing has happened in the Phantom of the Opera fandom. There are a number of “Phans” who pair Erik (The Phantom) and Raoul together, in spite of them being rivals and trying to kill each other. There’s some sexual tension going on, certainly, considering the fact that both men are fighting over the same woman. :\ Yeah, that’s shipper logic for you. I don’t see how people can square the pairing, when it comes to both men’s affections for Christine, but somehow they do. I just fail to understand how. A threesome—or a ménage à trois, since POTO is a French novel—however, would be an entirely different animal. :monster:
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I stopped trying to understand rabid fan-girls of any type of pairing that is not in some way supported by canon a long time ago. Now if we could only find a way to filter the difference between same-sex romance and same-sex friendship... that would make me really happy.

What doesn't help is when fics go plausibly AU and allow for plausible friendships/pairing to happen that aren't canon, but make sense in the AU. From what I've seen, that's what a large majority of Cloud/Sephiroth pairings are.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I'm actually new to this whole fandom. I've been a FF7 fan since it came out; I just was too silly to ever look around the 'net and realize there were rabid fans for it everywhere. I've never read any fanfics for it.

That said; I'm quite surprised too that Clerith isn't quite as high on the list as I'd expected, because all this time I totally thought them to be canon myself. Heck; even if in the game you had Tifa's affection high and went on the date with her, after Aerith died Cloud just went ballistic and Tifa fell off his radar. His interest in Aerith was just unavoidable. Oh and; I totally shipped them, too. :p First game I ever cried to, that death took me by surprise. - Yes, I hadn't spoiled that surprise. It just...snuck up on me.


Mr. Thou
Welcome to the fandom. You'll fit in like a bee in a Blind Melon video.

Also, welcome to the ankle-grasping claw that is the Love Triangle Debate (LTD).

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I just want to say, I think the reason the number of Zerith fics is so low is because Zerith is usually tacked on as a side airing in Cloti fics rather than made a main pairing. At least, that's what I've noticed. It's especially common in AUs(actually, it's pretty much exclusive to them. Any In-universe Cloti fic with Zerith in it always has Zerith as being together in the afterlife). And there's also the fact that Zerith(and Zack in general, really) only really started to get popular after CC. Before that, we hadn't seen any of their relationship, and Zack was just a minor bit character with a major role in the backstory.
And you might wanna update your statistics Danseru, as the number of fics has most definitely grown since last year.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
You know I find it kinda creepy that anyone would ship Vincent and Hojo together.I mean come on the guy ruined Vinnie's life and Vincent will probably never really get over Lucrecia.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

You know I find it kinda creepy that anyone would ship Vincent and Hojo together.I mean come on the guy ruined Vinnie's life.
I'm actually not surprised. It's not uncommon for people to ship the two ends of the love triangle of the same gender together. That's why pairings such as AerTi, Celes/Terra(though that's not an actual love triangle, but several crazy fans like to claim it is), Clack, VeronicaxBetty, SquallxSeifer, CecilxKain, etc. exist. Granted most of those have other reasons for people shipping them as well, but a common one is "Why are we arguing over whether X or Y is better for Z? Let's just put X and Y together!"


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I'm actually not surprised. It's not uncommon for people to ship the two ends of the love triangle of the same gender together. That's why pairings such as AerTi, Celes/Terra(though that's not an actual love triangle, but several crazy fans like to claim it is), Clack, VeronicaxBetty, SquallxSeifer, CecilxKain, etc. exist. Granted most of those have other reasons for people shipping them as well, but a common one is "Why are we arguing over whether X or Y is better for Z? Let's just put X and Y together!"

But its Hojo!!!I mean I barerly can imagine him and Lucrecia together but him and Vincent that just makes my skin crawl.
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