"I've seen enough."
- Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Too much awesome for one day. First the most recent Korra episode, then the MLP:FIM season finale.
Just...SQUEE. SQUEE. A MILLION TIMES. SQUEE. It's like a dream come true!
The action! The ponies! Wow, I did not expect them to end the season with a bang like this one!
In fact, I'm going to re-watch it now. Just because.
You can rub it in?!
I heard the whole thing's on YouTube. True?
Do agree with much of that. I guess I was already aware that the brother thing was not planned beforehand, and so it was impossible for him to have been mentioned.
One particular fake heart-warming moment was when everyone leaves the throne room, leaving a devastated Twilight, since even the princess is mad at her. We then see fake Cadance stroking her head for a moment. I seriously d'awww-ed there. Because I thought she'd be like "I'm sorry and the reason I was different is this and that" after Twilight says she's sorry. But no, it didn't happen. Still, it was powerful the first time I saw it.
Do agree with much of that. I guess I was already aware that the brother thing was not planned beforehand, and so it was impossible for him to have been mentioned. Anyway...
One particular fake heart-warming moment was when everyone leaves the throne room, leaving a devastated Twilight, since even the princess is mad at her. We then see fake Cadance stroking her head for a moment. I seriously d'awww-ed there. Because I thought she'd be like "I'm sorry and the reason I was different is this and that" after Twilight says she's sorry. But no, it didn't happen. Still, it was powerful the first time I saw it.
The funny part is that by that part I'd mostly made up my mind that Cadance was up to something. Even the scene just prior to that seemed to speak to that, but then we get to that scene and I was like... "Was... was I wrong?"
Exactly! It's the same that happened to me, too! Also, I'd love for them to appear again. Even if it's just as just-a-few-lines and every-now-and-then... It would make a lot more sense, right? And would help give the feeling of cohesion.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I first heard that Twilight shared a VA with Rikku. Way to get typecast, Tara.Tara is the best pony. I mean, seriously. She's embraced the fandom SO MUCH that she just loves her army of brony-fans. And she loves trolling. Oh God I love that. And then I found out she was the VA for Rikku in FFX and I found it even greater!
Yeah, no kidding. I mean, ASH KETCHUM?!Tara is the VA for everything
seriously its not even a joke