Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm still lost as to who Tobi is now, can't be Obito. Or is it?

Either way, Madara's powers are so BROKEN! D:


I thought of this last week, but I really felt I had no reason whatsoever to think this was the case. I still feel quite similar, but... for some reason it's the more plausible explanation?

I was leaning towards X-SOLDIER's theory last week, but the way Madara said "this is something he would do." Doesn't sound like something you'd say about a copy of yourself.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I was leaning towards X-SOLDIER's theory last week, but the way Madara said "this is something he would do." Doesn't sound like something you'd say about a copy of yourself.

Well, I don't think that you would refer to your clone as "I" either, so it's tought to tell until we start getting proper information about it.

X :neo:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Loving Madara more and more with each chapter,I thought that when they created Pain they were really pulling out an enemy with seemingly god like powers but Madara is on a whole new level.
Regardless of Kabuto's intentions I highly doubt it would be much trouble for Madara to do the same thing as Itachi and use his own Sharingan to secure dominance over his body. That said from what they have shown I think even Kabuto would have trouble forcing his will onto Madara.

I really want to see the connection between Tobi and Madara now, something tells me Tobi is more likely to be Madara's brother and he was merely carrying on a plan Madara had envisioned before dying.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Blown away by Madara attempting to just summon Kyubi outright and the effect that it had on Naruto. I was also pleased by Kabuto referring to Madara as "a good card to have" because it's very much in his character to use a phrase like that, which is something we haven't seen in a while. We're also seeing proper destruction and death on the Alliance side again which is significant, and with Tsunade and Oonoki going into battle, I think we may see some big players dying soon.

I also absolutely giggled with excitement when Kyubi gave Naruto the, "Between you and him, I choose you." line. His relationship with Kyubi is reaching a very new level of cooperation, and he's gonna need it, especially since it took all the energy Kyubi leant him JUST to stop Madara's mokuton.

We also got to see Naruto experiencing the horrors of war- his clone gets saved while hundreds of other Shinobi die around him. Not to mention the fact that Edo Tensei finally makes sense as a technique - It's meant to wipe out a battlefield entirely, and then the Edo person just regenerates. I can't imagine how/why the Second developed the technique.

Totally wicked chapter.

X :neo:


We also got to see Naruto experiencing the horrors of war- his clone gets saved while hundreds of other Shinobi die around him.

X :neo:

Yeah, Madara shows up and things get serious. Hope he ditched this camp soon to go pick on some other characters as well.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
:excited: Madara, Kyuubi, Naruto, Rasengan... I'm happier then a cat with a quart of cream!

And we finally get to know what Edo Tensai was used for. Very creepy that someone has to die before you can actually use it. There are a lot of loopholes though. I wonder how Madara knows how it is supposed to be used. Since he says the Nindaime Hokage came up with it, it sounds like it was used after Hashirama died.

It's funny watching Tsunade and Shikaku theorize about Madara and Tobi. Compared to us, they know almost nothing about the situation. And Tsunade is going out! Given Harashima was her grandfather, there should be some interesting conversations ahead. I get the feeling she'd going to have the most epic death of the Sannin.

Finally it's confirmed that Madara did not die at the Valley of the End. Okay, that Mokuton jutsu is insane. And it's Madara so Hashirama was even more powerful. So glad he isn't able to be resurrected.

The scene with Kyuubi is epic. I don't think I ever expected him to be okay with being in Naruto from the way the series started.

My favorite part of this chapter is at the end where Madara says that Naruto is "Some Kid" and Kabuto is surprised that Madara thinks so highly of Naruto. I really want to see what Sasuke's reaction to that would be.

I don't think Tobi is Izuna. That would mean that Izuna has been alive since before the Hidden village system was up and running. For me, that's a bit of a stretch. He also has the whole Mokuton thing going on whenever he gets hurt and that seems more like a Zetsu thing then anything else. And he has Madara's Mangekyou Sharingan. The only place he could get that from is Madara's body. Long story short: it's too early to tell.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
And we finally get to know what Edo Tensai was used for. Very creepy that someone has to die before you can actually use it. There are a lot of loopholes though. I wonder how Madara knows how it is supposed to be used. Since he says the Nindaime Hokage came up with it, it sounds like it was used after Hashirama died.

The technique may have been developed before then by the Nidiame though, even if he wasn't the Hokage at the time.

And Tsunade is going out! Given Harashima was her grandfather, there should be some interesting conversations ahead. I get the feeling she'd going to have the most epic death of the Sannin.

Agreed 100% here.

Okay, that Mokuton jutsu is insane. And it's Madara so Hashirama was even more powerful. So glad he isn't able to be resurrected.

This is the same technique that Orochimaru made Hashirama use when battling the Sandaime Hokage, the only difference being that Hashirama was being contained within a box, and could only use a fraction of it without completely compromizing their combat space.

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

The beginning of this chapter bore me with all this preaching. However, once I saw Tsunande on the move, I screamed. Her kicking Madara was AWESOME. And the last page... HHNNNNNNNG! :excited::excited:

Not much to say, apart from the fact that I fangirl-ed like crasy. GO, Tsunande!!


Harbinger O Great Justice
This chapter did a good job summarizing a lot of the core themes about the Shinobi Alliance vs. Madara's Akatsuki. Getting to see young Onoki was pretty neat, though I'm curious when Madara would have approached them as a (possibly) official emissary from the Leaf, especially if he was at odds with Hashirama.

The limitations or rather extremity of Mabui's technique was very interesting, and seeing the type of damage that it does is rather impressive. I can't imagine that discovering that limitation was something pleasant. I'm almost certain that Tsunade having the Flying Thunder God Technique seal on her is going to be an important point, especially because Tsunade wants to save it for HIM.

I was also quite impressed by Choujirou being able to generate Hiramekarei's HUGE blade, though a tad surprised that it apparently took down Black Zetsu, although he's alone with them now... The other characters are really doing a good job of showing their abilities, and stepping in to help Naruto now that he's worn out. Also, SO much fucking love for Genma. The fact that he's REALLY resisting trying to wisecrack about Edo Madara makes my day. Genma, & Raido are some of the minor Konoha Shinobi who I've always really liked, and been hoping to see in the spotlight more.

And the last page has me SUPER excited, but very nervous about some characters' survival, because this is going to be one of the most technically insane battles we've ever seen. This should make everything we've seen so far look like child's play. The potential death of any current Kage is a big deal, and I'm very hesitant to assume that they'll all survive, especially since the idea is that the countries are all united into a single goal now.

Either way- Cannot. Fucking. Wait. for next week.

X :neo:

Alex Strife

Oonoki won't survive, I think.

Tsunade has a high chance of dieing, too. I'd say she'll die one way or another, since I think the Sannin will basically disappear before the end of Naruto.

The Raikage poses me a few doubts. He could survive, but I see him being killed and Bee taking his place.

I'm almost certain Gaara will survive, though. As also the Mizukage. This is all just my opinion but there we go.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I agree with your predictions there, especially because Gaara and the Mizukage are the closest to the current generation, the Raikage is at the median, and Tsunade & Onoki are very much a previous generation of Shinobi. Onoki & Tsunade are also the two shinobi with a history connected to Madara (and Muu), and will likely have the most direct conflict and animocity towards them. Raikage just wants to wreck someone's shit but being the General of the Allied Forces, I see a LOT of duty having to fall to him if Tsunade falls in combat, so the possibility of him passing seems unlikely to me. The other two are really there as support for their exceptional abilities, since they've been involved with other fields of combat up until now, rather than coming into the battle fresh, they're less likely to take extreme risks, since they're already a bit worn down.

X :neo:


To be honest, I don't see the Kage having any chance of taking Madara down -- he's just way too broken. Personally, the only way I see him getting taken down is by Itachi's intervention. The details are a bit sketchy to me, but he is -- being the boss he is -- intending to screw up Kabuto's technique, right?

That being said, I'll be really surprised if the Tsuchikage survives this -- he looks way past his expiry date... And as Alex has mentioned, I wouldn't be surprised if Tsunade is dropped off in the process. Though, I still feel she's got a bit longer before Kishi decides to pick off the last of the Sannin.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Old Generation vs. Old Madara & New Generation vs. New Madara. It's a very interesting dichotomy between the two battles, and another fairly clear representation that the manga is wrapping itself up.

It's SO fucking rewarding watching Kabuto/Muu getting his ass trounced by the Tsuchi/Rai attack combo. The powers of the Kage's tag-team tactics are UNREAL. They've both stopped and broken Susano'o this early in combat, and Tsunade's still just serving as backup. Things like the Tsuchi/Kaze Stone/Sand defense wall really represents how all these Kage are on a completely different level of power from the other Shinobi (like the dude who was getting the feeling that he shouldn't be there).

I'm really excited to see more real techniques from the Mizukage aside from just get Kekkei genkai. While they are impressive, they don't quite have that Kage-level flourish yet. I'm curious what their overall tactic is going to be, because they can't just rely on being able to defeat Madara. They also have to seal him, and I can only imagine that the technique they'd use to do so is going to be the most highly powered sealing techniques in the series, since they'd never want to risk him escaping again.

I'm surprised that Naruto was confident enough to be able to take down Madara in one go, which means that he must have HUGE confidence in the Biju Bomb. It'll be interesting to see how his battle here is different than his battle with the original Pain. I also have to wonder when Sasuke is going to come into the mix. Also, the fact that he managed to headbutt Tobi at all, and not just phase through him is impressive, and a perfect start to his battle.

No manga next week, but it'll be worth the wait. I can only assume that Kishimoto needs as much time as possible to collect everything together and get work done for the upcoming chapters.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Bluh Kabuto is clearly the final boss.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
This entire war has been leading up to the awesomeness that is this chapter.

Just...last week and this week have been intense.

And Naruto just head butting the shit out of Fake!Madara was epic.

Goddamn, Naruto is on a streak these days. I'm loving the hell out of these chapters, man.

I sure hope Kabuto isn't the final boss. I hope he gets one shotted by Itachi or something. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
One thing that I forgot to mention is that the Tsuchikage brings back to the core element that fight with/against Naruto changes people, and he's clearly no longer the man he was when the alliance was first formed. I think that the way Naruto changes people is one of the more subtle interesting things that's been fairly consistent in battle, and I'm curious if/how it may come out during his confrontation with Tobi. (I've still got my fingers crossed that Bee might partially/fully merge with Samehada during this battle).

My issue with Kabuto as the final villian is that he still doesn't seem to have the proper motivation to embody a conflict that ties up the War. He's the only survivor of a massacre, and his (apparent) ambition, while selfish like Orochimaru's, is one of eliteism, and not so much one that embodies the Cycle of Hatred - which is the central overarching theme in the War. Sasuke clearly is swept up in that cycle, and one of the key elements to winning against that cycle is Naruto winning against its hold over his friend.

I feel like Itachi and Kabuto will end their conflict together without it becoming the series' final conflict, especially because their analytical personality types are so closely matched, the person best suited to defeat Kabuto is Itachi.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I feel like Itachi and Kabuto will end their conflict together without it becoming the series' final conflict, especially because their analytical personality types are so closely matched, the person best suited to defeat Kabuto is Itachi.

I feel you are wrong.

Also Sasuke.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I suppose that he's the closest thing that Naruto has to a Saruman character (he's the side manipulator playing both sides, and he's even white :awesome: ), but even if his final goal really is still holyshithellbent on obtaining Sasuke, I have a hard time seeing how he'd be able to stand any glimmer of a chance against a united front of basically everyone attempting to oppose him. He's almost all about manipulating his own circumstances to best suit himself, and while that has yet to come into play, I have a tough time believing that he's on a combat level that makes him capable to withstanding any of the main players in a direct fight, even with his and Orochimaru's powers. Until his conflict with Itachi shows differently, or unless he manages something amazing with the single Zetsu he has at his disposal for research, I'm hesitant to call him as a final boss, only because it seems... somewhat off. I guess it's because, even though he's a conniving, manipulative, pain in the ass, and I want to see someone pain the walls with his grey matter, a victory against Kabuto doesn't feel like it would hold as much of a feeling of accomplishment after everything else. That's subject to change based on future developments of his character, but I'm just not digging it currently.

Also - Naruto is on break next week, because yesterday was Masashi Kishimoto's 37th birthday. Belated otanjoubi omedetou to Mr. Kishimoto.

X :neo:


I suppose that he's the closest thing that Naruto has to a Saruman character (he's the side manipulator playing both sides, and he's even white :awesome: ), but even if his final goal really is still holyshithellbent on obtaining Sasuke, I have a hard time seeing how he'd be able to stand any glimmer of a chance against a united front of basically everyone attempting to oppose him. He's almost all about manipulating his own circumstances to best suit himself, and while that has yet to come into play, I have a tough time believing that he's on a combat level that makes him capable to withstanding any of the main players in a direct fight, even with his and Orochimaru's powers. Until his conflict with Itachi shows differently, or unless he manages something amazing with the single Zetsu he has at his disposal for research, I'm hesitant to call him as a final boss, only because it seems... somewhat off. I guess it's because, even though he's a conniving, manipulative, pain in the ass, and I want to see someone pain the walls with his grey matter, a victory against Kabuto doesn't feel like it would hold as much of a feeling of accomplishment after everything else. That's subject to change based on future developments of his character, but I'm just not digging it currently.

Also - Naruto is on break next week, because yesterday was Masashi Kishimoto's 37th birthday. Belated otanjoubi omedetou to Mr. Kishimoto.

X :neo:

Whatever Kishi needs to do to make Kabuto fit, he has been too built up to go down without ever getting a showdown with Naruto and/or Sasuke. And there is no way Itachi is actually gonna depart this arc without running into Sasuke.
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