Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Tobi!Madara is fucking creepy. This chapter was incredible and the fight, brief as it was, truly was epic. I'd love to see it animated. Tobi!Madara tilting his head and stating he didn't want to be anybody, and just wanted to complete his plan was truly unnerving. I wonder if Madara even is....human, or alive. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if Tobi!Madara wasn't some...remnant, or ghost. Because there's something almost otherworldly about him. As if he's not even fully real.

That mask seriously needs to be ripped off that head. There's..SOMETHING there. We need to see what the fuck he is.

Elisa Maza

Notify me when the Jirunjuuki (sp?) battle ends and we see Tobi's face.

I expect at least 200 chapters. *salutes*

BTW, Tobi's symbol is this:




Harbinger O Great Justice
Moreso than anything, this confirms at least one thing that I've suspected about Tobi/Madara, and a theme that was first introduced with Haku & Zabuza. It's the idea of becoming a tool and fully becoming the embodyment of someone else's ambitions. To take a quote from Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins;

Ra's al Ghul said:
"Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely."

Tobi is completely devoted to the ideal of the Moon's Eye Plan, to the point that his own identity is no longer important. The interesting thing is that he's a tool for that ideal, and not directly for another person. I'd guess that he wanted to emobdy the identity of Madara to complete the theme of the ideal more completely, rather than directly as his own quest for power. While there may be a small degree of his own desire buried somewhere in there, I don't think we'll see it until the end (as is usually the case with Naruto's villains).

The reason this is important is that it represents the type of life that Naruto has fighting against since the very beginning of the series. It also represents the largest barrier in changing the lifestyle of the Shinobi world, and therein the step to obtaining peace.

Next we've got his Paths of Pain

Nagato's Paths of Pain didn't possess any of their original Jutsu, likely because of how they were "brought back" through the use of chakra rods, rather than a resurrection Jutsu. We know that Tobi's Paths of Pain at least have their own techniques still (like the Kekkei Genkai), likely due to the fact that they were raised by Edo Tensei. What's more interesting is that upon their deaths, we know that their Biju were fully extracted.

Earlier, Tobi vanished and was talking about ending the battle the next day, and there was a mention of having a portion of Hachibi & Kyubi's chakra (Tentacle and Gold/Silver brothers). He may have attempted to seal some of that power into himself until he can fully obtain the Hachibi & Kyubi. If the Six Paths Technique works like it did for Pain, (apparently active since they all share Tobi's eyes) it doles out the Host's techniques to his individual Paths. If this is the case, he may be transferring the Biju's chakra he sealed in himself back to the Edo-(Ex)Jinchuriki, rather than the Rinnegan's techniques. This would explain why all of them are able to manifest a single tailed Biju Cloak at the end of the chapter.

Last, but not least, there's the fact that Tobi wasn't able to phase through Naruto in his Kyubi Chakra Mode, even though he thought he should be able to. This is probably going to be an important point with Naruto in combatting him, and make me wonder if his Chakra limbs are able to affect Tobi as well.

Regardless, this is gonna be one HELL of an epic battle.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
This chapter is everything about why I love Naruto. You've got combat tactics, crazy techniques, and humor all tied in to one fucking sweet chapter.

You've got the subtle introduction of the tactical advantages of the Rinnegan linking their field of vision, and the Sharingan increasing their speed and reaction time. One thing that I'm curious about is whether or not Naruto will start utilizing his Chakra Limbs from his Kyubi Chakra Mode, since in his One-Tail cloak at the Valley of the end, even Sasuke's Three-Tomoe Sharingan weren't able to react to his chakra limbs, even though he could dodge his physical attacks.

Now, since we know that they're being controlled via chakra rods, there are a few things to note about ideal ways to combat them tactically.

• Since they're Edo-Tensei'd, completely destroying their bodies would likely bring them back but wouldn't regenerate the Chakra Rods, since they're not directly tied to the technique.
• Also, because they're in Edo-Tensei bodies, they won't be able to be stopped through destroying them, they'll need to be sealed.
• Kabuto was the one who generated their Edo-Tensei, so assuming that the rods are destroyed, they would fall under his control. At this point, one wonders if Tobi would rather seal them himself, than grant Kabuto control over them. Either way, I doubt that Bee and Naruto have any sealing techniques that they can use.
• Itachi mentioned that he thought that he'd found a way to end the Edo-Tensei technique, which may end up being the key to allowing Naruto & Bee to defeat them.

Another thing that we learned is that Samehada is still Chakra crazy, which makes me think that it'll be involved in this conflict in an interesting way (I'm still hoping to see it merge with Bee to save him). I'm assuming that we'll get a pretty intense scene with Tobi next week, since he lept up onto the treetops to confront Hachibi. With Naruto & Kyubi's relationship becoming much better over the last few chapters, I have this sinking feeling that Bee may be fighting his last battle here...

X :neo:

Alex Strife

Yeah because when Naruto came out the forum was inactive!!

Pretty interesting chapter though. Looking forward to the next one, really... lots of things going on. Although I think Kakashi+Guy appearing there... a bit of a fanservice moment, but meh!


Kaiju Member
Well, it looks like the Kyuubi is going to get semi-redeemed or something, bound to happen eventually. I think it is quite interesting that each of the bijuus have individual personalities being developed and are not fully controlled by Tobi.


Harbinger O Great Justice

I didn't post anything last week on account of the forum downtime, so I'll cover my thoughts on both chapters today.

566: It's pretty intense just to witness the sheer destructive power of the Hachibi. I'd forgotten how the battle scaled with the Biju out in the open. Shukaku & Gamabunta's battle was the last one that I really remember destroying landscape, but only because the Sannin's didn't make a big difference, and Pain had changed everything prior to Naruto's arrival. I was surprised to see that Bee knows Sealing Jutsu, though the function behind how it works is pretty awesome, using ink-based clones.

The other 6 Biju techniques were interesting.
7-Tails: Bug Bite: Quick strike attack
2-Tails: Cat Claw: Quick strike attack
6-Tails: Leech Gap: Acidic attack
3-Tails: Coral Fist: Grows coral over the target
4-Tails: Flower Fruit Mountain: Immobilizes the target in a mountain of lava

The 5-Tails just leaps directly into his Biju form. I assume that's because his control over it isn't exceptional, and he mostly just benefits from its strength. Seeing it spear into Hachibi was quite impressive though, since we've never really seen two Biju attacking each other (with the exception of Gamabunta's Combi-Henge when fighting Shukaku).

Kakashi & Guy made an awesome, and well-timed entrance.

On the other side of the battlefield, I'm rather sad that we didn't see the other swordsmen properly in combat, since Mangetsu's likely the only one remaining now. Hopefully we'll get to see them in the anime, although that won't be for quite a while still.

567: The Nine Jinchuriki color art piece was awesome, and I'm hoping there's a background version of it somewhere. (If anyone finds one, a link'd be appreciated).

We start moving in to the next stage of the plot with the return of Sasuke to the battlefield, and seeing Suigetsu & Juugo moving in towards Orochimaru's hideout. I've really missed Suigetsu's sarcasm towards the rest of their (former) party, and seeing him paired with Juugo's child-like optimism makes the two of them a really interesting duo. I also simply love that Suigetsu's second favorite thing is just being a pain in the ass. It'll be interesting to see where their travels actually lead them, and how they're gonna tie into the ongoing story.

Back on the battlefield, it was simply a FANTASTIC bit, where Naruto just starts spewing out a jumble of information that Guy (and anyone else) doesn't manage to get, but his sensei Kakashi picks up on immediately. It was a great subtle note to their relationship. The Coral Fist technique was surprisingly effective, and luckily Guy was around to crack him out of it. Also Kakashi constantly prodding Naruto to pay attention while the Biju were arguing was more classic interaction between them that I'd missed from having a Team 7.

Seeing the Jinchuriki not using any of Pain's techniques after the description of the level of control it's taking to control the Jinchuriki and their Biju is completely understandable, although it's nice to have it explicitly stated. I'm rather nervous that Guy will be using his 8th Gate here, since we've seen him use up to 7, and he's never been confronted with something this powerful before. Plus, he'd never die unless he was 1-upping Kakashi while doing so.

Then we get to Tobi. Those spiked chains were something that was specific to Kushina's chakra, and it's VERY suspicious seeing him manipulating that same power in addition to the Sharingan control (not to mention utterly amazing that 5-Tails was resisting the Sharingan and had to be whipped down like that, though it may be the desparity between the Biju and the Host that allowed that, since they seem to have a weaker link). He's got better control over the Yonbi & Rokubi, since he brings them out full (Mangastream has a mistranslation of "here comes the two-tail" rather than "here come two biju").

As for the Jinchuriki: It's interesting to see the dichotomy between the Jinchuriki and the Biju, where each has their own presence, which I think will become REALLY important next week. It reminds me how Naruto & Gaara, as well as Naruto & Bee form a bond over being a Jinchuriki, regardless of national origin. I think that Tobi's goal of becoming the Jubi Junchuriki will have to come into play to make this connection about how the Shinobi control/use/pair with the Biju becoming as central to the construction of peace as the nations coming together.

Seeing Hachibi and Kyubi telepathically arguing about how the Biju have been treated by the shinobi just helps to encourage that relationship. Moreso, Hachibi being aware that Kyubi's point of view is slowly being changed by Naruto's more recent actions, regardless of whether or not Kyubi wants to openly admit it yet is interesting. It's obvious that Hachibi's noticed the fact that Naruto's directly borrowing huge amount of chakra from Kyubi which wouldn't be possibly unless Kyubi was willingly assisting him. It's extra funny how Hachibi's attempting to call out Kyubi out on it, and Kyubi's just pretending to be asleep to ignore him. Regardless, when the cards are all laid out as Naruto's falling, it looks like Kyubi's actually stepping in to save him, which is gonna be one of the most interesting developments yet.

I also loved the idea that Kyubi always dismissed Shukaku for just having One Tail, even though the number of tails isn't a perfect correlation to their power. XD

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

Did Sasuke REALLY need to come back in the story? At all? UGH.

HEBI/TAKA! Oh, how I miss thee. :( And Karin. Where is my dear Karin?

Oh man, in other words, Naruto got the asshole of the tailed beasts in him. Juuuust his luck! I loved the banter between Kyuubi and the eight-tails. XD

Sorry, but these beasts look ridiculous. 0_o How many tentacles are going to appear, anyway????

So, the conclusion of this battle will depend on the nine-tails' mood? Oh, dear... we're screwed.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aww, the Kyuubi is tsundere for Naruto. How adorable.

"I-I-It's not like I'm giving you my chakra cause I like you or anything! It's just it'd be rather boring and unpleasant if you got hurt unnecessarily! Don't talk to me, you idiot!" Kyuubi blushes and goes to sleep.

This chapter was pretty cool though. It's pretty damn obvious though Naruto's gonna get a massive infusion of Kyuubi chakra to chew bubblegum and kick ass.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Did Sasuke REALLY need to come back in the story? At all? UGH.

Yes. He's an extremely central role in the conflict resolution that's gotta take place here, as well as the overarching theme of the entire manga. :monster:
(I honestly don't understand the aversion to his character's presence at all)

HEBI/TAKA! Oh, how I miss thee. :( And Karin. Where is my dear Karin?

Assumedly still in a Konoha camp, from when she was treated for her injuries / placed for interrogation.

Oh man, in other words, Naruto got the asshole of the tailed beasts in him. Juuuust his luck! I loved the banter between Kyuubi and the eight-tails. XD

Sorry, but these beasts look ridiculous. 0_o How many tentacles are going to appear, anyway????

So, the conclusion of this battle will depend on the nine-tails' mood? Oh, dear... we're screwed.

Well, he is the most malicious at least, but we haven't really seen the attitudes of 2-7 yet.

Since you've apparently never seen the Biju before, Here's an image of all of them. (Tanuki, Ghost Cat, Turtle, Monkey, Dolphin Horse, Leech, Horned Beetle, Ox-topus, Fox). Also, in the later panel this chapter, while 4-Tails looks like he's got tentacles, they're actually vertebrae spines along his tails.

Aww, the Kyuubi is tsundere for Naruto. How adorable.

"I-I-It's not like I'm giving you my chakra cause I like you or anything! It's just it'd be rather boring and unpleasant if you got hurt unnecessarily! Don't talk to me, you idiot!" Kyuubi blushes and goes to sleep.

This chapter was pretty cool though. It's pretty damn obvious though Naruto's gonna get a massive infusion of Kyuubi chakra to chew bubblegum and kick ass.

Hahaha, classic.

Part of what's important about this, is that their relationship needs to get closer for the foreshadowed confrontation with Sasuke. Naruto needs to be as close with Kyubi, as Sasuke is with Susano'o if he's gonna have a real chance of beating/matching him.

X :neo:


Kaiju Member
Don't forget that the Kyuubi still does have a personal investment in Naruto winning, he did say earlier that he does not want to be controlled by Tobi/Madara again, and I doubt any of the tailed beasts want to be re-fused back into the 10-tails beast.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Um, hi?

Sasuke's back! What are the odds he runs into Itachi en rote to Naruto?

Is anyone bothered by the fact that Orochimaru's base was never looked into by anybody (that we know of)? Who knows what was left in there. A solution to the Kabuto problem? Please?

Dang. The bijuu are powerful. We see people like the Sannin destroying tons of stuff, but the bijuu just dwarf them. The scary part is that as large as biju 1-8 are, Kyuubi is larger then all of them put together; in some of the flashbacks, he's shown as being the size of Konoha.

The fact that the bijuu have personalities brings up an interesting thought; what was the Juubi's personality like?


Has anyone else noticed the parallels to assassins creed?

moon eye plan =templars plan :awesome:

And does anyone know exactly how many times Naruto can absorb natural energy or is it just limitless at this point?


Harbinger O Great Justice
And does anyone know exactly how many times Naruto can absorb natural energy or is it just limitless at this point?


There's never been a limit to the number of times that he can absorb natural energy... He just has to be immobile when doing it (or have an immobile Shadow Clone absorb it, and then dismiss itself), because he needs to keep the proper ratios internalized to avoid turning into a frog statue.

X :neo:


yeah that's what i thought, it just seems he gets more and more tired in recent chapters when he does it, though it could just be because he's just using too much chakra in general.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The last time he used natural energy was when combatting the Edo Raikage.

He's been utilizing Kyubi's Chakra in his new form, because he's essentially running his own chakra supply into empty by managing his high-powered clones in so many locations at once.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

Really, this was a most unexpected turn, bit I'm absolutely loving the development in this chapter. They touched on Naruto's childhood origins, Kurama's past in Konoha's Jinchuriki, why Naruto is the antithesis of Tobi (nameless tool Shinobi theme), and we even had time for Kakashi and Guy to toss in some asskickery.

I'm really digging the development of the Biju and giving them names finally gives a more definitive way to differentiate how the Uchiha see them only as a source of Power, but Naruto sees them as living beings (the central theme of the sons of Six Paths' ideals of Power vs. Love). I also like that when the Sage split the Jubi's power, he personally named the nine Biju. It makes me wonder if the Jubi had its own name too.

Absolutely BRILLIANT chapter, and glad that I'm awake at 7:00AM and decided to check TLS from my phone.

(Also- you oughta post in here more D&D ;) )

X :neo:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Possible hypothesis for ending of the series
after reading the interaction between son and naruto, anyone else getting the feeling that he in turn will lend his power to help naruto and then the cycle will continue through the other tailed beasts until naruto contains all nine tailed beasts effectively making them whole again and in some way becoming the sage of the six paths himself. After all it seems like the sage truly wished for peace and if he gave names to all the tailed beasts then it's safe to assume he wasn't out just to harness their power (sound familiar)


Kaiju Member
This was a really great chapter, I am really enjoying learning more about the tailed-beasts as characters and individuals. Giving them name is really cool and the names are appropriate (also funnily, they make me think of the Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho characters of the same names, but I do know full well that all three mangas take the names form Japanese and Chinese folklore). Also it contrasts the opposing ideas of the right to exist and freedom with absolute control and the loss of free will.
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Harbinger O Great Justice

Overall, the idea of Naruto becoming a fully unified multi-Biju Jinchuriki seems like an interesting idea. It's possible, given that all of the countries trust him, and that power, but I'm not sure if it'll work and allow him to develop the proper relationship with Kurama for the current story direction. Let me explain:

This chapter started to reveal an interesting aspect to Naruto. He's starting to become as much of a defender of the Biju as he has been of the Shinobi. The creation of the Jubi is no longer a negative goal just because just a way for Tobi to consolidate his power as a new sage. It also means the sacrifice of the individuality of all of the Biju as well when they're re-unified into a single malignant entity. Naruto's conversation with Son Goku in this chapter is a pretty clear indication that he wouldn't want that to happen, because he values the relationship he has with Kurama, and wants it to become more like the one that Bee & Hachibi share. I think that Naruto is going to attempt to not only bring peace between the different Shinobi Countries, but between all of the Shinobi and their Jinchuriki as well. The title of Jinchuriki needs to stop being a taboo, and one that's achieved strictly through entrapment and domination. This represents a true peace in a way that only a Jinchuriki could achieve, as well as the victory of Love over Power, which looks like it's gonna become central to the next big arc in Naruto.

This also ties in to the fact that Tobi's been cultivating Sasuke's powers ever since Pain was killed, in order to make Sasuke a pawn for Gedo Mazo. Since we know that the Eternal Mangekyo can evolve into the Rinnegan, this means that this relationship is possible, and why Kishimoto recently mentioned that Sasuke's going to appear in the manga a lot more again soon. Having Sasuke as a slave to Gedo Mazo for power, while Naruto has a mutual relationship with Kurama before the two meet in thier final confrontation will be a way to fully realize this theme, and reinforce the "I could easily have been in your shoes" relationship that Naruto and Sasuke share.


While Son Goku's origins are older, it's long been known that Kishimoto is an old fan of Dragon Ball, and apparently he was reading Yu Yu Hakusho while coming up with Naruto, so there's little doubt that he's giving a shout out to the other Manga Writers that he idolizes - espeically given that Son Goku's Jinchuriki is named Roshi. ^_^

X :neo:
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