Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Harbinger O Great Justice

This chapter was really heavy, somber, and just all in all absolutely amazing.

I kinda just want to go think in a corner until next week. It's really well illustrated how the world that they came from was so very different. Between this chapter and last chapter, you see how the world shapes people, and how those desires and ambitions change as they grow up, and can ultimately become something else entirely.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It's really neat to see how far the Naruto world has come in just three generations. Even the village system itself is a big step forward from where they used to be, I mean, all the higher level ninja at least know of each other, even if they don't know the specifics of each other's techniques, which they often do anyway. Even simple stuff like bingo books goes totally against Madara's and Hashirama's parent's ideas. I'd love to see their reaction to the Ninja Alliance that's currently going on; they'd probably have a hear attack.

I'm getting the idea that Obito left a lot out of what he told Sasuke. And I really want to see Sasuke ask Madara what his side of the story is... that would be really interesting.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Been moving all week, and lost track of what day it was. I've gotta say that Mangastream's translation was especially kickass this week. Super interesting to see Tobirama using a "Flying Thunder God" technique of some kind.


This chapter was a really interesting look at how their relationship came to be what it was, and did a really good job of showing Madara's move into despair, as well as making him relatable and jaded.

All-in-all, I feel that the end of this chapter is going to serve as a vessel for why Tobirama invents Edo Tensei (since there's been a lot of set up for that a few chapters ago). It's a perfect explanation for Tobirama to attempt to appease his brother's want to negotiate with Madara. Hashirama's not going to kill Tobirama, and Tobirama does understand the pain of losing a sibling, so I can see this being the catalyst for that jutsu being created.

Additionally, this seems like it'll be a reason for Madara becoming obsessed with the Senju's power, and looking for a way to obtain Rinne Tensei, and possibly give a little bit more insight into the initial genesis of his "Tsuki No Me" plan.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Next chapter:

Man, Obito lied about, glossed over, or left out a lot in chapter 399. I have a suspicion that's going to come back to bite him. Sasuke's not going to be happy he lied about this. I also get the feeling that Tobirama and Danzou got along really well together...

It's interesting to see what an influence Tobirama had on the village even before he wasn't Hokage. If Hashirama hadn't listened to him... talk about a major AU.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Itachi's crazy face is..kinda funny. Creepy in a very hilarious, and just...over the top sort of way.

Madara's crazy face is actually kinda badass. As if he's about to enjoy knockin' some heads around while being badass and awesome.

...Sasuke's facial expression however is truly eerie and disturbing. The face of a psychotic and unhinged killer. It definitely looks as if something snapped and became unhinged within his mind.

Sasuke wins this hands down.

In regards to this chapter, we finally see that Madara is the oversensitive, jealous and bitter friend that all of us wish we never had. :monster:

Man, I feel bad for Hashirama.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Next chapter:

Man, Obito lied about, glossed over, or left out a lot in chapter 399. I have a suspicion that's going to come back to bite him. Sasuke's not going to be happy he lied about this. I also get the feeling that Tobirama and Danzou got along really well together...

It's interesting to see what an influence Tobirama had on the village even before he wasn't Hokage. If Hashirama hadn't listened to him... talk about a major AU.

I have to think that Obito may not actually have known everything about Madara's past, aside from what Madara told him. After all, we're getting the story from Hashirama's point of view this time around. My favorite part about Sasuke being the one to see this is that he's probably got the best perspective about the entire history of the village of... anyone at this point, which will allow him to make the clearest decision - even if it's one that's practically impossible for anyone else to agree with.

We also finally get some insight into what's written on the Uchiha's shrine, which will undoubtedly come back at some point when they move into the present day. It also seems to directly play in to Madara's plan (Tsuki no Me), which I hope we get a little bit more insight into, since it looks like we'll be coming back to their battle again soon.

A few small notes - The fact that the Sarutobi & Shimura clans were the next to join Konoha, which makes Hiruzen & Danzo's rivalry over being the 3rd Hokage even more poingnant. I also really liked how the leaf with the hole in it also alludes to Madara, and 'his' mask later on in the series. The fact that it also breaks when Hashirama picks it up is really meaningful as well (especially to anyone who's played the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series, since this is a metaphor that they've used all throughout the series to symbolically represent Naruto & Sasuke).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Some of Mangapanda's pages are loading corrupted images for me, so I had to read Mangastream's translation (which was still good). Overall, I think that they wrapped everything together really well. Madara got some good motivative backstory, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how Sasuke responds to this.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Oh yeah, especially as Madara never told Hashirama exactly what he meant. So the only person Sasuke can get that from is Madara himself... I get the feeling Tobirama is going to have to explain some things before that happens though. We still don't know why he made Edo Tensai in the first place... and Hashirama hasn't gotten into the first Shinobi war yet... I want to see how that came up.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
As excited and happy I am that Sasuke's going to stay sane and fight for Konoha because of Itachi's love redeeming him, I am super, super stoked that Minato and Naruto are gonna meet. Squee~ I think I'm more excited about Minato and Naruto reuniting than Sasuke fighting for Konoha, although I am going to wonder about Team 7's reaction to Sasuke coming back.

(Come on, ET!Kushina, you can still make it~)
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Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
16 years worth of birthday and Christmas presents, maybe? :monster:

Also, LOL at Orochimaru being all sulky at Sandaime. XD


Harbinger O Great Justice
This chapter has me very pleased.

I love how Suigetsu just wants to get the hell out of there.

We also got some excellent subtle shows of emotion from Hashirama when his brother was talking, Orochimaru still wishing he'd have been Hokage, and Hiruzen when he heard about Danzo's death. Lots of great little moments in the artwork. It'll be REALLY interesting to see how all this goes over when he actually reaches the battlefield. Will the alliance be able to accept him even if he brings them such AMAZING support?

I'm hoping that Minato will address what's up with the sealed half of Kurama's chakra.

Either way - totally stoked about the sudden change in direction here and what will come of it.

X :neo:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
To the surprise of no one, Mads gets a boner when he senses Hashi's chakra. :awesome:
I'm guessing next week, we'll finally learn why Kakashi Raikiri'd Rin on that day, yes? Interesting to see that Naruto's chakra isn't compatible with everything, going by that Sand-nin's comment.
Also, lul at Naruto's pose on page 7.


Harbinger O Great Justice
You really NEED to read both translations this week. Mangapanda rushed it, and got lazy about proofing and didn't do simple things, like translating jutsu names & making really simple mistakes that should've been noticed by a single proofread. Mangastream is again, being overly elaborate and vulgar with their dialogue translation that makes any embellishment actually lose the meaning of the actual translation. Both parties miss a few little points, like Naruto's chakra & the sand Jutsu, or Obi to being disconnected from Jubi and wanting to be its Jinchuriki that the other group gets correct.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Maybe you should stop trying to use Kamui, Kakashi. After Obito's successfully deflected you the first 5 times anyway. Pick another trick.
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