wow holy cow...i COMPLETELY forgot about this whole thing. well since there's an LTD going on and i don't want to really get involved with that i think i'll just reply as much as i can here.
Awww, you're cute as well. *Pats head*
That's the problem; cathegorising people as "narufans" when I am pretty sure that every single one of those who post on this thread love many other things, other than Naruto. The problem, as it is often in life, lies with those rabid Naruto fans who only see Naruto and nothing else, and refuse to acknowledge any problems the series may have.
troo, troo.
Naruto (series, not character) is not perfect, and it doesn't try to be. It's good at what it does, and it has a few shortcomings that stem from it being a shounen manga. I'm not getting into detail here because I'm sure we all understand what kind of problems shounen mangas tend to have (friendship and effort conquers all!!). Naruto actually did a good job of mixing those "typical" shounen elements wth new things, giving both an old and new feeling.
im not denying that, but i think this was clarified more inside part 1. i absolutely adore part 1 and still continue to re-watch it. what i do not get is what the heckaroonie is going on in part 2.
Of course, you do not like Naruto and we like Naruto, so both parties are biased, in a way.
i have told you already above, but i think i should get into it more here.
i love naruto part 1. in fact, IMO, it's a very unique, wonderful, anime/manga that has compelling characters, great story, and stupendous main character that changes the lives and views of children (and adults) that they have held inside of themselves for years. even for the outright favorite-tism he has un-guiltily said he has for sasuke (i think i have the book that says that around my house that says that somewhere), it doesn't get offtrack. all the characters get their share of their interesting lives (for example, some of my favorite characters, garra, rock lee), and naruto's spotlight is lovely to look at. i love it when he gets onscreen, and with his "not gonna give up" toughie/softy attitude, he's simply so much to enjoy. he's one of the best manga/anime characters that i can name.
no, it's not perfect like any series, and with my re-watching of the series right now i can see there are some mistakes and huuuuuuuuuh????? moments (ex. naruto wins by kiba with a simple fart? i know that's supposed to be funny, but kiba was kicking his behind until that happened), but it's still a A (if not A+) series in my book.
I'll be simple. I like Naruto because it entertains me. I'm not trying to justify it's the "zOMG best manga evar" nor I'm unwilling to discuss stuff, when it's done properly. When I look for a manga or anime series to read/watch, I look for different things but one of them is an engaging storyline. Naruto had a good premise and it evolved in a rather organic way that kept me interested. Of course, there is a point of nostalgia since I started with Naruto a freaking decade ago, but that's part of its charm as well.
nothing to disagree with this this here.
Also, I'm not saying it's your case but one can't just watch the present episodes / read present chapters and state the series is bad. One of the reasons Naruto is good is how it's tying everything together. Things from many, many years ago. It's good to read it all.
its not how things are tied together, i can deal with that. i have 0% against it, really. but HOW that is done is my problem, and i don't think part 2 does that well.
And while Naruto had a moment where it had grown a bit stale, before the Great Ninja War started, it was later on proved that the author was pretty much gaining momentum for everything that would come later. And I think we've been treated with a great few years of Naruto, as of late.
i really do think '07-'08 some of '09 was good.
Well... This'll be an interesting discussion... IWOT Well... the Naruto world is a lot more developed then the FFVII world is. If FFVII were to go into the level of detail Naruto does, it would get way more complicated, I'd love it even better if it did. At the very least, we'd probably get the entire history of Shin-Ra, and the Science Department, and the Turks and whatever it was the Cetra did to Jenova, and Zack and Rufus's childhood, not to mention the mechanics of the Lifestream and materia... you get the idea. The thing is that in real life, everything is connected to everything, so people and events have a lot of effect on the world. In video games, you're limited to the size of the disks, so you can't show everything something effects. In literature though, you don't have that limitation, so you're free to explore whatever effects you want. Naruto could just explore how Naruto himself is effected by events, but instead it explores how most of the major players in the world are effected. This gives a much richer understanding of the world and narrative, but it causes things to go "off track" so to speak.
that's true.
Examples? If anything, we've seen him mature from a kid who wants a pipe dream, but has no clue how to get there, or what the dream even means, to someone who knows what that dream really calls for. Actually, this has happened to about ever character in Naruto. By the time we see them in Part 2, they are OOC compared to Part 1, but since we've seen what they've gone through and what they learned from it, they have become OOC in ways that are very IC. Thing is, that's how people usually are in real life. My personality now is different then my personality was three years ago, but it's changed in ways that are "in character" for me. TBH, this is something that bugs me about a lot of literature, both Western and Eastern. Many times characters go through events that really change them, only to not have it change them at all after the event is done.
what i'm trying to say is that it got out of hand. yes the pedal-to-the-metal (or whatever that phrase is) was a good start, and so was running for a while. but i mean....naruto's dream is hokage right? but the story got so convoluted and into so many different roles that it doesn't even seem like naruto wants that any more. what
does he want, besides sasuke,sasuke,sasuke?
Wait? What? Could you please give me an example where someone's death didn't directly affect the plot or was "wasteful"? 'Cause just about every death has been meaningful, especially when a lot of shonen doesn't have anyone important or with tones of backstory die. And most of the time, we know when people are dead or when their faking it.
oh ok then. i didnt know that. but i had heard that neji died by from something as silly as branches..and im reaaaally hoping they were wrong. :/
One of the themes Naruto runs on is that it subverts/inverts a lot of shonen tropes, often in ways nobody has ever done well before. To be honest, the odds that Naruto was going to meet his parents again were pretty good.
which was just about one the laziest writing plots in naruto IMO. i couldn't BELIEVE he had met his parents when i read that book. i thought 'moto was absolutely kidding me.
The way I see it, Part 1 poses a bunch of questions that the characters are going to have to deal with, and Part 2 is how they answer those questions.
i see it that way too, but the way it is played out is not really good.
Part 2 is based on Part 1 and can't be separated from it. The characters in Part 1 never really reach any of their goals, if anything, they realize how much further they'll have to actually go to reach them.
yes, that is the view in the ending of part 1, but part 2 (now) is
barely even addressing the characters's dreams/views.
Part 2 can be summed up as characters trying to get a handle on what they want really means, and since the Naruto world is based on deception and secrets, what they want is a lot more complicated then they thought. Fortunately, most of them aren't letting that stop them from achieving their dream and don't make the habit of rejecting information they don't like.
it can be summed up that way, but, for the third time, it doesnt seem like part 2 is
actually addressing that. it's getting too out of hand. and naruto's (as well as everybody's) obsession with sasuke doesnt make a hint of any sense. i mean, i have tried to understand but i just