For reals channy I have not a scooby what you're trying to say XD.
If you've ever had or done any of the following:
a beard
an encounter with a beard
caressed the chest-rug of a bearded dwarf
then you have interacted with Octo on a spiritual level.
Ami's a good choice too. She's got the skillz.
Sooooo... public voting?
Sorry I'm so late in saying this, but I haven't had a chance until now.
Why are we only considering female candidates? While I agree that it would be a good thing to have more women on staff, they should earn their nominations on merit. Or are we going to make sure we have a certain proportion of trans moderators, non-white moderators, and so on? I'd rather just pick the best people for the job, whoever they happen to be. This isn't intended to be a comment on any of the members nominated so far.
You can post here to explain your reasoning, or just send me a PM if you're not comfortable discussing it in public.
Why are we only considering female candidates?
While I agree that it would be a good thing to have more women on staff, they should earn their nominations on merit.
I'd rather just pick the best people for the job, whoever they happen to be.
I read your opening post, but "there's only one female mod" isn't, in my opinion, automatic justification for appointing another one.
At the moment we have 10 mods, 9 of them white (if I'm not mistaken), so should we appoint another non-white mod as well? 9 of them are cis-gendered, should we appoint another non-cis mod as well? Those are just examples; I could go on. I'd just like to know why we have to have a specific quota of females.
If Octo really is the best candidate for the job (and again, I stress that I am not commenting on any member's suitability), then she would have been selected anyway, even if the nominations had been open to everyone, right? So why didn't we just do that?