Ok so this turned into another novel. Please excuse the wall of text.
Since I do spend a lot of time with Ryu I just have to weight in on this. I like you, Rishi, I think you are the voice of reason regarding a lot of stuff on TLS, and if you didn't have trust issues with certain members you can't take a step forward to solve, I would have suggested you as mod in a heartbeat.
I think it's sad you won't even try to get to know Ryu. I mean I can understand why, please don't get me wrong - I totally understand if you can't.
Ryu has creeped out female members in the past. Yes he has. He creeped me out a couple of times at first. I don't know if it's the not using smileys or not thanking posts or just the way he types, but I had to get to know Ryu before I could proper understand (and enjoy!) Ryu's posts.
Ryu isn't some creep, he's just a normal dude who just types very pedantic - however he does have a heart. Problematically, because of said heart, he also gets offended and hurt, and when he does get hurt (from being misunderstood or writing weird posts nobody really gets, ending up in him getting snarky replies), he tends to take a few jokes extra far. I'm not sure if he does this on purpose - I sure hope not, but if he did, it wouldn't make him less human that any of us. It's not okay, of course; both because he can offend people, but also because it puts himself in trouble and it makes the mod team look bad.
Before I make Ryu sound like a bad apple, let me just add that he's one of the most genuinely helpful people I've ever met online. He's kind, and he doesn't deserve the 'reputation' he's picked up here. Is some of it his own fault? Yeah sure, probably. I believe there is always 2 sides to a conflict.
You have to give and take. Rishi had you talked to Ryu a few times and you'd learned to trust each other, this creeping out thing wouldn't happen anymore. This is my personal opinion and of course everyone who wants to are free to disagree. But I think getting creeped out by an avatar, a user name and a few lines of text is because we really have no idea who the person behind the 'mask' is. Chat, Skype, whatever, and you'll see behind the mask. Contrary to,say, Sylvie, Ryu has never withheld information about who he is, where he lives etc. He's not trying to hide in the bushes.
Getting offended IS serious business, but you can't expect everyone to understand where you're coming from, or even sympathize with you. Remember that little thread called "Anti-thanks?" Several members addressed an issue that's been bothering them - offending them. The topic was debated - there was NO Staff discussion about the topic in the Staff section - the only mod responses that was given was Road saying "people get the fuck over yourselves, this system has lasted for years and it's not gonna change. This is ridiculous gtfo", and then Aaron closing the thread, right after Octo and I said 'all right, fine. We don't agree, but we're gonna leave it with the agreeing to disagree'.
And you know what? We got the fuck over ourselves. (At least Octo and I did

) I don't like the way that system works because of how it can look (and have looked) to new members, but fine. It's there, and it is what it is, and it's staying. The majority wants it that way.
However, what I wanted was not to get rid of the thanks system. It was to at least have debated the issue, and for people to at least consider that what they're doing are hurting other people. The replies I got back in that thread wasn't even near 'ok I see your point', it was straight to - nope, not gonna happen, you are ridiculous, 'JUST STOP IT'. Even so, I as the offended party decided to accept it, and move on. Did I feel alienate from TLS because of it? Sure. It made me stop posting in a little while. It made me trust Staff less as all I got was a 'gtfo' and a closed thread closed by the decision of 1 mod alone. But in the end I saw the situation from bird's view. No, I
chose to see the situation from bird's view. Anyone can do this, but it does require stepping out of your own shell for a while and it's super hard and some days I just can't do it because I feel small and hurt and I'd rather have my friends yell 'stupid people' along with me than actually trying to understand the situation as a whole. We have to move forward and not be stuck in old tracks. But to do that, we have to accept there are different opinions - and stating your opinions in a civil manner always helps. If you don't agree with the member, at least acknowledge they see something as a problem.
This applies to mods a lot. It appears that some of the staff was unprofessional in the way they addressed this particular issue being debated in this thread. It doesn't matter if you can't understand the conflict - if you can't, leave it to someone who can.
Conflicts can be complex, and it's important that any underlying reason is dealt with or at least explained when filing a report. The mod team tries to act by rules. They try to line up a report with a rule, and yes they might get lost in the technicalities, but that's because they're trying to be fair. It's very hard to be fair in cases based almost purely on human relations. I remember this from when I was modding so some of it might not apply to TLS, but if there's an emotional conflict, the best way (as in real life!) is to sit down the parties and have them fight/ talk it out.
People want to be heard. It's amazing how much conflict you can solve with a bit of human compassion. In that anti-thanks conflict, I wasn't looking for people to agree with me, or do as I told them, or get my way. I was looking for addressing my views and at least been heard. I believe the core of some members not trusting the staff doesn't come from not anything being done, but they feel that their problems aren't being taken serious. I think most of the time, your problems
are being taken serious, it's just that in a lot of the cases it's hard to come up with a solution, and the mods tries to think of possible solutions (heck they're mostly men!

/sexistjoke) whereas the problem in hand here isn't that there is a problem that needs to be solved, but that the persons needs to be heard.
I'm not saying the mod team is perfect. Watching from behind the curtains, I see flaws. But overall they intend to do good.
I have to say, Road, you understand this forum better than anyway and I trust you 100%. Even when I don't seem to agree with what you say at a specific moment, in hindsight it turns out you're almost always right.
I'm driving north today btw so I might be afk for the next 10 hours.