Soooo back to my point that I had two points then was banned.
Logic is in the fact that you flamed repeatedly during a short period of time and were explicitly told during this time period that if you continued flaming you would be banned.
I was banned for flaming a member who was permabanned.
Kobato was not permabanned.
Scott said:
You asked about incidents where staff deleted/removed shit that members posted in order to save face.
How about when the server went down in the midst of all the ryu bs and everyone was on ffof?
Aaron posted his true feelings in regards to not giving a shit what the memberbase of the forum thought on things. I then quoted him word for word and put it in my sig on ffof with the intention of posting it here when the site came back up.
So what happened?
The site went back up and the comments he posted and my signature were both deleted so that Aaron could come back onto this place and deny he ever said it.
That count?
This happened on FFOF, so first of all it is not relevant to TLS. Secondly, my comments are in fact still there. I believe the entire
thread may have been moved out of public view for about twelve hours, but it is visible once again. The context of the discussion should reveal that I was arguing that members should not get a say into how
specific warnings and infractions are handled. Your signature quoted me as though I was referring to how
all staff business is conducted. This was a flat-out misrepresentation, so Yop removed it.
Omega said:
Okay, but by this logic, Misty/Kobato would have been banned the first time there was a substantiated complaint of harassment against her - or the second at the VERY least. Harassment, to me, seems more serious than flaming someone, regardless of how much history you have of doing that. As you put it, it is more "outright disruptive" than a flame - especially one leveled at the harassing member. I remember when that Nikkolas guy was perving all over Alise, he got banned WITHIN AN HOUR, and Alex got banned for flaming the guy during the whole thing for being a creep (and while I absolutely despised Alex at the time, it was the first thing he did that garnered some respect from me, and here we are). But now it's somehow okay to flame banned members, which doesn't really make sense to me, but...whatever.
The only reason Kobato was not permabanned on the second offence was that staff felt that the situation was too ambiguous to merit a permaban without warning. If memory serves, she was told in this case that if she did it again, she would be banned, exactly as Scott was. The difference is that Scott persisted in the behaviour that got him banned, whereas Kobato disappeared from the forum entirely.
Omega said:
I'm going to allow myself to be a little bitter here: fat chance of that happening. During both - BOTH - of the staff critique periods of drama (three months on the dot, now, lol?), I asked to hear what staff thought about everything that had been said and had happened. MULTIPLE TIMES, I asked for this. I asked and got nothing. One or two people posting that they'll "take things to heart" isn't what we need here. Tennyo gained respect from me for posting what, to many people, seemed like a rude and incredibly bitchy post because it was the first time I'd seen her drop the curtain of nice that she seems to shroud herself in and voiced her opinion - her actual opinion, all of it, and without sugar-coating a damn thing.
By and large I have been trying to stay out of forum drama because my mental state is not well-suited to handling things diplomatically right now, as my last few attempts at getting involved have no doubt clearly demonstrated. My mental state had actually gotten
worse since then about a week ago; it has improved slightly since then, but it is still nowhere near optimal. Most of what I would like to say has been stated already by others well enough that I do not feel it necessary to repeat them.