New Mod Nominations


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, sorry but I've got to veto Yop, I don't think he should have that kind of power he's only abuse it...

oh wait... :wacky:

Edit: Actually I second everbody mentioned thus far but especially Ghost. I don't think people should be able to turn it down, it's not like a fun thing, it's moar like community service :monster:


Joe, Arcana
He tried to impersonate a member of staff for like 8 years.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Also, he flagrantly disregards the AKA field rule, the rotten shitbag :monster:

(psst Tarkatan - Cthulhu is Yop ;) )

Ghost X

I'll step up to the plate after my degree. Should have more time after that, in theory and according to statistics :monster:.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I nominate we drag Mako out of whatever corner of the real world he's being a productive member of society in and make him be an Admin again.


Pro Adventurer
That's just what the Cult of the Twilight Tentacle would have you believe.

I've never been modded before because I know the truth. THE TRUTH. Of what and whom is dreaming in the dead sleep, deep in the halls of R'lyeh.

If voted into office modship I will expose these truths! If not have no worries I have put a deadman trigger on my forum account that will reveal said truths in 4 different sections of this forum if I don't input a certain code into my about me page every 72 hours.

It's your move Tentacle Man.


Also, he flagrantly disregards the AKA field rule, the rotten shitbag :monster:

Only since like a week or two, figured it was common knowledge by now and I wanted to clean up my poast bit thing, :monster:

That's just what the Cult of the Twilight Tentacle would have you believe.

I've never been modded before because I know the truth. THE TRUTH. Of what and whom is dreaming in the dead sleep, deep in the halls of R'lyeh.

If voted into office modship I will expose these truths! If not have no worries I have put a deadman trigger on my forum account that will reveal said truths in 4 different sections of this forum if I don't input a certain code into my about me page every 72 hours.

It's your move Tentacle Man.

banned :monstersmash:.


Great Old One
Thanks Starls. <3

My feelings on the matter haven't changed since the previous rounds though: I feel like modding is a chapter in my Interwebz life I'm done with, at least for now. Plus what she wrote:
I feel I would be doing the forum a disservice because I don't have the time to devote to such a role at this given time.
I'd be the one going "I'm on mobile so I can't type much but I'll put in my 2 cents later" and then two days after that "oy... sorry I'm late... I'm with [insert mod name(s)]" :wacky:

Actually I second everbody mentioned thus far but especially Ghost. I don't think people should be able to turn it down, it's not like a fun thing, it's moar like community service :monster:
No you :monster:

Has Mage been mentioned yet? I know she's not around much and she'd probably decline anyway but her name needs to be mentioned.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Tennyo, Dawn, Ami and Fangu if they're willing.

I like all the nominations so far (Ami's was the first name to come to mind, tbh).
Thanks for the nominations, you two, but I'll have to politely decline. I've wasted a few years modding on another site and it ended as a bad experience, so I'm out.

Plus, I'm spending less and less time here recently due to things outside the site, so probably not and that's even without the whole aforementioned other reason.

Much appreciated you both thought of me, though <3


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Has Mage been mentioned yet? I know she's not around much and she'd probably decline anyway but her name needs to be mentioned.

I was thinking of Mage, but then I remembered that she used to be a mod and then stepped down, and I guess shes got rl stuff to deal with now, so I doubt she'd want to do it again.


Pro Adventurer
I'm happy modding the sub-forums relevant to my current job title but I've never really been interested in modding the while forum. I also feel like I've been slacking as a member of site staff recently so this wouldn't be a good time for me to take on extra responsibilities. Thanks for the nomination though, Dawn.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'd like to nominate you as well, Flint. For reasons you've specifically mentioned above. :awesome:

But I also nominate Channy. I've known her for some years and I think she'd make a great mod than me because she's got a very levelled head.


Has Mage been mentioned yet? I know she's not around much and she'd probably decline anyway but her name needs to be mentioned.

She used to be a mod and left after a er, fracas? stuff. Probably my fault. She doesn't seem to have the time for pretty much anything nowadays though.


Joe, Arcana
Octo said:
I don't think people should be able to turn it down, it's not like a fun thing, it's moar like community service :monster:
Missed this before but I totally agree with this sentiment. Especially if people are regularly pretty active on the forums as is. Well, that's my sentiment anyhow. :wacky:

On that note, thank you for the nominations peepol. I can't promise to tear down the lies spread by our cultist leaders, as Gabe would do, but there'll be a lot more orgies hugs with me in office. ;)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^I was sort of half joking a bit :monster:

Edit: Although it makes me a hypocrite because I turned it down the first time I was nominated. But seriously it isn't really fun or a big deal or anything. Like probably 10 years ago I'd have been all 'oooh e-powar!' and banned everybody on sight. But now it's like I dunno, mowing the lawn at the bowling club.


~The Other Side of Fear~
If this was three months down the road, I would totally accept a nom, because my courses and busy season AND the move would be finished by then. But handling all that and possibly a mod job, as well? Oh god. I do think it's a good job to have, tho., when one has the time. It's great for team-building, problem-solving, and just general social and life skills.


^I was sort of half joking a bit :monster:

Edit: Although it makes me a hypocrite because I turned it down the first time I was nominated. But seriously it isn't really fun or a big deal or anything. Like probably 10 years ago I'd have been all 'oooh e-powar!' and banned everybody on sight. But now it's like I dunno, mowing the lawn at the bowling club.

No actually, it's still oooh e-powar and banning whoever you don't like. :monster:


Collating noms, will leave this open for now. Get your nominations in while you can, if there's anyone you'd like to nominate. One thing I'll say is that it seems that most of the nominations so far are forum old-hats, which makes sense - but don't think you can't nominate anyone newer than that.

The following people have been nominated via PM:

Doom Bunneh (Darth)
Mr. Ite

Posting them here to give those people a chance to veto their own nominations. Any more before the thread closes at the end of the day (in Scottish time) will count :)
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