Whoever is my anonymous nominator, I want to send you something aesthetically pleasing - something to stimulate the taste buds, or fill the nostrils with the air of my appreciation. Seriously, though, it's very much appreciated

(and feel free to forgo your anonymity to me via PM; I'm curious and full of gratitude)
However, and I mean not to put down my anonymous nominator's consideration as such, but I must veto my nomination.
While I love the idea of helping out, becoming more active and something of a contribution on the forums, and for the sheer sake of being someone to turn to when issues arise, offline life is a touch unpredictable as of late. My dad has been made officially redundant last week, and his health and moods are like a roller coaster. Not to sound dramatic or to push reason for pity and understanding, but I reckon it'll be a miracle if he even lives the rest of the year. Household affairs have already taken an odd turn this week, and things could go a little astray for a while.
So, even though I don't think there's a sense of pressure involved (and Lord knows I've a lot of other duties offline) and not something even necessarily time-consuming, it's still one less thing I'd like on my mind. The turn from browsing TLS casually to browsing TLS as a good show of faith as a mod or a sense of duty is, as of this period, something I think I ought to pass up on for now. This month could be an odd one, and I would not like to think I could gain the role and subsequently become inactive as a result of home affairs and more. But I certainly wouldn't rule out any future opportunities when I feel a stabler ground beneath these goings-on.
TL;DR - Thanks but no thanks. Very genuinely I mean this. Home affairs growing unstable - wouldn't want to risk suddenly become inactive afterwards. Later is a brighter dawn.
Good luck to everyone going forward

Fine names, all.