New Pokemon Games:Pokemon X and Y is scheduled for the 3DS


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Are the stones used for mega evolving available all around Kalos? Which one isn't so I may advise.
Some Mega Stones are dependant on which version you play. The obvious example of this is how Mewtwo and Charizard have different Mega Stones for X and Y. Likewise, with the Kanto starters, you get gifted the Mega Stone for the one you choose, the others have to be bought. Others are gifted to you (so go everywhere and talk to EVERYONE), while some can only be found using a search mechanic in the post game. The search can only be used between 8-9pm based on the time of the 3DS system. So, you can cheat it.

Excluding Mewtwo and Charizard, here are version exclusive Mega Stones according to Serebii (note that Blaziken's Mega Stone is event only):
-Mega Pinsir
-Mega Tyranitar (NB - Larvitar line found in Y version)
-Mega Manectric (NB - Electrike line found in Y version)

-Mega Heracross
-Mega Houndoom (NB - Houndour line found in X version)
-Mega Aggron (NB - Aron line found in X version)

Made Kalos Champion... guess which Pokémon I went out to capture next? :awesome: Also, two Timer Balls (along with several Revives, Hyper Potions and Moomoo Milks). I'm keeping that Master Ball.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Welcome the Hall of Fame brother :awesome: S'good to have some company at the top. Also, Timer Balls huh? It didn't take me long enough for Timers to reach full effectiveness on the successful attempt, I nicked the poor bastard with a Dusk Ball.

Oh, and for anyone playing a game with a version exclusive from that list Kris posted above, I have every single one of those. I will happily give you one if you ask... though in some cases (Houndoom, Heracross) it'd have to wait till December when I can ship the teams over to Kalos.

Edit: Learned something interesting while breeding the other day and forgot to share it till just now cause derp. Remember how in the past, your newly hatched babies would always be in a normal Poke Ball? Well, not anymore. Now, they come in the same ball type as their mother! Or their father, if the "mother" was a Ditto (so no fancy balls for you lot waiting on Squirtle). All of the freshly hatched Inkay I mentioned before come in a Luxury Ball thanks to this, and its kinda neat :D For the record, I know a Luxury Ball doesn't serve much purpose on an Inkay what with it not being tied to happiness and such, I just thought it appropriate looking for a Dark/Psychic.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Welcome the Hall of Fame brother :awesome: S'good to have some company at the top. Also, Timer Balls huh? It didn't take me long enough for Timers to reach full effectiveness on the successful attempt, I nicked the poor bastard with a Dusk Ball.
What can I say? Every time I whittled him down to red lining, I had to heal my Pokémon to stop him KO'ing them in his next turn... at which point he used Recover. :awesome:

Aura Sphere's animation is AMAZING, though. I didn't mind that it took around 200HP off my Krookodile every time.

Need to post my 3DS friend code soon, so trading and battling with you guys can commence (or even just gifting in Pokémon-Amie).

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I caught my Mewtwo w/a Master Ball myself,as I was resetting until I got a Modest or Timid nature one, and I wanted to speed things up and I didn't have any other Pokemon I wanted to use it on. After 15 or so tries, I finally got a Timid nature one.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Btw we should arrange a time for us to all be online at the same time on, for friend safari and battles and trades and such. I'm thinking maybe midnight on Halloween or something.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
That would be kickass. If we did loads of battling, I'd want a round robin style tourney where everyone fights everyone and the one with the most wins in the end wins the title :awesome: Which, I'd have to say, does not favor me since I sorta suck at competitive battling, what with how my preferred strategy of "smash em with the highest power super-effective move you can find!" tends to run into issues when people actually know how to make the more subtle approaches work.

Either way, it would be cool.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
The female for you then. Just let me know a nickname when you think of one and we'll agree on a time for the trade... I might challenge you to a battle while we're at it, fair warning :wacky:
Fair warning, I might have to turn you down on that battle on the grounds that I'm not even ready. :aah:Just wait till I catch a bunch of Ditto and do some hard core breeding. I tried to breed Aura Sphere onto Fennekin without success. Sadness.

Speaking of being on my way to catch Ditto...I still have to go storm Team Flare's cafe. I just got distracted by the fact that I finally got into Boutique Le Snob aka Fuck you bitch I'm kawaii as balls and tres fabulous so I don't need your stupid trendy clothes Couture and everything is stupidly expensive....@_@
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
My team isn't custom bred or anything though :( I don't wanna get curbstomped too badly over here.

On another note, last night was interesting for me over in Kalos. I finally got arsed to go through Terminus Cave, which I had neglected to do previously, and caught
Holy shit that thing is freaky and huge and weird.

I also turned on my interwebs, giving you lot a chance to get my third friend safari monster and such. No one showed up online, so a bit wasted on that note (I have it on again now, we'll see how that works out). While I was at it, I made an acquaintance out of some random Passerby named Matt who has Prof. Sycamore as his image somehow. Battled him for massive damage: I creamed the poor guy and his team in a triple battle with only one casualty on my part despite him having freaking Xerneas on point and a Ditto that Transformed... into a second Xerneas... while three of my monsters are weak to Fairy (hell Sinister is 4x weak to Fairy). He then up and traded me a Froakie... so I already have all three starters in the box :awesome: And lotsa-Ditto, so I could make one for everyone who took Fennekin (which is damn near everyone).

Edit: So, would one of the folks trading with me be kind enough to grow a Chesto berry before then and have a monster hold it? I used the only one I've found all game long before I planted like a moron, and as I said have not seen any more since. I need it for hybrid farming now, so... halp?
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

I would've been online last night but I was watching a movie for English class(our homework was to watch a movie and note which filming techniques we noticed). Btw, you can get a Chesto Berry from the guy on the west edge of Camphrier each day by showing him a certain kind of Pokemon.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I made an acquaintance out of some random Passerby named Matt who has Prof. Sycamore as his image somehow.
Glad I'm not the only one who's unclear how to do that. Lacking any details, I'm guessing it's something you can set up on the Global Link site.

I'm going to have to cry off a mass get together tomorrow, part due to time zone differences, part due to the fact that tomorrow's going to take a lot out of me at work.

Incidentally, who here thinks Emma and Mimi were CRIMINALLY underused?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I loved that side-story in general, the return of
and the entire thing. I admit, I'd have enjoyed a bit more of Emma and Mimi involved, their bizarre
Cyborg Ninja ala Metal Gear Solid
thing was interesting as hell. Also, sorta sad hearing that
Looker's Croagunk is dead, I mean that thing helped me bust Charon and shit, I never even got to fight it and its sad, yes I teared up a little you wanna fight about it?!


Chloe Frazer
I could do this midnight thing tomorrow since my little brother probably won't be playing himself. Fair warning to all of you, if you try to battle me I will run away crying to my mommy. :monster: Srsly though my highest leveled pokemon atm is my Fennekin and he's only level 13 so it wouldn't be a very long match.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I was looking at the settings for battles, and I think one option or the other actually raises OR lowers all levels to 50, rather than just lowering and leaving critters already below 50 to fend for themselves :monster: Also I can't do midnight tomorrow, I gotta open the store on Saturday :doh:


sunglasses at night
Finally got it, been playing in the evenings after work for about a week and recently got my Yveltal, really enjoying this game and the changes haven't put me off (I missed a few generations, last game I played was Ruby)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I get similar but less dramatic feels for Sinnoh, as it was my first Pokemon experience in years at the time. It's just... way less different from Gen VI than Gen III is :wacky:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I will forever be a Johto boy. I really loved Pokemon ever since Silver came out and living the Soul Silver dream with Mons from the new and now (my signature battle couples specifically) is too damn enjoyable.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wait, someone broke the source code finally?! It looks like its sorta minor stuff right now, but if that keeps up... Serebii and Bulbapedia will actually know their shit like they always have once again?! This my friends is potentially great news. The hacking for specific Pokemon and changing around abilities and such, I can live without that. But knowing all the info again... egg moves, exp groups, shiny colors, etc? That would be great.

Edit of not double posting: Two things, one I forgot to mention earlier. I challenged Carlie's little brother (unless you're calling yourself Ian that is) to a battle and he totes ran away. As a Gym Leader, I must remind you that once our eyes meet and a challenge is made you must accept. Those are the rules, no matter how much more experienced and scary the opponent might be and yeah I don't really blame ya cause I been dominating random matches today :reapermon: Seriously, I've won two by forfeit :D

Also, Clicky has my 3DS and is breeding my Vivillon repeatedly to get more Vivillon with our local pattern in hopes of trading them for Vivillon with other patterns. Cause she's OCD like that I guess? Whatever, the point is she had my Litwick in the party for hatching purposes (Flame Body ftw) and decided to pet it in Pokemon-Amie. And found that not only does touching the open flame on its head not burn you, as expected, Litwick LOVES having its flame stroked. Which is horrifying when you think about it, since the flame is maintained by burning the souls of Litwick's victims... she's essentially feeding this Litwick my life force every time she does it :doh:
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Call me when I can transfer Milotic and Dragonite. I will enjoy this strong world with my two comrades.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Okay, so I'm trying to catch Xerneas and I have a favor to ask -- Can somebody loan me a modest natured pokemon with synchronize for a bit? @w@

Edit: Hold on, I just caught a Hasty natured Xerneas...Should I keep this one or retry for a Modest natured Xerneas? Most of his stats are pretty good, save for his Defense and Special Defense, which is 99 and 108 respectively. :trainermon:
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'd be tempted to keep the Hasty one myself. It seems fitting for a Legendary Fairy-type somehow. Possibly because when I think "faerie" and "deer" I think of the White Hart, which leads people who follow/chase it into a possibly unfortunate destiny and such :reapermon:

Also I have no Pokemon with synchronize that would be worth anything to you so there's that :awesome:
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