New Pokemon Games:Pokemon X and Y is scheduled for the 3DS


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Darlings, are there feebases and Dratinis for me to catch in this new world? Or must this banking commerce released in December be the only option? ; . ;
Too early to tell yet, BUT one area has statues of Dratini and Milotic, so I'm guessing they'll be available somewhere.

It seems to me that each route has more available species this generation than in previous ones.

My party is currently made up of:
-Blaise (Delphox), named after Merlin's tutor in Arthuric tradition.
-Dante (Charizard), named after the poet
-Blaziken, from the event. Speed Boost is EVIL. :D
-Dee (Sandile), diminutive form of (Crocodile) Dundee.
-Kasumi (Lapras), gifted on Route 12. Named after the Japanese for mist.
-Mary (Flaffy), as in Mary had a little lamb. Also diminutive form of Mareep

Dee and Mary are there to gain EXP, while my Fire trio and Kasumi deal with the heavy lifting.

Notable past members (starting from when they joined):
-Ambush (Scatterbug), named after Ambush Bug, a DC Comics character, as it was the very first wild Pokémon I met.
-Willard (Weedle), from a line from the David Soul song, Kristopher David. (Willard the wasp.)
-Pidgey, couldn't think of a nickname.
-Ashley (Zigzagoon), the first female Pokémon I caught.
-Carrie (Fletchling), after the Robin/
from Frank Miller's Dark Knight series.
-Pika (GUESS), reusing the nickname from Yellow.
-Sekhmet (Litleo), after the lioness headed Egyptian goddess of destruction.
-Pansage, couldn't think of a nickname.
-Azumarill, couldn't think of a nickname.
-Arthur (Amara), back formed from: Arctic > Art/Artie > Arthur. If I'd thought to save before getting it revived, I'd have save scummed to get a female I'd have called Gertie.
-Thumper (Steelix), received in an in-game trade.

Uncertain about my squad make-up going on. Looking at Serebii's list of gym leaders, level wise my previous main squad (Fire starter trio, Azumarill, Pika and Arthur) could probably brute force their way through gyms they don't have a type advantage over for the immediate future. Just bested Korrina earlier.

Although they aren't in my party, I want to highlight two other nicknamed Pokémon, both of whom are Honedge: Gramocles (male) and Saber (female). Gramocles cos I think the German name for Honedge is much cooler (Gram + Sword of Damocles), and Saber because I didn't realise at first they'd be gendered, so when the first Honedge I found was female...
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Personally I would name my Fletchling after Tim Drake, even when he evolves, this Pokemon will always be my boy wonder. :') I have yet to find an alternate Sky Angel here in this world.

And thanks for the heads up, Kris! Let me know if you can capture Milotics and Dratinis :B

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Speaking of Pokemon nicknames, I named my Litleleo Guy Shishio and my Pidgey Soldat-002. I've been waiting since forever to name them, ahahahahah.

Now just finished up super training my Riolu. As soon as my Kakuna evolves for the dex entry, I'm off to the next gym~

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I nicknamed the Dunsparce I snagged awhile back Matt for obvious reasons :monster: Also, I'm in the middle of the pack for game progression, I've only got one badge but I'm in town to get #2. I spent a shitload of time playing with everyone, even monsters I know I plan to replace, and doing super training out the ass and so on. Gotta love a monster that randomly dodges attacks, gets boosted exp, and has a special attack stat of 75 at level 25 :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Still between first and second gyms, but I have 3 out of 6 of my final team, and 5 out of six picked out.

Decided to go for a fire/steel theme, so three fire starters, Lucario, and Honedge etc. Not sure the final dude in the party.

Clicky Person

Pro Adventurer
Nanny Ogg
So at this rate I might be the only one not getting a Fennikin? :monster: I really want a Meowstic on my team so I'm leaning more towards the Froakie atm. I probably won't get my game til December though.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I just figured "Fuck it, Fire theme" after learning I get 2 of my favorite fire types just handed to me.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Anyone else find the creepy ghost(?) girl on the second floor of one of the buildings in North Lumiose?
When you take the elevator up to the floor, the lights go whack and she floats in and says "No.. you're not the one...".


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Anyone else find the creepy ghost(?) girl on the second floor of one of the buildings in North Lumiose?
When you take the elevator up to the floor, the lights go whack and she floats in and says "No.. you're not the one...".
YES. That creeped me the hell out! I might get some answers, as I'm going to some Haunted Mansion on Route 14.

Getting very annoyed with the snobs in the Lumiose Boutique who refuse to take my money. Glad to see on Serebii though that there are a number of fedoras available.

Also, I can confirm the facial hair rumour from the pre-launch. You can get it added in the PR studio, along with a number of contact lenses. So far, only two styles of facial hair, and all contact lenses are real world colours.

For those of you who haven't gone down Route 6 yet, be careful for Pokémon ninja'ing you. Venipede in particular take joy in leaping out at you.

Also, a hint at making money: there's an Amulet Coin in Parfum Palace (end of Route 6), in the fireplace in one of the rooms. Give this to the lead Pokémon and hit up the Battle Château on Route 7. Clear all the trainers, return to the Pokémon Centre in Camphrier Town. Heal, go back to the Château. Rinse and repeat. :awesome:

Oh, and on the nickname front: renamed Mary the Ampharos to Marie. More French sounding. :awesome:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm not sure really about the EV totals, I just know that super training has resulted in some insane stats for level 35-40 Pokemon such as mine. And yes, I picked Squirtle. Its the only Kanto starter I didn't have (albeit Volvagia the Charmander and Irys the Venusaur are still chilling in Unova) and I had NEVER trained one. So after all these years waiting his turn, Squirtle finally has his day... and proceeded to wreck shit up :neo:

So, team update. Only my Tyrunt remains unevolved, everyone else is in their final form. And I have a complete, lifelong bond built up with all six of them thanks to Pokemon-Amie (it helps that Ashley LOVES Pokemon-Amie, she and Dani play with and feed the team while I'm at work so really they're bonding with them too :monster:)

Shockingly, Molly the Vivillon is still on the team after three badges and a load of training, and still quite useful (she picked up Bug Buzz today so now she's even more dangerous). Seriously, I went from "meh, another caterpillar to bug that'll get boxed after one badge tops" to "BEST EARLY BUG-TYPE EVER!" and its weird but cool. Still, she's falling behind noticeably now and I wanna get a Flying-type that can actually Fly soon, just not sure what to take (Noibat is out unless I wanna replace Tina, don't want too many Dragons on the team). And Pick Up has somewhat lost its allure now that I actually have enough cash to buy shit, so I'd like to pick a new sixth member and rotate Flopsy in for HM duty (she's carrying Cut and Strength, as well as Rock Smash even though its a TM now). But I have three full boxes of Pokemon now and more rolling in all the time. I DON'T KNOW WHO TO TRAIN ANYMORE AHGHKDHKGHD!!! :wacky:

Oh, and I don't give a shit what anyone says about Delphox claiming it's uncanny valley or whatevs. Its now tied with Charizard for my second favorite Fire-type starter, thanks to how kickass Dresden has turned out to be.

And in closing, fuck I'm over-leveled. There are so many Pokemon to catch + catching yields exp now. I literally have no idea what any of Korrina's Pokemon can do, as I OHKO'd each and every one before it could move :doh: The only attack Grant managed was Take Down (I'd forgotten about Amaura's ability turning it into an Ice-type attack) before Tina took it out with Rock Tomb. Its getting kinda sad but I have no idea how to stop :doh:


Chloe Frazer


Also I haven't had a chance to play the game yet since my little brother is playing it 24/4. Question: Can you have multiple save files on the game or is it like the old ones that had just one?

Clicky Person

Pro Adventurer
Nanny Ogg
Just one save file each game. Why not get your own game and just borrow his 3ds to play it with? That's what I'm going to do when I get my game, just borrow GLD's 3ds to play it. If we want to trade I think we have a few third party people we can trade with, and then there's the pokemon bank/transporter. True after the trial period you gotta pay for it, but it's just like 5 dollars a year.


Chloe Frazer
Yeah I was thinking about doing that if it were the case. Now I just have to claw that 3DS off my little brother's hands from time to time.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Double post because I feel like it :reapermon: A quick update of my team, I swapped out Flopsy the Diggersby for Burr the Ferroseed... who I have already fully bonded with/super trained/evolved :awesome: Tina the Tyrunt also evolved into Tyrantrum, so I'm rolling deep with six full evos now. Still no viable replacements for my Vivillon though, so I've tossed the Fly HM onto a Doduo from like ten routes back for now. Its odd, this is the second game in a row where I couldn't find a good Fly user who fit my team dynamic.

In other matters, I'm a five badge trainer now and yet the dicks at the Lumiose City clothing store still won't let me in. Any tips from you lot? I asked the internet and got around ten conflicting answers on the matter.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Double post because I feel like it :reapermon: A quick update of my team, I swapped out Flopsy the Diggersby for Burr the Ferroseed... who I have already fully bonded with/super trained/evolved :awesome: Tina the Tyrunt also evolved into Tyrantrum, so I'm rolling deep with six full evos now. Still no viable replacements for my Vivillon though, so I've tossed the Fly HM onto a Doduo from like ten routes back for now. Its odd, this is the second game in a row where I couldn't find a good Fly user who fit my team dynamic.

In other matters, I'm a five badge trainer now and yet the dicks at the Lumiose City clothing store still won't let me in. Any tips from you lot? I asked the internet and got around ten conflicting answers on the matter.

Wear a matching outfit. Notice how each little article of clothing has a little background design? if you wear a bunch of clothing with the same bg design, you can get in. Note that socks and accessories don't have these as wearing them is optional.

team update: I brought Raichu back in place of Blaziken because Blaziken was my highest leveled Pokemon due to bonus exp and it was plenty overleveled and had redundant typing, with Fighting covered by Lucario and Fire covered by Delphox and Charizard.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
In other matters, I'm a five badge trainer now and yet the dicks at the Lumiose City clothing store still won't let me in. Any tips from you lot? I asked the internet and got around ten conflicting answers on the matter.
Run around Lumiose, visiting all the places. Make a PR video, get your hair done at the salon, do some odd jobs for the hotel. Oh, and there are random trainers throughout the city who you can battle. Be warned though, buying their nicest gear will seriously drain your funds. Bear in mind the cashflow trick I mentioned a few days ago.

Here's a list of where all the random trainers are:

As soon as I gifted my trainer a grey fedora, I realised I'd inadvertently created a young Indiana Jones expy. :awesome:

I've just got Flare's SECOND secret base to clear, then I'm on to the eighth badge. :trainermon: My final team is Blaise the Delphox, Dante the Charizard (who may be renamed, as his favourite strategy is death from above), Blaziken, Kasumi the Lapras, Dee the Krookodile and Marie the Ampharos. I've actually cut down on the amount of non-essential battling I was doing, simply to maintain some challenge.

Unfortunately, I've yet to come up with a good anti-Fairy strategy. I had to train up a Nidorina to deal with the Fairy gym, as none of my team can learn Venoshock and Charizard no longer learns Steel Claw. -_-

Breeding news: baby Pokémon may on occasion inherit egg moves if the mother knows them, and if one of the parents holds Destiny Knot, five IVs will be transferred to the offspring.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Sorry, only have the one myself, and my usual online shopping channels are either out of stock or at high street prices. :(

I've just seen Xerneas' awakening, and I now fully emphasise my trainer's Indyesqueness. Oh, and first Poké Ball thrown! Paralysed it with Marie the Ampharos' Thunder Wave (ha!), then had Blaziken whittle its health down with Double Kick and Blaze Kick. Then threw a Timer Ball. :D Nicknamed it Xavier.

is an absolute beast! It just KO'd, in short order, Marie (twice!!), Blaziken, Dee the Krookodile, and Dante the Charizard! Who KO'd it? Blaise. My fully evolved starter. With... Flamethrower. As a critical hit.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
So, I got into the super chic boutique and shit. Now I wanna unlock more hair styles to go with my bitchin' new fedora. So much better than the other hat options. If I HAVE to wear a hat, I demand a fedora or a trilby and the rest can all sod off. I also progressed from just having gotten my fifth badge to catching my version Legendary. It was fucking terrifying, I posted about it in either makes your day or small pleasures, I forget cause adrenaline rush is still going.

is an absolute beast! It just KO'd, in short order, Marie (twice!!), Blaziken, Dee the Krookodile, and Dante the Charizard! Who KO'd it? Blaise. My fully evolved starter. With... Flamethrower. As a critical hit.

I didn't think it was all that bad really. I took him down with my own Mega-Blastoise, Roshi. Took a few turns, and I had to spend a Hyper Potion to make it work out, but it boiled down to "confuse that fucker and keep it confused, turn its massive attack stat against it!" It helped by spamming nothing but Outrage like a moron. And I could have destroyed it with Burr the Ferrothorn and his awesome Power Whip, just like I did the previous times we fought him. Mega Evolution would've only hurt it there, losing Flying would make Grass super effective on it :trainermon: But it seemed right and proper that his Mega should fall to mine, so ineffecient or not I did it anyway.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
GLD! Can you hit me up with a Squirtle egg? *__* *will make you Charmander/Chespin eggs if need be!**

*as soon as I can get Snorlax out of the way
**and a ditto
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