New Pokemon Games:Pokemon X and Y is scheduled for the 3DS

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Double posting for awesome team update: My entire team is now level 100, and are now enjoying a well earned break in The Box :awesome: So now, a new team of trainees shall join the fray, led by Tessa (my Malamar) and Cassaundra (my Absol, also my current go-to for Mega Evolutions now that Roshi is fully leveled). I'm also raising a Mawile, Fletchling, Tentacool, and will be breeding a Skiddo that sucks far less than the one I have in the box (while finally getting around to breeding Tyrunt for Kris yes I'm a slacker go to hell).

Oh, and it struck me that I've never had a team go from their default level when caught/obtained to 100 that fast before. Kalos is freaking amazing.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Sorry guys, the real world and Gamerspective duties had me busy. My friend code is the following:


Kai Schulen

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Trainer Red
Anytime after Friday eh? Next Thursday would be best for me (this goes for Kris too). I've got Kamera all ready to head your way, was there anything else I was supposed to get for you? I got distracted training up my Inkay (now Malamar) Tessa (who is fully Super Trained and Bonded now and leveling rapidly) and thus forgot about some of my breeding responsibilities :doh:

Nope, Just Kamera!

I just got home. MY BODY POKEMON IS READY (for trading, that is. I've been breeding Abras with Synchronize ever since I beat the E4 and haven't done any serious training since then.)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Annnd I totally forgot that Clicky had a doctor's appointment to check her blood glucose, get a shot, and have a general baby checkup yesterday. Also forgot to hammer down a decently convenient time for trading. So... oops :doh: Sorry Red, hopefully your body Pokemon is still ready on the next attempt.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Annnd I totally forgot that Clicky had a doctor's appointment to check her blood glucose, get a shot, and have a general baby checkup yesterday. Also forgot to hammer down a decently convenient time for trading. So... oops :doh: Sorry Red, hopefully your body Pokemon is still ready on the next attempt.
Aww, it's okay. Just let me know when you can trade anytime. @_@

Also, just got a pokemon with pokerus. Do you want me to infect Shears?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Sure, if you'd like. I found a random monster in my box with Pokerus too (I always get it eventually) so I could do it myself if you're feeling lazy (or infect Kamera for you) :trainermon:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Heya guys just wanted to ask, are Feebases available in this safari feature? I'm looking at areas before buying just to be sure so I can get my battle couple back. I played my games through emulator but this will be my first adventure to the DS. :B ;;; In a world where fairy can kill Dragons, I wish to put Reginald the Dragonite to his ultimate test along with his mate.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
ARGH! THIS IS THE BADDEST NEWS I'VE EVER HEARD! FOR A PLACE WITH BEAUTY AS A THEME, THEY DONT HAVE THE POKEMON THAT EMBODYS BEAUTY?! SO LAME!!!!! I'll buy my DS when the trade is available. I may have to get Black/White 2 again that's not an emulator for getting her into Kalos.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I think I am slowly losing sanity over breeding chanseys with aromatherapy and seismic toss. @_@ I thought I was going nuts breeding synchronize Abras and magikarps but this... @____@

Also, I dunno if any of you guys have heard about the pokemon battle analyzer software but I have only one thing to say to those who use the battle analyzer:


So, be careful when accepting random battles from random passerbys. :trainermon:
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Okay so my TLS team is currently being built and I have so far:

Soakette the Inkay:


Amizon the Honedge:


Fangu the Taillow:



I chose Chespin and Charmander as my duo starters. :B still looking to replace my water mon.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Welcome to Kalos Reg :trainermon: You know, since Omega is gone and all you should totally make a Steel-type specialty. Join the team, be an X-man Gym Leader. Iron Man Reg could live again, with your faithful Amizon at your side (bitchin' name for a Honedge btw, Amizon should be proud to have lent it out).

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm only borrowing it, but I told him to wonder trade my mons or send them all to my cousin's x till I can get a 2DS and go around Kalos again. I may take up the Steel type and exceed my predecessor with Nasus, The Lucario and with my trusty Amizon blade. Although I'm more attached to Jessica the Malamar, she's so stronk though I dont know what weakness she has. I'm gonna miss all these mons I've trained so hard when the real owner comes on July :okay:

funny fact, I caught an Exeggcute and named it TiffSquad and a Dugtrio called KripSamJess to those who left :B though I will never use them as I see relatively low interest in using Exeggcute and Dugtrio considering I have stronger mons in Jessica, Amizon and Fangu the Taillow. Fangus everywhere man.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I am facing difficulty in steel because I dont know if there is steel/water, steel/fire and steel/grass.... wait I think I can get empoleon and feroseed for those. But I have yet to find Fire/Steel. I have Lucario for Steel/Fight and Amizon for Steel/Ghost so I may have to find Steel/Dark.

Edit: UGH!! Heatran only fulfilled Fire Steel!! Its so fucking ugly for a mon though...
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm only borrowing it, but I told him to wonder trade my mons or send them all to my cousin's x till I can get a 2DS and go around Kalos again.

By Wonder Trade, you mean regular trade right? Cause Wonder Trading is a totally different thing and your mons would be gone forever that way :reapermon:

I may take up the Steel type and exceed my predecessor with Nasus, The Lucario and with my trusty Amizon blade.

That'd be awesome, not gonna lie. Even though the league never really got off the ground and probably never will, as things stand, I'd still enjoy seeing another Gym Leader around here.

Although I'm more attached to Jessica the Malamar, she's so stronk though I dont know what weakness she has.

Malamar are awesome critters. Tessa can own most every opponent I've put in front of her, especially once she's had a turn or two to spam Super Power. I especially love sending her after poor Wikstrom's Aegislash. If it tries to attack, it's defense stats drop to almost nothing and it gets one shotted by Night Slash. If it tries to use King's Shield and defend itself, it buffs her attack sharply. Damned if it does, damned if it don't :muhaha: But yeah, they got weakness. Fairy-types can wreck them, and Bug-types will utterly destroy them. Plus, their type combo has no resistances at all, only an immunity, two weaknesses, and everything else neutral. So pretty much all offense and stat fuckery from them.

I'm gonna miss all these mons I've trained so hard when the real owner comes on July :okay:

I know the feeling.

funny fact, I caught an Exeggcute and named it TiffSquad and a Dugtrio called KripSamJess to those who left :B

Awesome way to honor those who are now gone. I laugh about the Exeggcute though, since Tiff's speciality was Bug-types (which Exeggcute is 4x weak against).

though I will never use them as I see relatively low interest in using Exeggcute and Dugtrio considering I have stronger mons in Jessica, Amizon and Fangu the Taillow. Fangus everywhere man.

Don't knock 'em though, Exeggcute has a fuck-ton of weak spots to exploit and isn't exactly speedy but it can do some fine damage or screw the opponent's stats sideways, and Dugtrio is the OG Electric-type slayer and they're FAST (base speed 120). Excellent monsters. But then, so are the ones you chose there :awesome: So there is that.

For myself, I maxed out the second team I'd taken to training and got a third together. I'm now raising (and have half-bonded with/fully Super Trained all but one of) a Honedge of my own, a Helioptile, (female) Litleo, Relicanth, Hawlucha, and rounded it out with an Ursaring I lucked across. I say lucked across cause its one of the best wild-caught monsters I've ever had, Adamant and Quick Tempered. At level 50, with no training whatsoever, he had 133 attack. Post Super Training, he's sitting at 199. Once he hits level 100, I expect Agent Grizzlikoff will hit insanely hard. Especially since he has Guts, knows Facade, and is toting around a Flame Orb :trainermon: Now, just gotta finish Super Training the Relicanth and I can get started raising levels and preparing move-sets for the utter ruination of all who stand in my path.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

So let's talk about the Pokebank delay. Tingle is very disappointed with the delay, as he has boxes of breeding rejects that he needs to find someplace to store, plus he wants his Celebi.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I am facing difficulty in steel because I dont know if there is steel/water, steel/fire and steel/grass.... wait I think I can get empoleon and feroseed for those. But I have yet to find Fire/Steel. I have Lucario for Steel/Fight and Amizon for Steel/Ghost so I may have to find Steel/Dark.

Edit: UGH!! Heatran only fulfilled Fire Steel!! Its so fucking ugly for a mon though...

I missed this post the first time. Yeah, Heatran is the only known Fire/Steel dual-type at present. I agree it is kinda homely, plus a Legendary which always seemed uncool to use, personally. Steel/Dark is also limited, just Pawniard/Bisharp, but they look awesome and ARE awesome, especially the Defiant ones. And you are correct, Empoleon and Ferroseed would cover Water and Grass (and Ferroseed, as I learned this gen, is badass as fuck). I would also point out Aggron and Mawile as possibilities. Both got Mega Evolutions this generation, and Mawile I can say from experience is REALLY Mega. Huge Power, boosted defenses, one of the best defensive combos in the game? And it really rocks its new Fairy typing, I've put down equally leveled Garchomp and Dragonite in one shot with Play Rough, sometimes without Tranceforming first :trainermon:

Oh, and don't forget the many other good Steel-types, like Magnemite/ton/zone, Scizor, even Probopass can be pretty awesome. I like Steel-types <3

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm also aching to get this banking commerce thing so I can bring myself and my beloved back to the world in 3D and breed a ton of feebasses <3

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I missed this post the first time. Yeah, Heatran is the only known Fire/Steel dual-type at present. I agree it is kinda homely, plus a Legendary which always seemed uncool to use, personally. Steel/Dark is also limited, just Pawniard/Bisharp, but they look awesome and ARE awesome, especially the Defiant ones. And you are correct, Empoleon and Ferroseed would cover Water and Grass (and Ferroseed, as I learned this gen, is badass as fuck). I would also point out Aggron and Mawile as possibilities. Both got Mega Evolutions this generation, and Mawile I can say from experience is REALLY Mega. Huge Power, boosted defenses, one of the best defensive combos in the game? And it really rocks its new Fairy typing, I've put down equally leveled Garchomp and Dragonite in one shot with Play Rough, sometimes without Tranceforming first :trainermon:

Oh, and don't forget the many other good Steel-types, like Magnemite/ton/zone, Scizor, even Probopass can be pretty awesome. I like Steel-types <3

I wouldn't mind if I can't get fire, I'll just replace it with fairy, since a female Mawile eluded me once...NEVER AGAIN. I will name this Mawile after Mage possibly but she is already a Mismageus. I'm thinking of taking Mawile for my Gym Leader potential, since Aggron is not flexible enough. I need dual typings to have the power of two pokemon in one body, hence why I'm comboing all over the place. I can cover 12 mons with simple duo typing and giving them unexpected movepools that can confound the enemy.

Mawile is scary enough, but I often see myself as a Dragon Lord. :'[ knowing Mawile, Azumarill and Sylveon can kill Reginald, Timmi the Salamence and my Garchomp, finds it very difficult to find a counter while still putting the weakness on. Basically I'm trying to find a Dragon that can kill fairies unexpectedly but sadly lacking atm.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I wouldn't mind if I can't get fire, I'll just replace it with fairy, since a female Mawile eluded me once...NEVER AGAIN. I will name this Mawile after Mage possibly but she is already a Mismageus. I'm thinking of taking Mawile for my Gym Leader potential, since Aggron is not flexible enough. I need dual typings to have the power of two pokemon in one body, hence why I'm comboing all over the place. I can cover 12 mons with simple duo typing and giving them unexpected movepools that can confound the enemy.

Don't forget dual-types, awesome as they are, have drawbacks too in many cases. Its how you get 4x weaknesses, after all. Aggron actually gets much more defensively viable when it cuts itself down to a pure Steel-type... though it does cost it STAB for Rock Head Smash <---Edit: Fixxed :reapermon:

Mawile is scary enough, but I often see myself as a Dragon Lord. :'[ knowing Mawile, Azumarill and Sylveon can kill Reginald, Timmi the Salamence and my Garchomp,

Haha, those are bad yes (though Garchomp in particular is fast enough and tough enough to take 'em out with Iron Head), but the real problem for Garchomp is Togekiss. Flying/Fairy-dual type, totally immune to BOTH of Garchomp's STABs, plus Serene Grace Confusion/Paralysis/Flinch hax. Deadly little shits.

finds it very difficult to find a counter while still putting the weakness on. Basically I'm trying to find a Dragon that can kill fairies unexpectedly but sadly lacking atm.

Well, two choices for that. One is Dialga (Legendary, boo). The other...émon)

Meet Dragalge. They're awesome.
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Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Ugh, I need to get a friend safari with a Togepi in it. *is still going batshit over breeding egg moves* Roselia, y u no lern sleep power by yourself?!

UGH, I MISS MY POKEMON but thesis comes first. ;_;
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