The purple digital static effect that appears in the
Rebirth trailer during the cuts to the tornado from the end of
Remake as well as in the cut to the falling black feather during the Shinra News Network broadcast is the exact same visual effect that gets used in
Remake when Cloud, Barret, & Tifa are in the Cosmos Theater holographic projector and the presentation is over and then it suddenly starts up and Cloud sees a false digital recreation of them being killed by Sephiroth, and Midgar being obliterated by Meteor and tornados the same way it was in the ending of the original game:
Remake literally demonstrates that Shinra's technology has the capability to digitally recreate people in realistically convincing footage, though how much of that is the result of something directly connected to Jenova given the particulars of the glitch in that moment isn't ever clear, since Jenova Dreamweaver's abilities are extending into altering the visual appearance of Marco the #2 test subject to visually evoke the appearance of Sephiroth. Additionally, we know that Barret, Tifa, Red XIII, & Aerith have all been inside one of those, been into the Shinra combat simulators that use that same technology, or otherwise held in Shinra custody where faking them wouldn't be out of the question. Even Yuffie & Sonon being pushed into the older Combat Simulator Prototype was a key plot point in
InterMISSION, connected to her own trauma and why she's shown screaming and bumping into Cloud while running away from Jenova Birth in this trailer.
On top of that, one of the other key moments in this
Rebirth trailer was showing Bugenhagen's observatory creating the projections of the solar system, and his device seems to be related to that same underlying technology. Also, as with the curated broadcast on the attack on the Sector 5 Reactor, footage of Cloud is scrubbed out from any Shinra-based news. That's a critical part of everything that I'll come back to in a moment.
The reason that the tornado is reported as causing damage across Sectors 0, 1, & 2 is simple – those are regions that were either damaged in the singularity event with the tornados OR were damaged in AVALANCHE's attack on Shinra HQ during which Cloud & Co. made their escape. So long as they paint a public broadcast that explains all of that damage as being tied to a single event, they don't need to acknowledge that the President's death was an assassination or even that anyone related to the narrative that the constructed with Wutai managed to cause damage to Shinra at all.
Whether the footage of Barret, Tifa, Red XIII, & Aerith is real is questionable as there are plausible explanations that it's a duplication via the singularity as well as just being Shinra propaganda... but given the nature of the entire trailer being about Jenova covertly replacing real people with false duplicates I think it falls more in line with this being something intentionally connected to the continuing narrative of Shinra's use of media propaganda, rather than being relegated to the tiny fragment of alternate timeline events that have only ever been shown in ending cinematics thus far.
We know that a number of the ground-level Shinra troops encountered Cloud & Co. and were directly involved in their pursuit.
Media that shows those individuals as being defeated and recovered by Shinra serves a dual purpose in spinning a narrative victory for Shinra's troops while also showing Shinra being the same benevolent rescue team that all the propaganda footage they created throughout
Remake always focused on. What happens to them after that doesn't matter whether they're alive or dead, because it provides a narrative that matches Shinra's agenda and they can shift that to match whatever happens afterwards.
Coming back to Cloud, I find it interesting that he is always intentionally left out of all public broadcasts. Not only is showcasing an ex-SOLDIER going rogue is something that Shinra goes to great lengths to cover up, but that lends itself to reinforcing other things as well. After all,
Rebirth is not only going to cover Sephiroth making Cloud question Tifa's authenticity, but they're also the company that literally rebuilt all of Nibelheim and filled it with people who pretended that they'd always lived there in order to cover up that anything ever happened after Sephiroth went insane. This is EXACTLY the type of propaganda that they're not only known for and even more strongly using in
Remake, but that also composes the central thematic element in
The only place that we DO see Cloud is when his physical form is replacing that of the cloaked individual in the Whirlwind Maze that Cloud also saw in the Flashback when he encountered Marco in Chapter 3 of
Remake. This is keeping with the overall theme of Cloud always being inappropriately missing from events where he
SHOULD be seen and missing from ones where it seems like he's supposed to have been. Those are things that help to reinforce the doubt about Cloud's own identity as being a real person rather than just a Sephiroth copy that's being projected over someone else entirely. The closer those things get to Zack and the pieces not fitting together correctly, the more credibility that starts to lend to the other narratives that Shinra & Sephiroth are presenting.
That is the other critical point of the storyline during this section of the game, especially leading up to the emergence of Meteor in the sky and (likely) where
Rebirth is going to end, with Sephiroth being reborn in North Crater and Meteor appearing. That sets up for the final game to start out with Shinra broadcasting the public execution of AVALANCHE from Junon building upon all of the propaganda that they're continuing to set up in this game, since they still have to control that narrative of authoritarian control even as Sephiroth is bringing about the apocalypse, so all of the groundwork of how that gets established is a critical component of this game as much as anything else with Sephiroth & Cloud's identity.
Related to that: Rufus refers to the Cloaked individuals as,
"Shadows of the man" for how Hojo just uses the term to describe them. The Japanese dialogue doesn't mention Hojo and it just uses the term "bunshin" (分身) which is a clone. It seems like they're trying to build into an existing association that helps to differentiate the idea of illusory duplicates that are overwritten by Jenova from genetically grown duplicates.
Naruto utilizes artificial psuedo-physical copies with the "kage bunshin" (影分身) literally Shadow Clones, and so by starting out calling them "Shadows of the man" in English is seems like that can help to bridge the parallels to where a Jenova copy of someone is different from a scientifically cloned test subject in ways that likely won't track as clearly in English or other languages. It's interesting to see how localization can benefit from those themes in Japanese media existing in other places to help bridge the gap where the language doesn't inherently communicate the same ideas as clearly without a bit of differentiation. (This is a lot of what I've spent my time studying the last few years).
Speaking of copying other individuals, another moment that stands out is that in the JP trailer Rude's line is, なめるなよと which is a sort of phrase,
"Don't mess with me/us." but it's also using Reno's unique speech pattern affectation. This is the same way that way in
Advent Children the audience of the Japanese version knows that Tifa's talking to Reno on the phone without showing him or hearing his dialogue when she says,
"I remember you." 覚えてるぞと which has no real way of translating it into English directly.
WAY back in the olden days when I was doing fan subs for
Advent Children, I modified Reno's dialogue to use "man" or "yo" at the end of all of his sentences in English in order to allow for insertion of those mimicking dialogue hints to drop when other characters intentionally copy his speech patterns, since unless you give his speech a something like that that stands out, you'll run into issues the same way that the
Naruto series had to make up the phrase,
"Believe it!" into the stand in for "-dattebayo" which is how he conjugates his verbs that other characters occasionally mimic to evoke him in conversation where he's absent.
In the English version we instead get,
"She may be new, but she's still a Turk!" which carries a different attitude, but that's part of the complication with i18n & l10n is that a lot of the time you have to shift the burden of some lines to be carried in different places by changing translations to something that works. While this still communicates the tight bond that the Turks have to one another, Rude's close bond to Reno will likely end up placed in different pieces of dialogue that help to communicate that in other ways.
End-to-end, this trailer links up perfectly with all the teases we didn't have any context for in
the First Look trailer to really help sell the sense of uncertainty about what's going on with everyone and how everyone's actions change things so that the new players and returning players all have the same sense of wild speculation around what's real and what isn't that's SUPPOSED to define this section of the game and leave everyone full of conflicting answers, unreliable narrators, and intentionally obscured truths. Pair that with all of the dual-tech gameplay and the ways that the world is being opened up and I couldn't be more excited to see what those two discs have in store.