I finished the gaem! sort of. ish. I got ending D (deranged!9s all the whizzay!) I do think 2A could've used a lot more explanation / character development tbf. I mean maybe I've not yet replayed the game often enough, but is it ever explained why she kills the forest king? Just as an example. Needs moar fleshing out (hhehehe, flesh).)
The game's a bit broken for me now though, given how apparently I can now use the chapter select to jump around and grab the remaining endings (I need C and E). I think I'll just redo from chapter err, 11 ish (e.g. "part two") onwards, should be not too long now that I've got most of the sidequests.
Then (from what little I dared to read), replay from the start and do everything wrong, see how many endings I can get

Anyway some more confusing things.
So if I got my timeline and whatnot right, here's what's up:
* Humanity was dying because reasons, disease, what have you, so they started project Gestalt, a means of perpetuating humanity by transferring consciousness into robots / androids.
* Shit goes south; on the one hand the replicants go batshit, on the other there's the twins in most of the major cities going crazy. I'm not sure what exactly went down, but, project failed, humanity goes extinct.
* ??????? not sure what's up now.
* The aliens invade!11one. They bring robots / the Machines. I dunno what party is alive at this point or how to refer to them - Gestalt? Androids? AI? It gets fuzzy here.
* Project YoRHa is started, using machine cores to create the androids as we play them in the game - because using AIs (which I guess refers to the remains of mankind / Gestalt / etc?) is considered inhumane.
* As is vaguely revealed in the Tower, which is err. Made by the machines? It also gets vague here. Which side is the red woman on? Is that like a leftover of Gestalt? Or like the machine mastermind AI? Anyway as is revealed there and in the resource towers, YoRHa seems to be a project to gather enough (combat) data to create the next generation of being. That and/or for the machines to discover the remnants of mankind (fake news!) is on the moon. Which has to have been intended all along, given the timed backdoor to the bunker and shit.
Or is YoRHa in fact a project by the machines, which they use to train themselves / develop their own AI into the red woman to achieve a higher level of being, after which their plan was all along to go to the stars and shit? I would've expected (in that case) for them to go all in on the dank silicon structure thing (getting a Mr. Manhattan vibe there) and launch bajillions of craft everywhere.
I really don't know anymore, I have so many Questions

. The backdrop of the game seems to be the Machines being an old, rusty and tired race, where a lot of their members have broken down, or forgotten their purpose, or developed personalities and self-awareness over thousands of years, breaking away from the network because eventually everything is broken.
What's that about 2B being 2E and always ending up killing 9S anyway? Is that like, because of reasons, 9Ses always end up corrupted so at some point in every mission they have to be put down? How long has 2B been at it anyway? What I'm reading on the prototype model A2 is that she had only been deployed three years prior to the events in the game, so the 2B and 9S models can't have been that old yet. Faux edit: opened the wiki page on 2B, it says that she did hundreds of operations already, and that she was in on the true nature of the project. Maybe A2 had been around for much longer than the 3 years in advance, 14th machine war and that was just the tipping point?
I was sure that at one point there would be a reveal that the mission / activities you do in the game are just part of some conspiracy headed by the Commander, like, a simulation or endless repetition, but given the destruction of the city halfway through that turned out to be unlikely.