Orphan Black was the best show currently on television and why haven't you watched it yet?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah I wasn't expecting a lot of it. The whole intellectual property thing is a bit stupid though, I mean like that would hold up in a court? Or anywhere?

Next season is definitely going to be interesting.

The whole Intellectual Property thing with genetically modified creations is actually frighteningly accurate when it comes to real life. Since they had the balls to add in a genetic tag with that in binary on their cloned subjects' DNA, there's a pretty damn good possibility that they could hold it up, depending on the country's rights that extend to cloned human beings - but since that's basically a big grey area legally (since the science itself is illegal as hell now, but they might've gotten away with it at the time based on when and where it was done), a company like Neolution would probably have a lot of very real leverage in this scenario.

Also, io9's article is really good, and as some mythological connections that I'd missed.



X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So I watched the first episode of this. Pretty great. Will be watching more soon.


Higher Further Faster
I think this show seems interesting, but alas, I do not have BBC America, and I can only justify torrenting so much (such as, I actually plan on buying season seven of Doctor Who on DVD).

Perhaps if/when if goes up on Netflix I'll watch it then.


ahoy there mateys (can you do the otter dance etc etc i will never be able to say ahoy there mateys without that cartoon show popping into my head)

anyway tangeant

look what the internet has given us

I pretty much marathoned the first season a little while ago. Fantastic show. I'd been meaning to watch it for a while, but I'm kind of glad I put it off because it made my wait for the start of the second season a lot shorter. :monster: I'm hyped.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I watched the second episode of the first season. Excellent stuff.

Is there a good summary of the episodes somewhere? I forgot some of the details from the first episode and it doesn't look like I still have it on my TiVo. If not it's not really a big deal; I just can't remember some of the characters' relationships to each other.
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