Our Site


The moral of the story for me is that the fact that there are more pages to the applicable articles just needs to be more noticeable to readers. Any of the suggestions we've made are fine, but the trouble is how to implement it and/or whether or not Wordpress has options for it? I think this is fangu flavoured food, although I had hoped the day I came back we'd geek Skype about XII or Mass Effect instead of me complaining about a site feature :monster:


But yeah, although it's not super duper important I think it's something that needs to be done, because getting sucked into an interesting article then thinking it's half finished has happened to me a few times and I don't want it happening to people that are reading stuff for the first time.


cba. Still. Arse me, :monster:

[rant]I am disappoint in my own lack of passion, energy, and interest. Meh.[/rant]


Go off and be arsed. Ideally we'll have one by the end of this weekend. You realise we've been flip-flopping on this one tiny plugin for over a year now? Let's just be ruthless and not care and just pick the best of a bad bunch please? :D
What Lex said. Go and be arsed. This plugin thing will be over quickly. A year of flip-flopping could have been prevented by half an hour of doing (or maybe less). So do something now and prevent another year of cba-bullshit.


I will, and you better do it or I'll come over there and take your various electronic goods away from you. No more eve, no more social interaction with anyone.


Deleted member 546

If the gods are willing, you could well be standing in his presence in a fortnight. I'd comply if I were you. /nag


I reminded Yop about this again but he was doing something else.

Tomorrow I will be less distracted and on your back like flies on shit Yop. LIKE FLIES ON SHIT.


Great Old One
Also Yop there was this link I showed you for emailing through the company hosting the server. Did you want to look at it, or do you want us (bf and I) to? You said you could use that information for something - now we might be able to figure something out, but you know the SSH interface much better than I.

As I see it, the Frontpage and the emailing bugs are more important than any wishes for the fp. Not being able to have a new password emailed to you for your forum user is a fault I would call Major, and it's been like this for over a year now. The fp bug we're testing different solutions for.

As for the social media plugin. It came down to dissatisfaction about the design, iirc. Maybe someone has released a much more clever version by now.

Also regarding all that other stuff I have on my backlog - I got stuck because of fucking CSS. Fucking designs. I was trying to upgrade the CSS to Twenty Twelve but it broke a lot of stuff and now I'm considering rolling it back to Eleven to just delay the problem. But I hate delaying problems. >_>

Okay I'll take 1 hour and try to get an overview on the situation.

Top menu seems to be behaving now - it doesn't look at all like it should but at least the drop down works. \o/

I can work with Twenty Twelve nao. Will continue looking for small stuff and fix them. I'll try to set off 20-30 minutes every day to improve on this version, because it's always better to work with the latest (:Twenty Twelve) version. I will ask you guys to look around fhtagn (the test server, linked above) for faults. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of design bugs going on here - font sizes that are too big, wrong colors, misplaced edit buttons and comment speech bubbles and left alignments and borders that shouldn't be there. They should all be easy to fix.

I'm sorry I've been lazy and done nothing, but new job, vacation, ME1 and XII and stuff :desu:

Edit 2: Downloaded KDiff and checked the CSS for fixes done on the current site - they are minor, most of it related to getting the 'Ridely' font to work, but they are not huge. I should get Twenty Twelve to work fine in a short amount of time - as long as the menu doesn't take forever. I think it's better to install the Social plugin on a fresh Twenty Eleven version. If Yop gives go on a plugin, I can put it in. It'll probably better if someone makes a short list of available plugins, so I can focus on getting the TE theme ready, because that's something you don't need technical skills to do.

Edit 3: Fixed footer and margins in the previews. Did the Dreaded IE Test and it works.


* Search
* RSS icon
* Menu - having it drop down in the allowed widths
* Menu - gradient on bar Managed to fix this for IE, which has never worked!
* Menu - border images It works in Chrome and Firefox, which is the browser most of our users use. Opera and IE doesn't show borders. Safari - I have no idea. I tried downloading but couldn't figure out where X)

* Menu - correct font and font sizes & Menu - correct bg colors
Edit: I'm treating these two above as one now, because they're sorta the same thing. I've almost got it done now.

Needs to be checked:

* Archives template (all of them - categories, authors, search results etc)
* Single page posts and pages
* The old "blog index", AKA "News"
* Comments sections
* Speech bubbles for comments
* Galleries
* Tables

* Compare version and plugins to current server

* Social media plugin
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The e-mail bug is obviously the most important thing but I'm tired of us going round in circles about this damn social media plugin.

Seriously, someone pick one that functions and doesn't break everything and wedge it in there. As long as it's functional the aesthetic of it can go fuck itself, we need it and we need it now. Function now, optimisation later.


Great Old One
Look Yop


It's us

Edit: Also check my above post for constant edits. I'd rather update that one than spam this thread with new posts.
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Anyway, flare.

Yop installed it but there's a small bug currently with the text grab on the front page that he's trying to fix.

EDIT: Yop fixed it, all of our love and thanks to solely him <3. This plugin has a floating widget feature for the side of posts, it looks kinda nifty on the site when enabled but I think the smaller buttons at the bottom are enough.


This is why I don't like working on the site or Wordpress or PHP; shit never just works. I hacked in a substr at the end of new_excerpt_firstpreview() and I feel filthy and powerless and violated. The fact that Lex F5's constantly and reports on every little thing I'm hacking (YES I KNOW FUCK OFF I'M WORKING ON IT) isn't helping either. Right now the thing's bubbles are cut off on the left, moving the thing to the left side seems to fix that. And for some reason the bubbles are now misaligned to the bottom (in Chrome).

sdfasfasDFASDFAAA this is too frustrating, I can't deal with it, too much factors out of my control, too much hacks upon hacks just to make it sorta work. Too much stress and shit on a sunday. I need my weekends to recover from frustration, :monster:.

If you / the BF can look into the email thing, have at it Fangu, <3.


Consider my badgering a punishment for the length of time it's taken to get one of these things installed :monster:

The bubble appears slightly lower than it should, but that (to me at least) means pretty much nothing. Be happy that it's installed and worry not.


If you'd badger / remind me more often / earlier / while in chat and shit, I would've remembered and gotten around to it earlier, no u :monster:


Great Old One
EDIT: Yop fixed it, all of our love and thanks to solely him <3.
Yes thank you. For what it's worth, back when the social plugin was requested, I did do a lot of research work to find one. It stopped when I wanted permission to install it.

I have been working on fhtagn now for over 2 hours, and if I didn't know you well enough to look through the fingers as to why you wouldn't even comment on how I start working on fhtagn again without anyone even asking me, instead of yelling about how we're 'going around in damn circles' I would probably not bother with doing site work anymore. You're the Site Director, and I understand the need to yell DO IT FFS but a leaders first and most important job is to deal with people. This is especially hard when they're not paid and you're really in no position to use the whip to make them do stuff.

Actually I feel like recording a session on my computer so you guys can see how long it takes to fix ONE small CSS thing. First you have to get it to work in one browser, then you have to test the rest, then check the alignment in different widths. This is work that takes time, and like Yop says, when you do stuff like this full time as well, you need time off to do something completely different. We don't avoid doing stuff just because we're lazy. It's because it is actually WORK. And now that I work as a developer I totally see why Yop isn't being arsed and jumping straight to every 'little' task, because what might seem 'little' to someone who doesn't know how to say 'can I have a beer please' in code, can actually be a very time consuming and frustrating task.

Anyway updates in the post above.

Re: Flare, I will check with Yop which changes he made and update fhtagn with Flare to get it to work with Twenty Twelve.


Whoa there, calm down fangu. I'm sorry that I pissed you off, I know you were looking for a plugin back when but I was just showing Yop some appreciation for getting it done, it wasn't meant to be a dig at you.

Your efforts on the site have always been appreciated by absolutely everyone here. There would not be a site without you. I was under the impression that - while it can be crazy frustrating and boring I'm sure - you liked working on the site because it's something you wanted to do. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. I don't know how, but we'll find a way - you're not getting paid so you don't have any obligation to continue working on it if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to. But don't think for a second it's not appreciated, because everyone does. You are needed and wanted <3

I didn't comment on you working on Fhtagn because you've been working on it randomly now and then for a while, and I don't have anything to contribute towards it re: new things. I just assumed you'd know what to do and express any issues here for people with the right suggestions to say something, I don't want to be the patronising guy that pats everyone on the head for all the things they do. I see us as a well oiled machine all contributing our part to the greater site, and I did not mean to underappreciate the massive role you play in that, so I'm sorry if it came across that way.

That said, I should have acknowledged that you're taking the time and effort to look at it today. My main focus for this weekend was getting that social media plugin installed, and you know I had to "crack the whip". To be 100% honest, I think you're blowing the way I spoke to Yop way out of proportion - yes, it was cheeky, yes, it was half serious, but because I know you two so well I knew it would have the intended effect (i.e. remind Yop, make him "no u", possibly make him laugh) but also get the job done, and it did.

So yeah, you know as well as I do that when we blow up at each other it's because we're a bit too familiar sometimes. So there's my position explained, I'll ready the Kevlar for more fangu-fire :P.


Great Old One
Help an old, blind woman out please

If you ignore the background and the space between the words, how close are these two capitalization of the first letter and size of the font in general to each other? (The "Content" in the first one is bold, just so you know.)



For some reason I could not get font-variant: small-caps; to work on the new version. So I had to set a:first-letter to a set %, and then clear it out afterwards. An awful hack but I spent 15 minutes investigating what the hell the CSS is doing and that was 13 minutes too long. /Tryingtoprogrameconimically


Size looks (almost) the same but you can tell the first is bolded. The second looks a tiny bit larger.


Great Old One
Thanks. I changed it a bit, and it looks very very close now. Probably also because I think I got the height of the menu bar right too. Feel very free to have a look here compared to here - there are some placement errors, some faulty margins and the lines on the dropdown is white instead of the greenish color, but I think we're getting close.

Should the bold not be there? It represents "this is the page you're on", but I think we ended up removing that from the last version. I can't remember.


Pro Adventurer
I'm not sure what we decided on regarding the bold in the menu, but I don't think it's necessary. If we were actually on a page called "content", it might make sense, but we're just on the index page.
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