
Final Fantasy VII - Stupid Files

There are some AWESOME moments in there.
Edit: Though admittedly, most of it is quite tasteless humor.
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...why am I the only one to post in this thread?!

And I only just now noticed that this is the third Sephiroth related post I make here. Geez, that guy is popular.
Game Theory: Final Fantasy 7

"This week, we’re looking at the anatomy of a murder that has rocked the gaming world since 1997. Should Aerith have died based on her wounds? Did she die at all? The results will shatter what you thought you knew about this iconic and heartbreaking moment of game history."

Entertaining. Watch it. WATCH IT NAO.
"Everyone knew this time would come."


EDIT: The cosplay is based on this famous pic.

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Although not a parody, I don't know where else to post this. Somebody mixed clips from the original game with the voice of Marlene from the beginning of Advent Children (I think it's the first voice actress, not the one in ACC). I quite like it.

This was probably posted earlier, also I don't know the name of the comic, but still...


If Kingdom Hearts gave me something along these lines I would be a happy guy. =D


Pro Adventurer
"The Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Movie Cast"

Check it out! It's a highly impressive list. Guess what? It does NOT include Mr T. +10 for that alone.

Yeah, but the guy that is suppose to play Barret played Mr. T's character in the A-Team movie! lol

Interesting list, but Wesley Snipes as Rude? No way. I would start with Johnny Depp as Vincent. Is there a thread where we can post who we think should play who?

Anyways, some new videos

Get ready for nostalgia overload. Comes complete with gameplay to go with the nicely remixed music. Another reminder to me as to why I think Final Fantasy VII > everything else

I found this very funny. The voice acting is perfect. It kind of makes me want a remake too

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