Play Arts Kai - PROJECT! Final Fantasy


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Could be the jawline. Previously, some Lightning figs had awkwardly cut jawlines making them appeared skewed and stretched.


Higher Further Faster
Advice, please:

Is it worth it to pay $120 for the AC Cloud figure on the Square Enix store for the points/badges/etc or should I get it from Play Asia for $20 less?

What exactly can you get with all those points/awards anywa?


Higher Further Faster
rofl I actually was just browsing eBay and saw that one. Had a good laugh.

NOTE: The figure is a good quality China version.

I mean, at least they're honest. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Yeah it actually is a fairly decent-looking figure. That is, IF the figure in the photo is indeed the one they are sending me. :monster:

Also, I calculated shipping with Play Asia and there's not a HUGE difference between them and the SE store when you consider that I can have free shipping with SE...



Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'll probably order the cheapie from ebay, tbh. There was a day when knockoffs could be spotted a mile away but when they're that nice, I'm not as bothered. I mean, I got an Aerith movement in a knock off box, so0o0oo :wacky:

SE shipping in the US pretty fast too? I know with Play Asia and Hobby Japan I always got dinged pretty bad with customs..


Higher Further Faster
I've never ordered from any of them before to be honest, so I'm not really sure.

I am also tempted to order that cheap one. haha


Save your valediction (she/her)
I always liked the "Barret's hand is bigger than his head" style. His feet too. But I guess realism is where they are going.


Higher Further Faster
Oh I've got a Noctis figure coming. :awesomonster:

I still hate his pants, though.
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