PlayStation Vita (Sony Next Generation Portable)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
well wtf. that actually really annoys me.


Pro Adventurer
I think Sony have blundered slightly with that. I know the new console is called a Vita, not a PSP, but most people see it as an evolution of the PSP rather than something entirely new. If they had done more to emphasise the differences, people would probably just accept it as a new console and would soon enough overlook the lack of backwards compatibility. Now they are going to be wondering why Sony haven't put it in, and particularly why they're limiting it to Japan.


AI Researcher
The fact that it's already being implemented in Japan since release makes it all the more confusing (unless there was some kind of issue there I don't know about).


Harbinger O Great Justice
WELP, I went and messed around with the one at Gamestop over by my house, and it's a REALLY nice feeling system. It's surprisingly light as hell, and the R1/L1 buttons feel significantly better than the ones on my PSP 2000. I'll be picking one up when they come out, though I missed being able to preorder a proper bundle by a day, I'll see about swapping for one if they have any available the day of, and I'll try to find some time to post reviews and whatnot.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, I picked up my Vita, and I'm REALLY enjoying it. I can write up some more specifics if anyone's interested. It's also got me thinking that it would be really awesome to have the Next Generation PlayStation controllers have a small touch panel on the back for simple applications, like the FIFA 12 game uses, that could be used for significantly improving potential control features in Next Gen games.

X :neo:


I might actually buy this thing if I cba and there's good games out there. I mean, I have an ipod touch and Apple's trying to push its device for gaming, but... there's just no good games for it. As in non-casual games with a significant progress thing in it.

Have there been any other good titles announced yet besides the launch titles?

Also not unimportant: Are there any new (serious) franchises being developed?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, the Dynasty Warriors game is as entertaining as one could hope from Dynasty Warriors. I haven't tried out Uncharted, but I've heard mixed feelings on it. Wipeout is on par with the other titles. Little Deviants is ok, but it's good demo of the technology the Vita's got.

Outside of launch titles, I've got high hopes for Gravity Daze to be pretty kickass, an it's almost a launch title (coming out next month).

As far as new IPs/franchises, aside from the extended IPs like Resistance, Killzone, Uncharted, etc. I'm not sure if there's anything big that's been announced yet. So far, I think it's mostly developers testing out early applications of gaming using the Vita's unique hardware, but it'll be interesting to see how it evolves, cause it's a damn versatile little system.

X :neo:


AI Researcher
I have been pretty satisfied with Uncharted (lolz what you already finished it once hito). The biggest complaint I can think of right now is that some of the touchscreen navigation can be really hit-and-miss.

Not tried the demo of Gravity Daze yet, should do that next.


AI Researcher
Japanese demo, mind :monster: I don't know about the English one since I only get the Japanese store on my account.
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