PlayStation Vita (Sony Next Generation Portable)


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah. I'm still hoping that they come up with something though, no matter how they do it.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Huge video compilation post. Should all be new, aside from the LBP trailer that I posted earlier, but I felt that it should be included in the massive entry just for ease of finding it again.

PlayStation Vita Compilation Trailer

PlayStation Vita Features

PlayStation Vita Social Gaming

Everybody's Golf

Hustle Kings

Little Big Planet

Little Deviants

Modnation Racers

Reality Fighters

Smart As

Sound Shapes

Super Stardust Delta

Top Darts

WipEout 2084

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Dynasty Warriors Footage

• Gameplay preview of Gravity
• Gameplay preview of Ruin

On another note, I was a little surprised that Head Tracking wasn't discussed at all for PSV at E3. I've mentioned it before, and how I'm very interested in the idea for its application in a portable system. Head tracking was shown for Kinect with Forza 4 though.

I went looking for any mentions of it, and I found these images from GDC discussing it that I hadn't seen before, so I thought I'd post them. It looks like the PSV is fully capable of simulating 3D through headtracking based on these slides, and doing it smoothly as well. I'm wondering if there's a particular developer who's working on a title that's making significant usage of this aspect that they're waiting to announce it for.



Anyhow, one more cool feature I stumbled on that I figured should be of interest.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Sorry for the continual bumps, but Engadget has a video of the introductory level of LBP. It looks really cool, and once he starts to get the hang of things this looks like it's gonna be an absolute BLAST to play.

They also got some more information:

Engadget said:
Update: Sony just answered a few burning questions for us -- mainly about those mysterious ports we spotted on the bottom and top.

Apparently those top port covers will hold one slot for the official PSVita game cards, and another slot for regular removable media for downloadable content and saves, and the port that's occupying one of those places will be removed. Meanwhile, the large socket at the bottom is a "multiport" that provides power, connectivity and might do video-out.

We couldn't get any firm details about the AT&T 3G partnership, by the way, but we're told that there will be a special cellular plan of some sort.

As you'd expect, Sony's also not talking battery life, but a developer told us that -- with the exception of graphically intensive titles like Uncharted -- the company's shooting for parity with the original PlayStation Portable.

Lol commentors: Hook it up to a PS3 and you've got... the PSThrii U...

X :neo:


Double Growth
Off-topic - How the hell is the Dynasty Warriors franchise still making money? The game was boring when it started and they've been making the same damn game ever since.


Harbinger O Great Justice
It looks like some of the game Devs are already looking at connectivity between the PSV and PS3 to achieve what the Wii U is showing. SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida also believes that the combination could work, saying that Sony are experimenting with the idea.

It is very interesting the ways that Nintendo went with Wii U, and I was surprised it wasn’t exactly as it had been rumoured.

Already people are starting to ask about linking Vita and PS3 to do something similar, in terms of using two screens, and having controls on the screen. That’s very interesting, and we will have to experiment.

Lots of the things that developers of Vita games are doing, as you may have seen, is experimenting with connectivities between Vita and PS3.

The Wipeout [2048] team came up with their cross play ideas, and the other Vita teams have come up with ways of playing with two systems. It’s just a matter of time, as we provide the SDKs to developers so they can make use of both PS3 and Vita, and they might come up with something interesting.

Honestly, depending on what the devs manage to put out between now, and the Wii U launch, I wouldn't be surprised if the PSV can achieve a number of the same features, especially since Remote Play, and essentially using the PSP as a controller was something that was already being done, it's not a stretch to imagine. The advantage is that that PSV is also a portable system on its own, and not just a controller.

If they manage to really sell on that connection before Nintendo's Wii U comes out, I'll be curious to see how the gaming market takes it, as well as which device the third party game devs will be more interested in.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Dragon's Dream looks fun. Even with the laughable over the top designs


Harbinger O Great Justice

In a PlayStation Vita session for European and Australian press at E3 today, Michael Denny, Sony's Vice President of Sony Worldwide Studios Europe, confirmed that - to the best of his knowledge - Vita would be region free.

This means games from any region will play on systems from any region. This is in line with the PlayStation 3 - which is also region free, but not with the 3DS, which has region restrictions. Good news for PlayStation fans who want to check out niche Japanese titles or purchase games while travelling.

Slightly older news, but I don't recall that it was mentioned before. I hope that this stays that way. Also,

Online retailer has posted a release date of November 4, 2011 for Sony's next-generation handheld, the PlayStation Vita. The UK-based retailer has listed Wi-Fi and 3G versions of the console for pre-order, with UK RRP stated as £229.99 and £279.99 respectively.

In pre-order listings, Shop-To has priced games at £40.

I'm not sure how accurate that is, but still nice to see something resembling a real release date.

X :neo:


Double Growth
Well there's all this talk about how for the first time Sony has a chance at gaining ground on Nintendo's handheld with the 3DS' meh-ness. But until the thing actually comes out I don't think they can make these claims. If it takes too long, not only will Nintendo have put out some of their core franchise games, but they could have lowered the price. If Sony has any chance, they need to get it out as soon as possible, imo. But I guess before Christmas is the most important.


Harbinger O Great Justice
They released footage of a demo showing off technology that uses facial recognition to do video chat, and use your facial movements to control a 3D avatar in real time. It displays a very sophisticated level of technology associated with the cameras.

That's cool but I'm still dying for someone to show off head tracking already. Seriously, if you can show off headtracking, it's a believable level of 3D technology with no eyestrain, because it's 100% simulated, and it will be the final reason to buy the PSV over a 3DS (Nintendo-specific games notwithstanding).

ANYWAY, rant aside, here's the video.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

Slimmed down recap from Joystiq

Between its Near, Party, LiveArea and Activity social features, there's a whole lot going on under the hood of the PlayStation Vita. SCEE R&D exec Phil Rogers broke down those capabilities at Develop last week: Near, for instance, will allow Vita owners to look at the favorite games of nearby players, and allow players to drop and pick up "gifts," which could range from special in-game items to high score challenges.

Rogers explained that Party will give players cross-game chat capabilities, allowing them to invite friends to groups and launch games directly through the UI, which all party members will be invited to. The LiveArea is a tad more esoteric: it will display information about software as it is launched, and will allow users to "comment on people's activities within the game as well as publish your messages." Sounds like the perfect receptacle for smack talk.

Finally, the Activity feed will show the in-game accomplishments of friends (including high scores and Trophy unlocks) in real time. The feed can also be updated by publishers and developers, though Rogers suggested, "it's important not to spam users too much and to use it sensibly." We pray that Rogers' advice is heeded.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
There's an article on Eurogamer about some of the new possibilities for the NGP's functionality. It outlines a lot of options that seem to float in to the Wii-U space. I'll quote the summary from Joystiq.

During the Develop conference (via Eurogamer), Sony Europe R&D manager Phil Rogers outlined some possible interactions between the PlayStation Vita and the PS3. The systems are already known to share saves across compatible games, and share some interoperable games like Wipeout 2048, but Rogers discussed some other capabilities, including some not yet seen in Vita/PS3 interaction.

"PS3 can send data down to Vita and Vita can display it," he said. "You could use the unique features [of Vita] - gyroscope, touch front and back - as a control device for a PS3 game." In what could be a veiled dig at the Wii U, he also said that because you can have games running on both systems, each using its own processor, "You're not sacrificing the PS3's CPU to be able to have a rich experience on Vita."

At launch, the Vita will have some cross-platform features, including scoreboards and PSN user data. "For launch we'll also have Remote Play, which does look good on Vita - I saw an early version of it running recently." Remote Play, also available on the PSP right now, allows video of compatible titles to be streamed from the PS3 for play on the PSP. Continuation Play, through which a game can be saved on one platform and played on the other, will also be available early on. The first known game to use that is Ruin.

Overall, expect to see a lot more about Vita's capabilities during TGS next month.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Darn. I was hoping this would come out by the end of the year. Although you make a good point that I can spread out my finances with all the games coming out at the end of this year/beginning of next. Although I could have asked for this for Christmas :awesome:

As for the 3DS, I wasn't all that impressed when I tried it out, so it doesn't surprise me about it having problems (plus there aren't that many interesting games as of yet). The question is... do I buy now/ask for my birthday while the price is $80 cheaper than original? I mean, there are only two or three games I'd buy atm, and I'm not sure how many there would be in the future. Although if I wait for more games to come out (even if it's a year or two from now), the price may have gone back up. What to do?

The Vita I'm definitely going to get more or less when it comes out. Out of the 5 games I've seen for it, 2 of them look neat. The ratio is already better than the 3DS. Plus the bottom line is: I just generally have more confidence in the Vita. I believe there will be more interesting and better quality games. I'm more looking forward to the Vita than I ever was to the 3DS. (To be fair, the idea of 3D doesn't impress me for gaming or for movies. They haven't figured out yet the real possibilities of it, it seems.)

One of the major differences I've said between the PSP and the DS is the type of games: DS is more for silly, fun-in-the-moment games, whereas the PSP is more for serious games (and obv much better at them than the DS). BUT it can still do those "I need random entertainment atm" games. The DS has it's value (and I love mine), but it's the same as comparing the Wii to the PS3 (or xbox). Sorry, but it's just not the same at all. And I don't think they try to be, it's just that if I had to choose... it'd be my PS3/PSP.


Double Growth
Bad business move on Sony's part, imo. I guess they have no choice, but if were them I would be doing anything to get that thing out posthaste to capitalize on the 3DS' stumbling launch. But if there's stuff to work out or the games aren't ready, I guess there's nothing they can do.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm sure there'll be official reasons given on Sept 15th, during Sony's press conference at TGS, but I don't really hope for any really good details until then.

X :neo:
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