Podcast discussion


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Im not sure if its because of cuts you've made, or Audacity bugging out, but there are a few moments where there are loud spikes. I don't like audacity, so I don't use it much. Id imagine it's where it messes up on the cut.

Well damn. The only thing I can think of is where the audio spikes on someone's voice from time to time. I think this is actually a result of Mumble. I try to get rid of as much of it as I can. I'm afraid that I'm not an expert on audio editing. So there maybe a way to get rid of that stuff altogether. I just don't have the knowledge.


The Pixie King
I tried shutting them down, but since I don't have a company email address, youtube wont do anything until I provide proof of my affiliation. I'll try reporting as just as an individual.


Came up in my suggestions for stuff to watch next.

I tried shutting them down, but since I don't have a company email address

So do we need fancy @lifestream.net addresses?

Because I want one. :monster:


The Pixie King
I think its an automated thing. They've optimized the description to appear in video suggestions for FFXV, but its a long video, so the metrics on youtube don't really work in their favour, since it ranks things based on percentage of the video watched.

Btw, i know this is a tiny thing, but it should be TheLifestream.net rather than TheLifeStream.Net


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Came up in my suggestions for stuff to watch next.

I tried shutting them down, but since I don't have a company email address

So do we need fancy @lifestream.net addresses?

Because I want one. :monster:

I had originally wanted to see about getting an @lifestream.net email address for the show but I don't think the request went any further than inquiring with Lex about it. I just went ahead and created a gmail account for it. No big deal.


I'll have to look into setting up @thelifestream.net e-mail addresses; I could probably set something up on Amazon for that - the server uses them for sending email addresses already.

I'll look into FTP stuff... soonish.


I'll have to look into setting up @thelifestream.net e-mail addresses; I could probably set something up on Amazon for that - the server uses them for sending email addresses already.

Argh fuck you TransIP - I ordered an e-mail thing from them, which promised e-mail forwards but that was limited to three and I only found out about that after the fact.

Then I ordered a forwarding service... which is limited to one (i.e. [email protected] to one e-mail address). Again that was only mentioned on one FAQ page somewhere.

I'll send a complaint to them and the authorities that they're fucking people over by not providing enough information about the product and the restrictions it has they're selling.
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