SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)


Ninja Potato
I don't mind if he shows up, that feels practically inevitable, but if he's the grand mastermind behind the whole ordeal I'm probably gonna write this whole thing off lol. If anything, he should be a reactionary force much like the party, with Sephiroth driving events.


Ninja Potato
The idea of a washed up rockstar's shitty deviantart self insert poetry reading Sephiroth ripoff OC from 2006 being the most pivotal character in a plot that should really be about Cloud's personal journey and that of the whole party isn't something I find very appealing, is the point.


Pro Adventurer
Came across another person on Twitter connecting Genesis and/or Loveless to remake as being significant, and I think these people are on to something, so my new prediction with their concepts:

FF7 Remake Part 2: The Desolation of Cloud

Genesis is writing/remaking the events of the original story, just like the final part of Loveless! Sephiroth is his 'muse', which is why he's locked away in a place specifically known as the 'apex of creation'. He needs Cloud's help to escape. Meanwhile Genesis now is very fond of Zack because Zack basically saved him and his soul in CC, so Genesis 'rewrites' his fate, for him to survive instead of die. Sephiroth, however, is finding ways to fight back using the whispers. Aerith has been sent in as a kind of secret weapon for Genesis, to encourage changes and to stop Roth.

This whole remake is a fight for the soul/direction/story of FF7 itself. It's a narrative war!

I hope Genesis is in remake, but even I don't want what that Twitter user does lol


Pro Adventurer
I made up most of it after the base concept, to be fair to them XD

And Ody, I think you have actually changed my mind...I'm beginning to see sense now. Maybe we can scrap that whole idea of Genesis as the mastermind...your idea of Genesis being in the game in a different way is a good one. Put it this way...at the moment we have Remake as a battle between the light force of EnlightenedAerith and NewRoth. Genesis slots in nicely as a morally ambiguous figure in the middle, with his own knowledge and powers due to Minerva making him the protector of the planet.

For a time, Genesis will join the main party! That way we can get all sorts of character interaction and more screen time with him. Imagine Genesis and Barret interacting, or Genesis reading with Nanaki, or Genesis debating lifestream and planet lore with Aerith. I think it was Theozilla who said that Genesis could be like a character from DMC (called V, or something?), so there is a precedent for this kind of character working. I think Genesis vs Sephiroth would be especially interesting due to their history as former best friends....there is a very sad story there when you recall how they parted in Nibelheim...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't mind if he shows up, that feels practically inevitable, but


Okay but seriously. This sums it up best:

The idea of a washed up rockstar's shitty deviantart self insert poetry reading Sephiroth ripoff OC from 2006 being the most pivotal character in a plot that should really be about Cloud's personal journey and that of the whole party isn't something I find very appealing, is the point.

That's as clear and succinct as it's ever going to be.

The ending of Dirge is the key...the 'final crisis' that Genesis must solve was the remake all along!

Do you realize how that makes absolutely no sense? How would he solve something that already happened, that he had no awareness of, because he was sleep throughout it's unfolding?

Did you seriously forget DC is 3 years after FFVII?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Of course, with the Delorean he keeps stashed under his big black wing. Totally normal and makes sense. :monster:

Still doesn't answer how he'd know to change something that already happened while he was not around to even perceive it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Good lord, no. I do not read screenrant trash.

That site's literally a clickbait farm of nonsense. The fact it's on there says enough.


Pro Adventurer


Pro Adventurer

I’m sure they’ll bring back Genesis in some capacity but having the remake’s existence be explained by some world-ending cataclysm that shatters the fabric of time and causes a new reality apart from the OG is a pretty roundabout way to explain something that really doesn’t need explaining beyond the meta: the remake is an adaptation of the OG that’s taking some liberties with the story, plain and simple. Doesn’t need an in-universe explanation (though I wouldn’t put it past SE to come up with one anyways). As of right now, the timeline stuff is still only a part of the remake’s telling of the FF7 story, so we really don’t need to get that meta.


Pro Adventurer
How would you predict they would bring him back, Blue?
I’d rather just have him be a cameo in the VR missions or something but if they have to give him something to do in the story, I’d probably do something similar to how they implemented Nero in INTERmission.

Meaning instead of putting him in the main story, I’d have him be part of a side story that takes place concurrently with the main plot. People have theorized that Zack could potentially have his own plot that takes place while Cloud and the gang are doing their thing, so maybe there?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's exactly what I predicted for any mention/appearance of Genesis. He'd be a secret data boss in the hidden archives of Shinra's Combat Simulator.

Or a faceless Whisper phantom that's fought in the Northern Crater on the way to Safer Sephiroth, like Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo were in Part 1. Since I wouldn't be surprised if Sephiroth's final battle were to happen at a restored Edge of Creation that serves as the new nexus point of the Planet's Singularity. Sephiroth just throwing shades of past opponents imprinted onto the Planet's memories as mini bosses before the final fight.


Pro Adventurer
I like the idea of him being important to Zack's part of the plot, due to their connection from CC, yeah.

And Mako, to shift topics, would you be open to seeing Weiss play a significant role in the story? You seem to like the character.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I do love Weiss. And Weiss exists for only two reasons.

To kill people and to cuddle Nero.

None of those are needs that are lacking fulfillment in FFVII. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Do you think his role in the game is pretty much done with now, after intergrade? I'd be curious to see more of him in P2 or the other parts, but not sure how it would fit in.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yes, I'm about 99% certain he's done. He can't fit anywhere because he's stuck on his throne deep below Midgar underneath Mako Reactor 0. If anything, I'd expect Rosso and Azul to get some cameo moment or something when the story revisits Midgar. But Weiss and Nero had their shining moment.
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Pro Adventurer
There is one danglng thread they could pull on to revisit Weiss and Nero, to be fair.....Sonon, and what may or may not have happened to him after Nero seemed to take him. That being said, I guess they could just do that without bringing them back, hm. Either way, Sonon seems like he'll be back in some form, probably as some kind of Yuffie relevant boss.


Pro Adventurer
Time for another thread, because you've just made me very curious what the fanbase here makes of this whole thing...
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