SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
People who expected a lot from this Remake were more likely to be disappointed than people who expected it to be shit. We got a pleasant surprise.
I actually dont know about that. I've seen a lot, like...a lot of people outright calling this game a masterpiece because of their feelings of expectation being delivered. It's almost like they dont even care about the ending, because the game just completely delivered in other regards.


Pro Adventurer
I wonder what people's criteria are when it comes to labeling things a masterpiece (especially for something that just came out) Don't get me wrong, I love the remake, but even I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece. I do like it more than the equivalent section of the OG though.


Fire and Blood
I think it really depends on what people are expecting from a game. The gameplay, graphics, characters, story, music, everything has to be a mix of right things I guess. We're all different (what a bore if we weren't!), so the game will speak to us differently. Also Max said that, if he has to critique the game fairly, it'd be a 9/10. But to him, personally, it's phenomenal, and it feels more like a 15/10. But that's not something he can say when giving a fair review because yes, there are bugs and textures troubles, and sometimes pacing issues. So it's fairly only 9/10. But to him who can overlook those issues, it's different.


Pro Adventurer
I think it really depends on what people are expecting from a game. The gameplay, graphics, characters, story, music, everything has to be a mix of right things I guess. We're all different (what a bore if we weren't!), so the game will speak to us differently. Also Max said that, if he has to critique the game fairly, it'd be a 9/10. But to him, personally, it's phenomenal, and it feels more like a 15/10. But that's not something he can say when giving a fair review because yes, there are bugs and textures troubles, and sometimes pacing issues. So it's fairly only 9/10. But to him who can overlook those issues, it's different.
Yeah, I agree with that. We all have differing opinions and perspectives on what we like. This is def my top 5-10 favorite ps4 games


Ninja Potato
I think the difference in people's reactions comes down to whether they wanted a 1 to 1 remake, or whether they wanted something new. It dawned on me while I was playing that I was the most excited when completely new and unprecedented things were happening, so while I'm still iffy on the ending, I'm very happy with the game we got. Jim Sterling just said in his newest video, the difference between if you think the devs are geniuses or liars when they pull a stunt like this is if you liked it. Personally, I liked it.
In my heart I wanted a 1:1 Remake that reconciled some of the inconsistencies and plot holes whilst simultaneously validating all my headcanons.

In my first playthrough I viscerally hated every single brand-new element, quest, character, dialogue line and outfit change.

Then I got over that and in my second playthrough I am loving it for what it is.

By my third playthrough I might even like the ending.

I am really happy now with the idea that Remake does not equal Replacement. Our beloved OG isn't going to be consigned to the dustbin of gaming history by a version which has the identical story and better graphics.


Ninja Potato
I am really happy now with the idea that Remake does not equal Replacement. Our beloved OG isn't going to be consigned to the dustbin of gaming history by a version which has the identical story and better graphics.

That's a good attitude to have. Even Mr. Black-hood-belt-man Nomura himself went out of his way to say that the Remake doesn't replace the original. FF7 is arguably one of the most important games ever made, and the remake can't take that from it.

I think it's best to look at the remake on it's own terms, not in comparison to the original (though I know that is kind of difficult.) Within the framework it sets up. I think its very successful at accomplishing what it set out to do. I was obviously pretty happy with some of the story expansions, and while the ending did make me feel a little dead inside while I was playing it, the final scene left me incredibly excited for what comes next.


I was either happy or ambivalent with most of the changes. The only things that actively disappointed me to an extent worth mentioning were the way platefall’s destruction was dialed down, and how the ending was executed.

I definitely wanted a twist. At first I was enamored with the reimagining, but after everywhere had been visited, I became much more interested in what was going to be different. The Shinra building was a great example of changes that I absolutely loved. I noticed that some people hated it. I personally hate long sidequests. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. I can totally understand why the developers didn’t want to recreate the same game. I don’t tend to recreate the same exact art pieces.


Pro Adventurer
See, it’s interesting for me because not only I never wanted a 1:1 remake – I find the very idea of this kind of remakes pointless, uninspired and often insulting to the original material, because ironically they never seem to get what the things they are mindlessly copying were actually about. It’s frustrating to live in this era of stagnating, soulless remakes and adaptations, where so many people seem to be unable to let go and to appreciate the greatness of the original products they claim to love at the same time.

I’ve been paying attention to all the interviews the devs have been releasing from the start, enough to know that this remake seems to be driven by two clear ideas: you can’t do the original justice if you cram it all in one game, and cuts would have to happen all over the place just to give us an abridged version of that story that we all loved; the original is a masterpiece and nothing could or should ever replace it, so the remake has to do its own thing and needs to stand on way more than nostalgia. Doing the original justice seems to be the key factor, here. It was always obvious that the remake was an ambitious project – some would argue too ambitious – but I always appreciated that the reason for that bold ambitiousness from the creators seemed to be that FFVII deserves nothing less than the most ambitious effort that SE has ever made. The genuine respect for the original that oozes from the interviews and the courage to go for this approach when no one was even asking them to do it were the only reasons I ever bought into the idea of this remake.

Now, this would be the point where people start accusing me of being a crazy psycho that doesn’t know what she wants :mon: but as someone who did enjoy the vast majority of the game, I guess I never fully realized the extent that they may be willing to go to achieve their goals, and this is made even scarier by the very sloppy execution of perhaps the most crucial part of the whole game. I’m really gutted that we probably got an ending that didn’t fully reflect their vision because they had to release the game, because as much as I’d want to, as it stands, I can’t give them a pass on intentions alone. Not after the very high bar they have set for themselves, and not with everything that they’ve willingly decided to put at stake.

What I find truly fascinating about this game is that, flaws and all, it has all the things that I’ve come to associate with SE and Final Fantasy as a franchise: the good, even the brilliant and the great, the silly and the overwhelming emotion – but also the inexplicably bad. I’ve been supporting these games and the people behind them for basically my whole life, and I do know what they’re capable of, for better and worse.

So yeah, after all is settled, and after a week of strong, conflicting emotions since I finished the game, the endless sky truly is a terrifying sight, and kudos to them for making me feel that terror, at the very least. But I will say this: even if I end up despising the Remake as a whole, and even if it fails spectacularly and ends up ruining SE’s reputation forever, I will always respect that they didn’t settle for a quick buck with a cheap and easy product that most people would have been perfectly fine with. FFVII deserves nothing less than that.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I didn't want an exact copy of the original. Telling exactly the same story with better graphics would have been a waste of time and resources.

Authors are allowed to retouch and reinvent their creations. Heck, I sometimes have been tempted to resurrect some fanfict and rewrite those stories with a different path and narrative. More than twenty years have gone by and both the graphics and society have evolved, so many of the things they might have wanted to do are possible now; on the other hand, many things they didn't expect have happened, like Zack's soaring popularity. Let's remember he was an improvised character to fill in a plot hole when the story required it. They never planned to have him with his own game, or his fame overshadowing that of Cloud's.

Now that they have the means and the time (and the funding), I personally am with an open mind and very much intrigued about what they intend on doing. Of course, I always have in mind that this is FF, so we are bound to see ass-pulls that later have logic on hindsight, insane plot twists and lost and lots of fodder to fuel intense debates for decades (or until the next KH or FFVIIR chapter comes out).

Hell, it has already started with the Whispers :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I like speculating and writing theories, so here's my not so serious take on the structure of the next game. I don't think it's very realistic at all if they want to add a major amount of new stuff, but I was bored.

I expect the next game to be around 10-20 hours longer on average than Remake, not counting all optional stuff. If they're going with chapters again, I could see something like this, just the basic structure, nothing too in depth plot wise.

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part two
Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

Chapter 1: Start with the party arriving at Kalm. Nibelheim flashback. Yuffie steals materia and gear during the night.

I have thought a lot about how they are going to pull off weakening your characters at the beginning of the next game, but never thought about Yuffie stealing your stuff. That would be pretty ingenious.

In my heart I wanted a 1:1 Remake that reconciled some of the inconsistencies and plot holes whilst simultaneously validating all my headcanons.

In my first playthrough I viscerally hated every single brand-new element, quest, character, dialogue line and outfit change.

Then I got over that and in my second playthrough I am loving it for what it is.

By my third playthrough I might even like the ending.

I am really happy now with the idea that Remake does not equal Replacement. Our beloved OG isn't going to be consigned to the dustbin of gaming history by a version which has the identical story and better graphics.

I was okay with new stuff being added if they mostly retold the original story. And I was willing to accept quite a few changes. Case in point, I loved the remake all the way up to Chapters 17 and 18. They added a bunch of stuff, but the original story was still in there. I was even cautiously optimistic that there would be a good explanation for what the Whisperes are (was disappointed in the end). I am hoping on my second playthrough that I will like the ending, but it's just so rushed and tonally different that I am not sure if I will. But the next game can still course correct a bit (I hope).
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Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
I'd be really surprised if they wiped clean all of your materia/weapon/character development. How would they explain that away? "Err yeah you lost it all as part of that mad ending guys, sorry". Maybe they give you the option and the game plays differently based on the choice?

If they go down the 3+ game route, which seems likely, to me it makes logical sense to end part 2 where Disc 1 ended. There doesn't seem to be many natural points before that to end it. That's a good 12-15+ hours of OG gameplay that they can expand into (half) open world should they please. It's a different structure to part 1, where you were essentially focusing on Midgar whereas you don't have that huge focal point in the next section of the game.

Even that is a lot to pack in though. You've got so many areas that can and should be fleshed out (Junon, Corel, Nibelheim, etc) and several of those could be candidates for sidequest chapters (Costa Del Sol, Gold Saucer, Fort Condor). Given they've really dialled up Wutai, you've got to imagine that will be a compulsory part of the game as well. How big could the Temple of the Ancients be?

So assuming that the next part follows that path, you're looking at a massive game already, potentially way beyond the amount of content in part 1 if you give these areas the depth they deserve.

I wonder how long they'll give it to start talking about it. Obviously it's not going to be next week, but much of this decision making will be done or being done and they have the structure in place to press ahead and develop fairly quickly, or is that just wishful thinking?


Pro Adventurer
I'd be really surprised if they wiped clean all of your materia/weapon/character development. How would they explain that away? "Err yeah you lost it all as part of that mad ending guys, sorry". Maybe they give you the option and the game plays differently based on the choice?

If they go down the 3+ game route, which seems likely, to me it makes logical sense to end part 2 where Disc 1 ended. There doesn't seem to be many natural points before that to end it. That's a good 12-15+ hours of OG gameplay that they can expand into (half) open world should they please. It's a different structure to part 1, where you were essentially focusing on Midgar whereas you don't have that huge focal point in the next section of the game.

Even that is a lot to pack in though. You've got so many areas that can and should be fleshed out (Junon, Corel, Nibelheim, etc) and several of those could be candidates for sidequest chapters (Costa Del Sol, Gold Saucer, Fort Condor). Given they've really dialled up Wutai, you've got to imagine that will be a compulsory part of the game as well. How big could the Temple of the Ancients be?

So assuming that the next part follows that path, you're looking at a massive game already, potentially way beyond the amount of content in part 1 if you give these areas the depth they deserve.

I wonder how long they'll give it to start talking about it. Obviously it's not going to be next week, but much of this decision making will be done or being done and they have the structure in place to press ahead and develop fairly quickly, or is that just wishful thinking?
I saw a suggestion, to have Yuffie steal all of our materia, and weapons at the very beginning of the game. I think that's actually a good idea


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I just cant seem to find a logical reason to keep things from this part. If you start the next game with Firaga, its in their duty to make 3 new levels for that materia so it can even start to be useful. Materia grind is part of FFVII that they seem to be keeping, and that workload is not justified.

Accessories would completely break the game. Starting the next game with a Limit Break at the start of every battle? No way.

I would like to keep the Weapons, but the abilities would be tough. Even if they keep the same system, having the same abilities would create a myriad of issues.

All for all, I think everything points to each game being as standalone as possible.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Pandemonium said:
I saw a suggestion, to have Yuffie steal all of our materia, and weapons at the very beginning of the game. I think that's actually a good idea
I understand why this makes sense, but the weapons being stolen does not remove the ability skills those weapons taught. So stealing the weapons is pointless.

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
I just cant seem to find a logical reason to keep things from this part. If you start the next game with Firaga, its in their duty to make 3 new levels for that materia so it can even start to be useful. Materia grind is part of FFVII that they seem to be keeping, and that workload is not justified.

Accessories would completely break the game. Starting the next game with a Limit Break at the start of every battle? No way.

I would like to keep the Weapons, but the abilities would be tough. Even if they keep the same system, having the same abilities would create a myriad of issues.

All for all, I think everything points to each game being as standalone as possible.

Yeah I'm certain there will be "you get these things for having a completed save file on part 1," but I have no idea how they could keep everything and it not be a completely unmanageable mess by the end

Fair points, well made. I think I was looking at it from a story continuity perspective as opposed to the mechanics of actual gameplay. If you treat part 2 as a sequel almost, you would logically start from the bottom up again in the same way you would for any other sequel game.
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