SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)


Pro Adventurer
I understand why this makes sense, but the weapons being stolen does not remove the ability skills those weapons taught. So stealing the weapons is pointless.
Not if we don't get the stuff back until much later in the game. Or they can make it so those weapons and materia are reverted back to it's base levels at the beginning. The very first sequence could be us wandering into a forest

I'm not saying that's what I want, (I'd rather start the game like any other game), but I think they can make it work if they really wanted to


Pro Adventurer
Starting from 0 will be confusing too. From the beginning I've had no idea how they were going to do this, lol.

On this particular point, I think keeping the gameplay enjoyable should trump narrative consistency. But I really don't know what they'll do.
I hope the battle mechanics are still the same. I actually really enjoyed it. I'd rather them not switch to something totally different, but that might be wishful thinking


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
As much as I love these abilities right now, I want to see more. I'd rather keep 1 or 2 and make new ones, specially more integrated in the new mechanics that they're gonna bring with the growing cast.


I don't think they'd mess with the mechanics too much. Otherwise we might have to wait another five years for the next part and I don't think anyone would be into that, devs included :monster:

I think they'll just have you start with a higher base than the first part. Higher level (with level cap also raised) and more abilities and materia (although materia back at being lvl 1). Then as you progress you get additional spells that weren't in part 1. Maybe.


Pro Adventurer
As much as I love these abilities right now, I want to see more. I'd rather keep 1 or 2 and make new ones, specially more integrated in the new mechanics that they're gonna bring with the growing cast.
Maybe they could have a few of the abilities we have now, added to the new weapons, and their abilities. That way we can still use a couple from the previous game.


Rookie Adventurer
I see them keeping the same battle system and equipment setup, but I do imagine that we're gonna lose most of our stuff, and it probably won't be explained, so we start from scratch again going from 1-50 in Part 2. I see us keeping our second limits but losing the first, so there's a progression there, and the same thing going from part 2 to part 3.

As far as what to expect plot wise? FFVII follows the old shakespearean five acts pretty well, Midgar being Act 1, so I'm imagining the game is gonna be in three parts. 1 - Act 1: Midgar, 2 - Acts 2 + 3: Kalm to the Temple of the Ancients and the Forgotten Capital to the North Crater, 3 - Acts 4 + 5: Junon back to Midgar and the the Finale. Much as it makes narrative sense to end the next part on something dramatic like the death of Aerith, I feel like it undermines the grief the death is meant to inspire if its given the full cinematic climax treatment. She dies, and the rest of the party has to keep going without her. Stopping the game there makes the break a bit too clean in my estimation.

We're probably not getting the exact same route through the world we did in the OG, and a lot of overland travel is going to be eaten up by the Chapter format (#rip world map), but I can't imagine not hitting the important beats. We're gonna get faked out a couple of times with Aerith, a couple rays of hope (maybe a couple party members split off to go with her), just to keep us on our toes and wondering, but I don't see her making it out of part 2 alive.


Pro Adventurer
It just crossed my mind. Wild speculation - Nothing transfers over. A year or two after the final part is released, a "Complete Edition" is released that has the player play all parts going from level 6-99 and no gear or materia is lost.
I think your thoughts for leveling in the complete edition is a good idea. It gives people a different element to buy it. For now, they could have part 2 be lv 1-75. Then part 3 be lv 1-99. That's if they do 3 parts, which is my suspicion


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
There would have to be some wild, insane balancing to be able to do that. That's why I think that, as even they have stated, each part is a standalone game in the project, and I think they fully mean that. I can see the overall ATB system being kept, I do expect some rebalancing, but I doubt they are not gonna try to make some new mechanic regarding the new characters, PHS, and all that. I actually want that. Maybe 4 characters at once, a on-the-fly switch would be cool. I hope there is more incentive to play with more of the cast.


Pro Adventurer
Maybe 4 characters at once, a on-the-fly switch would be cool. I hope there is more incentive to play with more of the cast.

I hope the same. As it is now, I already liked using every character. Someone brought up link strikes (like ff15). I think that would be really cool. I wonder how it'll look when we're not in battle though. Once we have all 9, how will it look while we're travelling place to place. Whether all of them are shown, or it's only 3-4 wouldn't make a difference to me though


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I think gameplay-wise, things'll probably start over from scratch again, like in the Xenosaga series, though maybe with a bonus for importing save content from Part 1. I'm not sure how far Part 2 will go in the story, but I'm guessing it may be very different than some people think. "The unknown journey" and all that. It may diverge from the OG more than many of us are expecting. SE's already shown us with Part 1 that they're willing to change things up, even significantly if need be.

And I'm not so sure that the playable cast roster will be exempt from such changes when virtually every other part of the game has had changes made to it. Adding a new face - just one, mind you, since it's already a sizable cast - would be an interesting way to mix things up, subvert players' expectations, and keep things fresh as well as give a new perspective on a once-familiar journey. Assuming she survived, Jessie would be the most likely candidate for such an addition. She's already been given many things that are often only given to playable characters - a well-developed backstory, her own musical theme with multiple variations, a connection to the main protagonist, ties to places along the journey, and reasons to make that journey in the first place (atonement for what she feels she did with her bombs as well as finding a way to either save her dad or avenge her parents, depending on whether they're alive or dead). She could also be a way for SE and us to defy the tired old trope of "childhood friends must become lovers" that Tifa represents so we can still have a choice of who he ends up with after Aerith has her inevitable date with the Masamune.

I'll freely admit it's a long shot, but I don't think it's as impossible as some might believe. Especially with how her popularity's been shooting up since the remake came out. Much like how Zack become really loved and popular despite having only a small part in the OG, popular enough to get his own game. Jessie might end up following a similar path. Not her own game, necessarily, but a larger role in Part 2 and beyond is certainly possible, I think. Her connections to Avalanche command and her history with the Gold Saucer and the play that's central to the date event make it a good bet that she still has a part to play in the story one way or the other. But letting her join the playable cast would give us the opportunity to see growth and interactions with the rest of the crew that were never possible before but which could be fun and interesting to watch.

We'll just have to wait and find out what SE's going to do, I guess. But with all that she's been given in Part 1 and how she's been developed and received, I think she's got a good foundation if they do go that route. Almost like they were prepping her for it, since it wouldn't have worked had they tried it for Part 1 when not many knew about her yet or what to expect. But now, things are different. Her popularity in the fanbase is high and still rising, she's got motivations to make a journey away from Midgar and the connections to help her and the others along the way, and a combat style that could be expanded if she were playable - imagine her fighting with two guns Dante-style instead of just one. That would set her apart from Vincent, who typically only uses one. Or having a combination style where she can mix up some martial arts moves with her gunshots (she does have some knowledge of hand-to-hand fighting as we saw when she kicked the soldier on the train platform). Combos like Tifa, but utilizing both kinds of attacks.

Just speculation, of course, but I think it could be possible, even if it's still a long shot.
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Pro Adventurer
I saw people talking about Costa del Sol and swimsuits soooo I really need Costa del Sol to be as silly as we all know it was supposed to be. I’m sure they can find a way to throw an embarrassingly dumb Hojo scene in there somewhere, because why the hell not :mjolnir:

Random dumb question of the day, since the swimsuits got me thinking (I swear only my desire for knowledge drives my thoughts).

Do you think the characters (namely Cloud and Tifa) will have plot-significant scars? Or is Zack the only one allowed to have those? :P Cloud should have a nice thin scar on his chest/shoulder somewhere and Tifa… Well I don’t know what they’re going to do with the scene where Sephiroth slashes Tifa, he will probably just push her really hard down the stairs or something. Judging from her blue dress she definitely doesn’t seem to have a scar between her breasts as I think was a somewhat popular headcanon in the fandom, though I guess she might have one around her midriff area.


Pro Adventurer
I think gameplay-wise, things'll probably start over from scratch again, like in the Xenosaga series, though maybe with a bonus for importing save content from Part 1. I'm not sure how far Part 2 will go in the story, but I'm guessing it may be very different than some people think. "The unknown journey" and all that. It may diverge from the OG more than many of us are expecting. SE's already shown us with Part 1 that they're willing to change things up, even significantly if need be.

And I'm not so sure that the playable cast roster will be exempt from such changes when virtually every other part of the game has had changes made to it. Adding a new face - just one, mind you, since it's already a sizable cast - would be an interesting way to mix things up, subvert players' expectations, and keep things fresh as well as give a new perspective on a once-familiar journey. Assuming she survived, Jessie would be the most likely candidate for such an addition. She's already been given many things that are often only given to playable characters - a well-developed backstory, her own musical theme with multiple variations, a connection to the main protagonist, ties to places along the journey, and reasons to make that journey in the first place (atonement for what she feels she did with her bombs as well as finding a way to either save her dad or avenge her parents, depending on whether they're alive or dead). She could also be a way for SE and us to defy the tired old trope of "childhood friends must become lovers" that Tifa represents so we can still have a choice of who he ends up with after Aerith has her inevitable date with the Masamune.

I'll freely admit it's a long shot, but I don't think it's as impossible as some might believe. Especially with how her popularity's been shooting up since the remake came out. Much like how Zack become really loved and popular despite having only a small part in the OG, popular enough to get his own game. Jessie might end up following a similar path. Not her own game, necessarily, but a larger role in Part 2 and beyond is certainly possible, I think. Her connections to Avalanche command and her history with the Gold Saucer and the play that's central to the date event make it a good bet that she still has a part to play in the story one way or the other. But letting her join the playable cast would give us the opportunity to see growth and interactions with the rest of the crew that were never possible before but which could be fun and interesting to watch.

We'll just have to wait and find out what SE's going to do, I guess. But with all that she's been given in Part 1 and how she's been developed and received, I think she's got a good foundation if they do go that route. Almost like they were prepping her for it, since it wouldn't have worked had they tried it for Part 1 when not many knew about her yet or what to expect. But now, things are different. Her popularity in the fanbase is high and still rising, she's got motivations to make a journey away from Midgar and the connections to help her and the others along the way, and a combat style that could be expanded if she were playable - imagine her fighting with two guns Dante-style instead of just one. That would set her apart from Vincent, who typically only uses one. Or having a combination style where she can mix up some martial arts moves with her gunshots (she does have some knowledge of hand-to-hand fighting as we saw when she kicked the soldier on the train platform). Combos like Tifa, but utilizing both kinds of attacks.

Just speculation, of course, but I think it could be possible, even if it's still a long shot.

I still look at the "unknown journey" as hitting the same main points, but with different paths. I won't be surprised that Aerith is going to die, but I will be surprised exactly how/when they do it. Even with the wrench that was the ending of the remake, I just don't see her not dying. Same as Zack. Their deaths mean so much to the main story. Members of Avalanche surviving, not so much.

I'm still not convinced Jessie is alive though, but you do make a good case for it. Whether she is alive or not, it would be cool if she turned out to be the main actress for LOVELESS.


Pro Adventurer
I saw people talking about Costa del Sol and swimsuits soooo I really need Costa del Sol to be as silly as we all know it was supposed to be. I’m sure they can find a way to throw an embarrassingly dumb Hojo scene in there somewhere, because why the hell not :mjolnir:

Random dumb question of the day, since the swimsuits got me thinking (I swear only my desire for knowledge drives my thoughts).

Do you think the characters (namely Cloud and Tifa) will have plot-significant scars? Or is Zack the only one allowed to have those? :P Cloud should have a nice thin scar on his chest/shoulder somewhere and Tifa… Well I don’t know what they’re going to do with the scene where Sephiroth slashes Tifa, he will probably just push her really hard down the stairs or something. Judging from her blue dress she definitely doesn’t seem to have a scar between her breasts as I think was a somewhat popular headcanon in the fandom, though I guess she might have one around her midriff area.
I don't really care to see Hojo at Costa del Sol, unless they make the scene work with how his character is now. If the team just lets him chill on the beach and not even attack, I will be disappointed. But, it's definitely not something that would make or break the game for me.

I do think the characters should have scars. That's a good point about Tifa too. Makes me wonder if they'll show how Barret got his


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I still look at the "unknown journey" as hitting the same main points, but with different paths. I won't be surprised that Aerith is going to die, but I will be surprised exactly how/when they do it. Even with the wrench that was the ending of the remake, I just don't see her not dying. Same as Zack. Their deaths mean so much to the main story. Members of Avalanche surviving, not so much.

I'm still not convinced Jessie is alive though, but you do make a good case for it. Whether she is alive or not, it would be cool if she turned out to be the main actress for LOVELESS.

Yeah, I don't see Aerith getting out of her destiny. Just it happening a bit differently than before. As for Jessie, as I've said before, the glove could be a message and a promise she left behind for Biggs before leaving Midgar, to tell him she was alright and that she would come back one day, hence why he has only one while she'd have the other. A reminder to both of them of that promise.
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I don't see Aerith getting out of her destiny. Just it happening a bit differently than before. As for Jessie, as I've said before, the glove could be a message and a promise she left behind for Biggs before leaving Midgar, to tell him she was alright and that she would come back one day, hence why he has only one while she'd have the other. A reminder to both of them of that promise.
That is definitely a good possibility. Since I think she's dead, I think only one salvaged after the plate fell. Maybe the other one was mangled. The headband could be wedge's. I have no clue lol. Whether they are alive or not, wouldn't make a difference to me though. I wouldn't complain about more Jessie. SE just better have a good enough explanation for them being alive


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
It's not Wedge's because he wears a full bandana, not a headband. It could belong to Biggs because his head is bandaged in the same place he'd be wearing it, but there's no sign of the hanging straps by his ear. And she was wearing both gloves, so you can't salvage one without the other. And when we last saw her, both were fine.


Pro Adventurer
Personally, I doubt much of anything will transfer over period. I'm sure players of this Remake will get something, but I can't see dozens of mastered materia or 300,000 gil or the plethora of weapon abilities or 99 ethers transferring over.

The level thing is easy. Either they'll have the max level significantly higher (150+) by the end, or they'll reset you to a degree. IE, you'll start part 2 at level 20, with a level cap of 70.

The battle system and numerous other assets I expect to be largely intact.


Pro Adventurer
It's not Wedge's because he wears a full bandana, not a headband. It could belong to Biggs because his head is bandaged in the same place he'd be wearing it, but there's no sign of the hanging straps by his ear. And she was wearing both gloves, so you can't salvage one without the other. And when we last saw her, both were fine.
I just watched it again, you're right, it doesn't look like Wedge's. Looks more like Biggs'.
And unless it's said that Jessie was rescued by someone (my guess is Biggs was) I don't think she would've survived the long fall to the ground after the plate fell. Whether one or both gloves were salvageable, there's still the possibility that only one was brought back, as a memento. And if Wedge is still alive, as indicated by your theory of 3 pencils, how come he didn't leave something for Biggs as well?


Ninja Potato
Okay I'm trying not to harp on about this too much, but I just want to say something.
Whether one or both gloves were salvageable, there's still the possibility that only one was brought back, as a memento.
This is a perfectly logical take, and is completely possible. However, I'm thinking about this whole thing in more of a "film-making logic" sense than a "real life" sense. Jessie's glove is very deliberately put into frame. The camera takes a moment to linger on it, much like an infamous chip bag we all know, so Square definitely wants the player to notice the glove. It would not have been included if it didn't mean something, and Square didn't want you to think about it. Then the camera immediately pans over to Biggs, who is revealed to be alive. I could be completely wrong, but the way the whole short scene plays out really makes me think they'e teasing the player that she could still be alive too. The whole thing starts and ends in only a few seconds, not enough time for you to reasonably process "Oh, the glove was taken by a volunteer as a memento for Biggs after he was rescued." its supposed to spark an immediate, base reaction. That's all it gives you time for.

Again, I could be wrong. That's just what I'm thinking is the case. I'm not going to sit here and go on and on trying to convince anyone I'm correct. Fact is we won't know for a few years, in the mean time anything is possible.
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