Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, (and likely others)


Harbinger O Great Justice
International Trailer without the "Prometheus" text.

Also- I finally saw the trailer in 3D last night before Ghost Rider, and Holy Shit, you guys - the quality is GORGEOUS and made all the other 3D trailers, including John Carter & Wrath of the Titans look incredibly low-quality by comparison.

X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Me thinking and speculating:

I kind of wonder if the Xenomorph as we know it via the Alien Movies are not the complete creature.

Bare with me, but - I wonder if maybe what created the Xenomorph also created humans (in this story) - a creature who's DNA was split to create two separate living organisms. I think that would explain what seems to be a 'human' gone mad.

Of course, I keep thinking Prometheus has something to do with shape shifting, but... that's not right. He was a (Greek) Titan (before the gods, or older gods) who gave mankind fire.

I can't help but feel that 'goo' taken out of the container looks like an immature facehugger... *shivers*

Or, perhaps Earth is nothing more than a breeding planet for these creatures...???

Okay, I've got to stop. The whole thing is fascinating, but scary. :P :(

What is that giant machine?? MUST SEE!!!!!

It looks like a giant gun of some sort; perhaps a telescope? I don't know. I would like to know too.

When is this to be released?


Harbinger O Great Justice
For you guys wondering about that machine, the space ship, the skull, or anything about Prometheus in general - go watch the original Alien, and pay very close attention to the entire section with the exploration of the derelict craft.

X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I just read some spoilers on the Alien in this movie:

They are larger and look different than the Xenomorph, but the general build of the body (if I got it right) is going to be similar. They are more perverse though, very sexual creatures.

that was to be a motive of the Xenomorph in the original movie, but they deleted the one scene that would have shown such. The scene was the other female (not Ripley) crew member going about doing her ER duties to escape, and the creature was crouched in hiding. It's tail starts to raise towards her (her back's turned towards the creature) and is somewhat rigid while becoming erect. I always felt that character's screams sounded like she was being raped.

Video of the scene:


Ghost X

Quite surprising, considering the nature of the original artwork of HR Giger's the aliens were based on, which were not sexual at all:






Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Quite surprising, considering the nature of the original artwork of HR Giger's the aliens were based on, which were not sexual at all:





Shaddup! :offended: :wacky: I don't recall seeing these pictures. I do recall a book my Sci-Fi teacher had regarding Alien that dealt with an Alien retelling of a myth from Ancient Egypt.

For you guys wondering about that machine, the space ship, the skull, or anything about Prometheus in general - go watch the original Alien, and pay very close attention to the entire section with the exploration of the derelict craft.

Just did so, where they find enter it and find the creature on the chair.

Interesting... It looks like it's possible
a giant face (maybe in this case, body) hugger's remains look ontop of the one in the chair.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Quite surprising, considering the nature of the original artwork of HR Giger's the aliens were based on, which were not sexual at all:





I remember these, and these are tame compared to some of the others.

Ghost X

"Work 219: landscape XX" wouldn't be one of the others by chance? :monster:.

Anyways... Prometheus! Great-looking movie, and the latest trailer only makes me feel more confident about predicting such. I'm not going to speculate what I think is going to happen. I'm generally disappointed when I do.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Why is the Space Jockey called that? I will google it and see if I can find out, but... if anyone would be so kind.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
"Work 219: landscape XX" wouldn't be one of the others by chance? :monster:.

Thats the one the Dead Kennedys got in trouble for innit? I would kill to have that as wallpaper, not desktop wallpaper, real wallpaper. :awesome: It would be great for a sexual health clinic!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
A Space jockey is called as such because they're the breeders of the universe. They breed tools to clean planets and jockey species about, thus eliminating the need for other barbaric means of cleaning a planet. But they're teh dead now so I don't bother to discern why they're dead in alien.


Harbinger O Great Justice
YouTube version of the viral marketing TED talk:

“Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.

Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.” After a three year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow.”

“Sir Peter Weyland was born in Mumbai, India at the turn of the Millennium. The progeny of two brilliant parents; His mother, an Oxford Educated Professor of Comparative Mythology, his father, a self-taught software Engineer, it was clear from an early age that Sir Peter’s capabilities would only be eclipsed by his ambition to realize them. By the age of fourteen, he had already registered a dozen patents in a wide range of fields from biotech to robotics, but it would be his dynamic break-throughs in generating synthetic atmosphere above the polar ice cap that gained him worldwide recognition and spawned an empire.”

In less than a decade, Weyland Corporation became a worldwide leader in emerging technologies and launched the first privatized industrial mission to leave the planet Earth. “There are other worlds than this one,” Sir Peter boldly declared, “And if there is no air to breathe, we will simply have to make it.“

AvPGalaxy also has some more information and links about the viral campaign here:

X :neo:

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I just watched all the Alien movies because I was sick and they were on OnDemand and omfg, I am salivating at all of this.

Ghost X

Very much looking forward to this. Wouldn't it be nice to go to a movie with good expectations, and the movie is better than them? :P
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
If you take the entire franchise as a whole you do get a better picture.The "aliens" as a race are never truly seen in their original form, if you think about it they require a host body to breed a queen and the DNA from that host helps to shape the aliens form. You see this from the normal aliens as are common in the movies born from human hosts, the dog variant in aliens and the predator/alien hybrid in avp2

That said other than the face huggers you can only speculate on the original origins of the species. The only thing known about them truly is that they were used as the ultimate prey by the predators and in all fairness could have been genetically created by the predators just for that purpose.

I really would love to see a lot of these questions answered as well before Ridley becomes reborn for bazillionth time :P


Not really an Alien fan but I'm watching this anyways (looks great and Michael Fassbender's in it). The last Alien movie I really liked was Resurrection, Ripley watching the 'baby' hybrid getting sucked out of the pane as it pleads to her bothered me as a kid and it still does.. :no: The newer ones, I don't know... I find them corny :(


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Resurrection was an enjoyable romp, but I had to take it with a pinch of salt. It kind of owed more to the Alien graphic novels than the original trilogy. I didn't really enjoy the AVP films at all though, I didn't think they were good even in a 'brainless action' kind of way.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yo dawg I heard you like trailers, so we made a trailer for a trailer so you can watch a trailer before you watch a trailer. :monster:

Excited to see this, but I hope the new trailer isn't as overt and trailerish. I really liked how the last trailer was like the original Alien one. Then again, I guess they have to get bums on seats don't they?
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