Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, (and likely others)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
The dead Space Jockey in the original had its chest burst, with the ribs pointing out. Lovely foreshadowing, that was.


Harbinger O Great Justice
This is the main image that stuck in my head from the trailer, when it comes to connections to Alien.


X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Am I the only one who finds it interesting that whatever it is that's pictured there (a xenomorph, or it's predecessor/ancestor, a carving of such, etc.) has a navel. Unless it gets that from the host... ???


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ridley Scott says some things:

"The question is, do you go for the PG-13, [which] financially makes quite a difference, or do you go for what it should be, which is R? Essentially, it's kinda R."

"It's not just about the blood, it's about ideas that are very stressful. I'm not an idiot, but I'll do everything I can to get the most aggressive film I can."

Don't even joke about that Ridley. There is no fucking way this film can be PG13. Violence/Gore aside, am I really expected to believe that a bunch of people finding themselves in such a situation as hinted at in the trailers are never going to say "fuck" or "shit" Really?!



Harbinger O Great Justice
What I really took away from this is that Ridley Scott didn't direct Promethues towards achieving a particular rating. He leaves it up to the MPAA to decide how they're gonna consider it, but it being R or PG-13 isn't something that he's really concerned with. While lots of directors push towards one or the other in an attempt to catch a particular demographic or because PG-13 is more monetarily friendly, I think that he's more concerned with the integrity of exactly what he wants to tell with the story, and just let the rating fall where it deserves.

(It's also one of those accountability things with people looking at what the film's going to earn, they can't blame him for trying to get an R, and ignoring the PG-13 cash). And honestly- the rating system in America is such a goddamned joke I don't think it even really makes any difference.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What I really took away from this is that Ridley Scott didn't direct Promethues towards achieving a particular rating. He leaves it up to the MPAA to decide how they're gonna consider it, but it being R or PG-13 isn't something that he's really concerned with. While lots of directors push towards one or the other in an attempt to catch a particular demographic or because PG-13 is more monetarily friendly, I think that he's more concerned with the integrity of exactly what he wants to tell with the story, and just let the rating fall where it deserves.

(It's also one of those accountability things with people looking at what the film's going to earn, they can't blame him for trying to get an R, and ignoring the PG-13 cash). And honestly- the rating system in America is such a goddamned joke I don't think it even really makes any difference.

X :neo:

Yeah I hope you're right, judging by the trailers alone there is far too much disturbing stuff going on for it to receive a low rating. Plus, I'm kind of hoping that the people who we're in their 20's and 30's when Alien came out will be drawn to this. So uh...hopefully everyone in the audience will have pubic hair :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Some stuffs from a press preview in the Grauniad

Didn't think this observation was fair:

There's an on-ship briefing, a bit of truculent banter and the judicious use of technology which, it's fair to say, is far more sophisticated than that in the Nostromo, despite it taking to the skies decades later (in Alien time).

The Nostromo was a mining ship, strictly function over form, so it was never going to have loads of bells and whistles. Whereas the Prometheus as far as I can tell is meant to be a showboat, a flagship showcasing Weylands technological prowess. Its like comparing a petrol tanker with a Ferrari :lol:


Save your valediction (she/her)
One of the comments on that link said this:

"The thing I really liked about Alien and its sequels was that the cast looked like normal, scuzzy human beings. The crew in Prometheus all look like models."

I would agree, but also might concede that a high-profile mission such as this would of course have the most photo-op-friendly scientists on board.

Ghost X

I dunno. I wouldn't say all astronauts in real life are the epitome of beauty. Not saying any are ugly either, but not modelesque. Of course I'm not familiar with any from private enterprises =p.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I think Theron, and Fassbender are the most 'modelly' but Fassbender is meant to be a robut so I don't think it counts :monster: I do think that they could have made Theron less glamourous looking, shes done it before. Not saying she should look like Aileen Wournos but shes been in other stuff looking pretty, yet ordinary.

Rapace and Elba are good looking, but still kind of ordinary y'know?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I dunno. I wouldn't say all astronauts in real life are the epitome of beauty. Not saying any are ugly either, but not modelesque. Of course I'm not familiar with any from private enterprises =p.

As far as real life astronauts go, at least those who are training or preparing to go up are required to be physically fit and are confident as all hell (even cocky) to boot. You throw those things together in the same person and even a sort of ugly person comes off as attractive in some regards.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

Grauniad = anagram of Guardian. It was given to the paper by the satirical magazine Private Eye and stuck because the Guardian had a reputation for having more typos than most other papers, although this is somewhat undeserved; it comes from the days of hot-plate printing when the paper was published in Manchester and the London editions were early editions brought down by train before all the errors had been spotted.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^Yeah wot Aaron said. We've always got second hand copies of Private Eye ever since I was a kid so Grauniad kinda stuck :monster:

There're some really pretty pictures of the ship Prometheus that've just been released:

I like this, like it does look kind of shiny and new, and needs a load of space dust on it, but its not too smooth looking, like how some of the ships in SW:Episode 1 were. Its got lots of nodules and pipes and shit on it, and I can imagine it fitting right in in the Alien universe once the paint job has got inevitably scratched to fuck.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
"Hello...I'm David....I'm not at all creepy. I'm definitely not going to go mad and kill everyone.....please ignore those skulls behind me." :wacky:

Hey, wasn't there a thing a while back linking Alien and Bladerunner? Or did I dream that? Something about one of the crew of the Nostromo formerly working for the Tyrell corporation? Though that could have been an Easter Egg.

Cookie Monster


How the hell did I not see that guy before.....? :O

Been trying to avoid reading some stuff here so I don't spoil anything for myself, but isn't the guy pictured above the Space Jockey? I remember reading somewhere that the Space Jockey seen in the original film,


...seen again in the trailer,

newprometheus56.jpg just a suit. The life form is inside, which would be the guy pictured in the photo up there.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Its kind of hard to tell, I can't get a good sense of scale from the top pic, and I always thought that the Space Jockey was much bigger than a human, like 9-10ft tall. From here I can't how tall that guy is?

.....Actually from these Alien screenshots:


The Jockey seems even bigger than I first thought.....and that guy in the pic you posted looks pretty big.

:/ I dunno. Am I the only one who thinks that kind of sucks? The Space Jockey was always very creepy and 'unknown' and to find that its just a humanoid giant in a suit feels like a letdown. Even if that humaniod giant is an alien himself.

On top of that the Space Jockey in Alien definitely looks more organic than the one in Prometheus. Like maybe the 'suit' is somehow biomechanical which would account for the fossilisation but....gah. I just don't like it :(
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