Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread


Pro Adventurer
So it seems that the changes they plan to make going forward may not be merely additive but be more involved and widespread than some might think, with the OG becoming less and less reliable as a guide for what to expect as the series goes on.

I agree! But I think it depends on what's the definition of 'fateful' that someone might have. Based on everything they have said so far, it looks like yes, the story will change, but all the main plot points will still be there. So, I'm expecting most of these iconic moments to still happen, but with a lot of changes in "how" and "when" they will happen (plus a lot of additional content in between).


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Yeah, the plot points will likely be there, but they may play out very differently than in the OG, especially if certain characters are alive past the point where they originally weren't and are allowed to play a part in the ongoing journey, especially if SE goes so far as to allow the crew to change their world's fate and avert Meteor's impact and Midgar's destruction, as the flash forwards in Part 1 seem to imply. We'll just have to wait and see.


Alex T
Wanted to say that I'm happy to have another source that claims Nomura is actually the one reeling in the ideas from other staff members.

I remember an interview from way back when on Crisis Core that stated Nojima wanted Jenova to participate in the boss battle against Sephiroth during the Nibelheim Incident, but Nomura rejected the idea. If anyone could link to it that'd be great, I just spent the last 30 mins looking for it :wacky:


Harbinger O Great Justice

Famitsu said:
– I’m sure that there are several younger development staff who never played the original FFVII, so were there any instances where there was a bit of a generation gap?
“Not really. But I guess when we wanted to give an example from a movie or something, we wouldn’t bring up a reference from an old movie that they probably wouldn’t know (laughs)”

– In regards to the FFVII Remake production, was there anything you were particular about?
“In the latter half of the story, there is a scene where Cloud & Sephiroth have a confrontation. I wanted the scenery of that segment to show a starry sky that represents the overall themes of FFVII, and the art design team was able to bring that image to life.”

Those kinds of explicit callouts after that monstrosity I wrote are the sort of confirmations that makes my brain want to explode. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Kaiju Member
Parts of the Hamaguchi section of the Famitsu interviews.

Further examples that Kitase is apparently one of the voices who wanted/wants to make/add major changes and that Nomura (and Hamaguchi) are actually the restraining voices in the project.

Also further affirmation that the Remake project is still going to respect the basics/overall story of the OG (or to use the term I have been using, Will maintain the “skeleton” of the OG story).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think what's interesting is how deliberate they're trying to be in measuring how they do this song-and-dance of keeping familiarity alongside creativity. They obviously are thinking real hard about it, and they're obviously not just completely all in on "scrap it all and make this something new" while also not just entirely doing things 1:1. There's a deliberation for both sides and yeah, Kitase isn't just being rubberstamped to re-write it all :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Not really seeing the contradiction there.

There's clearly a definite reason behind why Sephiroth appeared as he did. It may not be apparent at this point in the Remake, but neither was the nature of Jenova apparent until half-way through the OG. The whole thing feels like a contextless expression of ambiguity until the next page is turned and the story is allowed to proceed. It was extremely confusing and loaded with a lot but at the same time, cliffhangers and dangling plots is just the sorta thing a multi-release series is known for. It's a frustrating cost.


Kaiju Member
Hamaguchi [in recent Famitsu interview] : "Nomura and I saw the Remake as an homage to the original game, so if we were to change anything, we made sure that it would be something planned with a specific reason that fans could accept."

*Also Hamaguchi [interview from the Ultimania] : Comes up with the suggestion that the party should fight Sephiroth in Midgar and Nomura greenlights it*

To be fair I think many players could accept (and were arguably actively expecting) that there would be a Sephiroth boss fight of some form in this first part.
It’s more the how, what with the Whispers that caused the greater divisive reactions.


Ninja Potato
I was personally expecting Sephiroth before we even knew what the whispers were because he's already all over the marketing material. If he's gonna be shown so early, we'll probably fight him early. It's an FF7 title, and while we know why fighting him now is weird, casual fans are gonna just expect him to be there. It is what it is I guess.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I honestly didn't expect them to have the balls to throw us an actual fight with Sephiroth. I thought we'd merely fight a copy of him that would turn out to simply be an illusion or revealed to be an offshoot of Jenova.

I never expected Sephiroth (or some variation) to literally decide to step in and in essence, get his hands dirty. It's was a left field occurrence. How they explain it and utilize it remains to be seen, but it was enjoyable, interesting and I hope it's reason fits the overall plot of the story in the end.

Honestly, the fight with Sephiroth in Chapter 18 reminds me of how 3 years later in KH2 we discovered that we actually fought with Xemnas himself in KH1 Final Mix. That bizarre, mysterious and simply baffling encounter with the Unknown enemy in Hollow Bastion was actually an encounter with who would go on to be, the final boss of the next game.

I don't know how it'll make sense within the specific context here, but it's an example of how a seemingly bizarre and incongruous boss fight actually laid the groundwork for the future and ultimately made sense in retrospect.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Not really seeing the contradiction there.
I don't know how Shademp meant his observation, but I took it not so much as pointing out a contradiction as a reminder to anyone thinking "See? It's just Kitase; don't expect any big changes" that Nomura and Hamaguchi aren't actually against big changes -- provided they feel those big changes have a good reason. =P

Let's not forget who we're talking about here: the same guy whose notions of good reasons include KH's multiple bizarre forms of time travel.


Kaiju Member
I don't know how Shademp meant his observation, but I took it not so much as pointing out a contradiction as a reminder to anyone thinking "See? It's just Kitase; don't expect any big changes" that Nomura and Hamaguchi aren't actually against big changes -- provided they feel those big changes have a good reason. =P

Let's not forget who we're talking about here: the same guy whose notions of good reasons include KH's multiple bizarre forms of time travel.
To be clear, I was never trying to imply that Nomura and Hamaguchi are always against big changes, just rather that (Nomura more than Hamaguchi) isn’t the source of the major changes in the Remake, which I think is an important distinction especially when Nomura tends to be overly “blamed” by fans. And it’s honestly in-line with what happened in the OG too, like IIRC Kitase originally proposing that entire party except the three selected for the Raid on Midgar should be killed during that section and Nomura was one of the voices to convince him not to do it.

Also while changes like additional/new boss battles and/or more Sephiroth appearances are “big” changes, they aren’t comparable to the story becoming unrecognizable (i.e. retaining the skeleton) which is what Hamaguchi was saying the in the Famitsu interview about the OG story being respected.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't know how Shademp meant his observation, but I took it not so much as pointing out a contradiction as a reminder to anyone thinking "See? It's just Kitase; don't expect any big changes" that Nomura and Hamaguchi aren't actually against big changes -- provided they feel those big changes have a good reason. =P

Let's not forget who we're talking about here: the same guy whose notions of good reasons include KH's multiple bizarre forms of time travel.

Ah, well when you put it that way.... I mean, yeah that's true :monster:

They all apparently deliberate how much or how little to change. How much or how little their gambit pays off remains to be judged but I doubt little regard was given for how to ultimately line up all of these details in the context of the story.

We just have to deal with the frustration and anticipation of waiting for that pay off to happen. And I get its especially frustrating for those who returned to Gaia FFVII's world just looking for a good time and to relax.

There's still more fighting. :monster:


Ninja Potato
Toriyama said:
In the original FFVII Rude wouldn’t attack Tifa, so we decided that he wouldn’t actively attack women in FFVII REMAKE. Of course, battles wouldn’t really work if he didn’t attacked female characters at all, so we made him less aggressive, just putting them to sleep.
I had assumed Rude didn't attack Aerith because of their relationship. You'd think the Turks wouldn't be allowed to harm her. Guess he's just a simp.
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