
Someone needs to find more Reno stuff. The computer I'm using at school has soooooo many blocks on it, I'm lucky I can get on here! :wacky:


muah ha ha! im finally back using my office internet :whistle:
anyway welcome akemmi and xaerith :awesome:

I like that too but personally I prefer RenoxRufus and RenoxTseng

nice aerith avatar u've got there

i do like renoxtifa and renoxelena.. but recently i got another new-found-love for renoxrufus ... in a more humor way tat is lol

happen to see a youtube video made by someone.. i think its something about tseng on a vacation when they had a problem back in shinra.. fangirls invasion (goin after rufus).. they kinda made reno kiss him.. things like tat..hhahaah its freaking hilarious.

anyone saw it? i cant have the link here cos its blocked in my office zzz..

i guess sometimes if so funny to see them together because rufus is so serious.. (same goes to tseng)... and i bet reno's driving him nuts lol
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Reno is da smex.
I'll join naowz! :awesome:
And I loooove RenoXAerith and RenoXTifa. ~

There you go again with your intellectual...umm...intelligence.

You like ReTi. We must be destined for friendship :reptar:

Welcome to teh club, Akemmi, xAerith! Now spam us with nakkid Renos~~ :monster:


There you go again with your intellectual...umm...intelligence.

You like ReTi. We must be destined for friendship :reptar:

Welcome to teh club, Akemmi, xAerith! Now spam us with nakkid Renos~~ :monster:

It seems so. :awesomonster:



It seems so. :awesomonster:


erm.. i... i jus copy and paste the address in ur spoiler tag in another browser and the picture jus "APPEAR!" infront of me.. i got a shock LOLL!

and, i almost fainted when i browse through some pictures in that link!!! i haven seen ACC, and those ...those from ACC... what are thoseee!! omgggg! *pulls hairs*

i cant wait for my blu-ray to come... just to see him hahahahaaaaaaaa
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