Replacing Inactive Staff Members. With Votes.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
We've just removed two absentee staff members who had not posted in over a month and since January respectively, and so this strikes us as an appropriate time to add new staff members. Once again we are going to employ the halp of you, our loyal member base, in determining whom that should be.

Since we lost an admin and a mod it is quite likely that we will be promoting one of our mods to admin (I am not sure we need a contest for this part since it's pretty obvious everyone will just vote for Tres, but if people want one we can certainly have one) and then promote two freshman (or returning) moderators.

This will likely take the form of people nominating people and then voting amongst the nominees. Unless we have a very good reason to refuse someone's nomination such as a history of repeated trolling or something along those lines it is quite likely that all nominations will be accepted, although I think it would be appreciated for new members not to nominate themselves.

I don't really want to set down concrete rules for this until it has been discussed adequately, so I probably won't add much else. I will note that the last time we did this it did not go off entirely without drama (although by TLS standards it was honestly pretty tame drama), but that was well over a year ago and hopefully the whole forum has learned from its mistakes by now. We think the community is capable of handling things.

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I second this nomination and would also like to see Tennyo back on staff if she's willing to return. AvecAloes would probably also make an excellent staff member.
I thought Lex was staff but he's not on the staff list.

So if he isn't staff, I nominate him.

I think Sprites and Unlucky would both make good mods if they're interested.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
I vote for Tres, Shademp, Tennyo and Fangu. They are my favourite staff members! :)
I have one more candidate to nominate and then I'm done. I'd like to nominate CameoAmalthea for mod. She is balanced, fair, tolerant, and one of the most reasonable people I know. Plus, she's no slacker and would carry out all her duties thoroughly and promptly; moreover, she's very inclusive and works hard to make sure everybody feels heard and respected. Some of you may not know her as well as I do, so I felt I ought to enumerate all the reasons why she'd be such an asset to the team.


Chloe Frazer
We need more ladies in staff for sure, the boys need a good spanking from time to time. It would be great to have Tenny back as a mod if she's interested and I think Mage would be a great option as well if she's also intersted.

Also yes definitely Tres should be an admin for great justice.


Great Old One
2nd on Carlie. She is the obvious choice imo :monster: Active, well liked and very level headed.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I agree with all the recommendations made so far and like to add a few. I think Force should return, if interested, to Smod. He does such a bang-up job in the FF section I think he'd be an asset. I also think that Ghost should be promoted to Smod. He's an awesome combination of pragmatic and funny, and I'd imagine he'd do good (blow)job too (hehehehe).

The other person that sticks in my mind (and really, Tres said it right, there's so many good people here) is GLD, or whatever he goes by now. I dunno if he'd be interested but I'm sure he'd do a great job too.

I'm sure another special nomination will come to me but not at 2 in the morning. xD
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Ghost X

I agree with nominations so far, except mine. I'm too busy to be a smod :awesome:. You're all lucky the creativity section is so dead, despite my miserable attempts to revive it. I'd be over run like Mufasa in the Lion King if it got out of hand, and this would make me look bad. You don't want me to look bad, do you? :wacky:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Fangu would be a great forum staff member but last time she was nominated she had no interest in being a mod. No idea if that's changed.


If the sky comes falling down
Fangu would be a great forum staff member but last time she was nominated she had no interest in being a mod. No idea if that's changed.

Oh well the thought is there ! She seems really friendly and kind and if she wants imo she would make a fantastic mod.



Great Old One
Thanks guys <3

Fangu would be a great forum staff member but last time she was nominated she had no interest in being a mod. No idea if that's changed.
Yeah I feel I haven't really changed my mind much since the last time we did this in June last year. I did consider it, but I think I'll decline a nomination.

Occasionally people ask me about tech stuff on the forum (like if you can increase the size on YouTube embeds) and stuff but as I mod I wouldn't be able to help out with that stuff anyway, and Admin is kinda overkill as other Admins, Aaron especially, already know that stuff inside out. I already have access to a lot of stuff that concerns the forum as well since I have full SSH and FTP access, and I see it as moar handy for me to be a backup tech (like when Yop was on vacation this summer) and a front page nerd (which I haven't really been that much since I fixxed that Excerpt thingy a few weeks ago) than getting into moderatorship as well.

idk I think it makes more sense for me to keep to the tech stuff. I can speak my opinion anyway as a regular member in case of potential dramaz.


Chloe Frazer
Thanks guys <3, I did not expect to be nominated, quite surprised. A year or two ago I would've said no but now I've come to really care about this place and I love you guys so if you want me I'll accept.

Can't believe I forgot about Dawn, she has been a fantastic mod on BFF so I 2nd her nomination.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
See Dawn's sig? Consider that quote to be my nomination for her, as she is wise :reapermon: As for me, same deal as last time we did this. I don't precisely want to be a mod, but if people wanted me in that position I'd accept it and do what I could.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
GLD, Carlie, Dawny -- all great choices too. :monster:

That settles it. Oprah's handing out modship for everybody! You get mod permissions, you get mod permissions, you get mod permissions!

And then we all sit back and watch the forum burn as we all edit one another's posts to fuck with each other.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
No idea, but I can't really say I disapprove of such a program. Though shouldn't Mage be admin then? :monster:

I can't think of anyone who's been nominated thus far who'd be a bad choice, btw.


Not sure actually, she posted them voluntarily iirc without demanding adminship like she did on FFOF. I think we'll need moar from her.

Actually, I expect she's going to post pictures of her pussy soonish.
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