Resident Evil Series

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ada's outfit in RE4 was impractical but it wasn't stupid, especially THIS level of stupid.


Who the fuck is the character designer in this game? Goddamn. This asymmetry crap looks almost like it's straight from Nomura himself.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Ada's outfit in RE4 was impractical but it wasn't stupid, especially THIS level of stupid.

Totally this

I mean, if you're going to design a cocktail dress, you do an entire cocktail dress.

If you design a bodysuit, you don't do three quarters of a bodysuit and leave out a leg just for the sake of looking different.

Also her hair looks like a river of turd is dripping down from her beret


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay, seriously? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?

THIS is the outfit for a BSAA operative, who's putting their lives on the line, fighting BOW's that could potentially kill or infect them or innocent bystanders?!

I understand Resident Evil has fanservice and fun costumes for characters. But those are unlockable. THIS should not be the actual storyline outfit for anyone. This is just fucking retarded. How the hell does this look like the uniform for a soldier? She looks like an ero-cosplayer, not someone I'd expect to be able to save me from a drooling, vicious BOW.

It's like that stupid tart who had her tits hanging out and got eaten by the Regenerator-like enemy with tentacles.

What the hell is this game doing?


AI Researcher
How the hell does this look like the uniform for a soldier? She looks like an ero-cosplayer, not someone I'd expect to be able to save me from a drooling, vicious BOW.
I think she looks like someone who could save you from mutated monster. I mean, look at that gun held seductively in front of her vajay.

She'd save you, but you'd have to help her with her sexual inhibitions afterwards. With gusto.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Okay, seriously? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?

THIS is the outfit for a BSAA operative, who's putting their lives on the line, fighting BOW's that could potentially kill or infect them or innocent bystanders?!

I understand Resident Evil has fanservice and fun costumes for characters. But those are unlockable. THIS should not be the actual storyline outfit for anyone. This is just fucking retarded. How the hell does this look like the uniform for a soldier? She looks like an ero-cosplayer, not someone I'd expect to be able to save me from a drooling, vicious BOW.

It's like that stupid tart who had her tits hanging out and got eaten by the Regenerator-like enemy with tentacles.

What the hell is this game doing?

In the new trailer the fetish doll is actually one of the new monsters

Complete with bloody cleavage.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Where did I say it wasn't?

Everything I've seen about this game looks terribad.

I mean, THEY NAMED A CITY TERRAGRIA or some shit.



AI Researcher
In the new trailer the fetish doll is actually one of the new monsters

Complete with bloody cleavage.
I don't think I've seen this but I want to. Just to actually see that they really did that.

Not that I don't expect them to do. No wonder she died, when like half of her face was covered by her hair. If not having exposed skin is a plus when killing monsters, being able to... you know... see with your full and unobstructed field of vision is another vital survival skill that seems to be lacking.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I just hope this game doesn't play like ass. The exploration and puzzle solving looks promising, I'll give it that.

But goddamn do some of these characters look ridiculous.

I also love how they call Mercenary mode, "Raid" mode. It's the same damn thing. :monster:

And what fucking "truth?" What the hell is this game's point, aside from some random fucking new virus and bizarre new generic terrorist organization? I'm failing to see this story's contribution to the game's plot aside from this being another random new outbreak.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I thought the story in RE5 was bad, this looks Sc-Fi original movie terribad.


AI Researcher
raymond vester

jesus fucking christ

i know it's not new but having a name to use means i must express that eloquent thought

The hair thing might have been excusable if it had just being some freakish mutation in her monster form and not there all the time.

I've not played 5 so don't know where the story's gone and how much herp it derps but as a game it doesn't look too bad, and a boat might have made an interesting location for a survival horror game. (Though wasn't that already in one of those Gun Survivor games anyway?)


wangxian married
The parts with Leon actually look good. Not sure how I feel about Chris' parts and eeeh on the kung fu merc dude.

Was that Sherry or Ashley in the trailer?


Will the characters still control like tanks and will I still have to keep a "run"-button held down in spite of the introduction of analog sticks years ago?
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