Saga Frontier 2 Perfect Works Scanning/Translating Progress Thread


Angry Lesbian
Okay, page 71! Crit welcome on both the translation itself and any awkward English phrasing.


(Left Side Bar)

The northern continent and the southern continent

The uncivilized north and the cultured south: two contrasting continents

(Main Section)

The northern continent is a barbaric region. Seemingly beyond the reach of civilization, it is covered in forest from the warmer regions to the colder regions. In recent years, human settlements have started to crop up, and in the areas around these, fossils of ancient animals have been discovered. Additionally, the possibility of discovering Quells has emerged.

The southern continent is a region of many people, politics, and relative stability. Since the introduction of [Arts] came later here than it did to the eastern continent, the historical art of using iron tools is still practiced. In the southern part of the continent, the so-called “Grand Desert” stretches over the land, undeveloped and uninhabited.

(Map (starting at the top left and moving roughly down/right))

北ウーズ川: North Usse River
南ウーズ川: South Usse River
ウーズ川: Usse River
ラノック川: Lanock River
ノースゲート: North Gate
タウゼント湖: Tauzent Lake
ソマ川: Soma River
ウルバト川: Urbat River
エムス湖: Emus Lake
大砂漠: Grand Desert
カイラワン砂漠: Kairouan Desert
ワイド: Wide
ヤーデ: Jade
グリューゲル: Gruegel
アルダス川: Ardath River
インネル川: Inner River
マルマラ川: Malmara River
シャルンホルスト: Schalenholst

(Left Picture Caption)

A wasteland that rejects the hand of human development. It is said that once, this was a land that could accept the existence of living creatures.

Lanock River

The river that flows out of North Gate. Or maybe it would be better to say North Gate came out of the river? Not only the source of the villagers’ drinking water, the river is also used as a guide for expeditions into the less-inhabited areas. It merges upstream with the Usse River, which further merges into the North and South Usse Rivers.

Tauzent Lake

Vogelang’s lifeline. From this lake, people draw their water, grow their crops, brew their sake. As there are no rivers flowing out from the lake, it’s said there must be a connection to the sea within the lakebed. After all, the bountiful seafood fills the dining tables of those who live in Vogelang.

Soma River and Urbat River

These two rivers feed into the Tauzent Lake. Neither of their paths is straight. In particular, the Soma River is thought to have its source in the middle of the desert. How this could happen is one of the great riddles of the southern continent. One theory is that there are extremely high mountains in the desert, and the runoff from the thawing snow produced the river.

Inner River

The major river that supported the development of Gruegel and the country of Na. Near Gruegel it joins with the Ardath River, and after joining with the Malmara River, it feeds into the sea near Schalenholst. If this river didn’t exist, Gruegel never would have grown; the great metropolis of Na would have been just another place.

Column 1: サンダイルの人々の娯楽
The recreational activities of Sandail’s people

The most popular amusement for Sandail’s people is alcohol. In any case, they drink a lot. They also eat, sing, and dance. In this world, the most-consumed alcohol in the southern continent is the Vogelang region’s bourbon, and the Jade region’s wine. In the eastern continent, the Jade region’s wine is plentiful, but Weissland’s “Quell sake” is referred to as the hidden boom. In the olden days, when people seldom travelled, not much was known about Weissland’s local specialty, but in recent years it has fallen under the spotlight. It’s expected that someday, as Weissland’s chief export, its name will be known throughout every country. Generally, those who live in the harsh climate of the borderlands brew strong alcohol, and it is the drink of choice there.

(Bottom Right Picture Caption)

A typical Sandail bar. In many cases, bars also serve food, and have connected inns.

Per my last post, I couldn’t find an “official” romanization for a lot of the stuff in here, so I tried to stick as close to the kana as I could while also trying to make the names sound similar to the rest of the place names. If anyone has alternate/better suggestions for these, or knows an official romanization, please don’t be shy :)
ラノック川: Lanock River
ウーズ川: Usse River
タウゼント湖: Tauzent Lake
ソマ川: Soma River
ウルバト川: Urbat River
エムス湖: Emus Lake
インネル川: Inner River
アルダス川: Ardath River
マルマラ川: Malmara River
シャルンホルスト: Schalenholst
カイラワン砂漠: Kairouan Desert

And here are the ones that DO have official names and haven’t shown up in our lists yet:
大砂漠: Grand Desert
ノースゲート: North Gate
グリューゲル: Gruegel
ヤーデ: Jade

Also, Tetsujin, any chance you could re-scan or take a photo of the right side of page 72, pretty pretty please? :D

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
But seriously though; I am fine with this being a slow work of progress, but I am iffy with just letting it wither off; especially since we all spent money to buy this.

It is fine if this is a secondary goal, but I'd like it if we diverted some attention to get a plan of attack for this; I really would like to see and help this get done. I am the person most familiar with the game, so I will happily assemble and edit and post this on the site once its done, but I can't read Japanese, so I was thinking of pitching in to get this professionally translated.
It's a longshot, but perhaps you could make a thread about the book in the "translator" subreddit. Usually people only get helped with short snippets and such, but maybe there is a fan of Saga Frontier there somewhere.

There is also the SaGa subreddit. Choose your titles and words carefully and who knows. Maybe you'll get lucky. When I requested for translators in the Final Fantasy subreddit though, I was simply redirected to the previously linked r/translator.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I'd like to contribute to the cause, if only we could get some of the storyline/character bg pages scanned up...the translating part is a gruesome process indeed so I'd like to work on a section more relevant than geography (imo, at least). Anyhow, thanks for the hard work so far.



Lv. 1 Adventurer
Looking to spring some new life into this thread, I went ahead and translated pages 80-81 for kicks. Enjoy the engrishy goodness (honestly, it took me way more time to rephrase in proper English than translating it in the first place. Damn Japanese descriptive paragraphs :p)


(Left sidebar)
Port town that inherited Hahn Empire's technology

人口 12,600(定住者のみ)

Population 12,600 (Resident)
Subtropical region
Present ruler ...... None
Highlights ...... Several Hahn Empire machines are scattered throughout the city

City of Night - Overview

夜 の街というのはもちろん通称だ。 この街ではハン帝国当時の技術が残っており、街灯などの設備が今も機能している。 そのため他の地域が暗くなったら家に戻り寝るだけ、といった生活パタ一ンが基本であるのに対して、ここでは夜間営業する店もある。これは北部にあるスヴェ ドルフ鉱山の労働者にとっては願ったり適ったりの状況なのである。 山の男たちはこの街で歌い、飲み、そして遊んで山での稼ぎをこの街に落としていく。 街の正式名称 「シュヴァルツメドへン」 のメドへン (乙女) と夜の遊びが結びついて、夜の歓楽街=夜の街という通称が広まったのである。 今では街の住人さえ、 その正式な名称を呼ぶより通称を呼ぶことのほうが多くなっている。この街は海の男たちにも知られた街で、彼らはグラン ・ ヴァレ周辺の海況次第では数日過ごすことになる。 山の男たち同様、 海の男もここで稼ぎを吸い取られるのである。

Popularly known as the "City of Night". Technology left over from the Hahn Empire era still functions within the city, such as street lights. While it is a way of life in all other regions to retire to one's house after sunset, even stores remain open during night hours here. For this reason the city has become a kind of resort for the miners at Svendorf in the north, who come here to have a good time spending the night (and their salaries) drinking, singing, and gambling.
The official name of the city "Schwarz Madchen" (Black Lady) comes from its night entertainment and pleasure quarters; nowadays the nickname "City of Night" has become more widespread even among its residents. The city is also popular among sailors, as they will pass several days here depending on oceanic currents surrounding Grand Valley. Just like their fellow miners, these men of the sea squander all their earnings while in town.

このようにサンダイルでは珍しくサービス業が主体の街なのである。定住者としての人口も少なくない。しかし、夜間人ロは通常に比べかなり多いと思われる。このような街が出来上がったのは、 南国特有の開放的な気質によるところが大きいのであろう。
最初に触れたように、この街にはハン帝国の技術が残っている。街灯はその代表的なところであるが、そのほかに給水の設備がある。 そのため、街は一見荒れているが衛生状態は悪くなく、比較的疫病の発生が少ない。それは人ロの多さが裏付けているだろう。

It is uncommon, in a world such as Sandail, for a city to have such a well-developed service industry. Urban residents are quite a lot too, however nighttime population is clearly larger than normal. A city this big was probably built according to the open-mindedness peculiar to the southern regions.
As it's been mentioned, remnants of technology from the Hahn Empire are found within the city. Other than street lights, there are a number of water supply facilities, explaining the low rate of epidemic outbreaks even if the city appears in poor condition. The large amount of residents likely contributes to that. Despite the benefits of said technology, nobody still has been able to figure out how to fix these devices when they happen to break; it remains a mystery even for the Quell researchers in town.
Like Vogelang, this is one of the few places using Hahn techniques for Tools manufacturing. Chip circulation has become commonplace in the city outskirts, and it's a popular activity even among children.


亜熱帯に位置するため高温である。このあたりからラウブホルツ方面にかけてはハリケーンが猛威を振るう地域で、人々はその対策に頭を痛めている。 街中が荒れているのはハリケーンの残した爪痕であり、その状況を見てもハリケーンの威力を知ることができる。

Located in the subtropical zone, the climate is mostly hot. Hurricanes raging from here to Laubholz have the townsfolk concerned about safety measures, as the results of the hurricanes' fury are easily seen from the ruined downtown.

An isolated city

こ の街は北に樹海、南にクラン・ ヴアレと2つの大きな交通上の障害に挟まれている。そのため陸路でこの街にたどり着くのは容易ではない。この街に通じる大きな道と言えばスヴェドルフ鉱山 に通じる道ぐらいのものである。海路もこの地域特有の強風による荒波と早い潮流に阻まれ危険、というのが船乗りたちの常識となっている。そのため海況がい い時を待つしか船はたどり着くことができないのである。 ハン帝国統治時はクラン ・ ウァレの橋を越えてラウブホルツ方面との交流や東大陸北部との人の往来もあったと言われている。 再び当時のように人が往来できるようになれば、この街は世界でも有数の大都市になり得る可能性を秘めているのだが。

The city is cornered between the Sea of Trees (North) and Grand Valley (South), making overland communication difficult. The main traffic route would probably be the road to Svendorf mines. Sea transport is also hindered by the strong winds and fast currents characteristic to this region. Ships have no other choice than to wait for favorable oceanic
conditions to reach the city. It is said that at the time of Hahn Empire the city was situated on the traffic route from the northern part of the Eastern Continent to Laubholz thanks to the bridge in Grand Valley - if people are once again able to travel this way, the city is likely to become one of the leading centers in the world.

A peculiar structure

夜 の街は複雑に入り組んでいるのが特徴ではあるが、大きく分けダウンタウンとアップタウンに分けられる。アップタウンには主に住宅地があり、ダウンタウンは 歓楽街、といった構成になっている。ハン帝国統治時代はダウンタウンの部分だけでこの街は構成されていたようだが、徐々に人口が増えるにつれて現在のアッ プタウンのエリアにも住宅が建設されていったようである。しかし、いかんせん決して計画的に建設されていったわけではないので、無秩序とも言える街の造り になってしまった、というのが真実のようである。

Although the city layout looks intricate, it can be divided into an "uptown" and "downtown" district: uptown is mainly a residential area while downtown has become the entertainment district. Downtown was originally the historical center of the city under Hahn Empire, however later on as the population increased the housing district of uptown began to develop. The truth is that with the absence of a proper development plan it can't be helped that the city has become in fact a maze of streets and alleys.

(Image caption)
This is the heart of downtown. In the pleasure quarter, as the young ladies loiter about with smiles full of meaning, a suspicious-looking man disappears into the alleys.

(Bottom box - left)
Entertainment district must-have items

この街の特産は歓楽街の遊び、と言っていいほど有名である。しかもそれがあまりに も目立ってはいるが、ツールの製造も近年盛んなのである。これは北部のスヴェドルフ鉱山から産出される感応石とハン帝国当時から引き継いでいる技術力に支 えられている。その出来映えはフォーゲラングで造られるツールに遜色ないが、いかんせん流通手段が限られているため出回っている数は限られてしまうよう だ。
現在は自給自足の域に留まっているが、ここで収穫されるトロピカルフルーツはみな美味である。これらの果物は住民が個人的に小規模な畑で作っ ており、余ったものが歓楽街に持ち込まれるに過ぎないが、その味はこの街を訪れた人たちの間では伝説的と言っていいほどになっている。

The entertainment venues the city is so well-known for may be called its "specialty". Aside from that, tool manufacturing has also become prosperous in recent years, supported by the mining activity in Svendorf and the technical expertise inherited from Hahn empire era. The quality of tools is comparable to those crafted in Vogelang, however their number is inevitably smaller given the limited market area.
Although it still hasn't expanded past self-sufficiency farming, the tropical fruits harvested here are truly a delicacy. Only some of the excess crop from the orchards is brought downtown, but the travelers who have had the chance to eat the fruit described the flavor as "legendary".

City of Night specialties


When speaking of Tools, Vogelang no doubt comes to mind first, however the Tools made in the City of Night are just as excellent.
Residents grow and exchange fruit such as mango, passionfruit and durian to one another.If ships are eventually able to dock in regularly, the city will become a leading exporter of goods for sure.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
The staff were just talking about what direction we were planning on taking this. It cannot be understated how much we appreciate translation help on this. I'd love the opportunity to talk to you about it more if you're interested.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hi, I'm Mir_Vimes of GameFAQs. I frequent the SaGa Frontier boards, and I have a SaGa Frontier 1 modding forum graciously hosted by Xenesis of WarsWorldNews. I'm interested in anything SaGa, so hit me up if you need any help with file hosting of Perfect Work scans (or anything else related to SaGa games) on our FTP,

I did a tiny bit of work with SaGa Frontier 2, but I couldn't find anything. I think I found part of the character data, but it's been years since I looked at it.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hi, I happen to own this book. My japanese is pretty iffy, so I can't help too much with translation, but if for some reason you guys need help with scanning or something (though it seems this is under control), maybe I can help. :D


AI Researcher
This is pages 30 and 31, with some minor exceptions:

- some parts that were near the spine of page 30 I couldn't make out on the scan
- I noticed that I missed one of the side boxes which I will add later
- in general it's a bit all over the place because the page layout is kind of complicated and maybe doesn't cross over well to just writing it out

◆帝国建国 (BS400年~紀元年)◆
◆ Founding of the Empire (BS 400 ~ First Year) ◆
The Hahn Empire was originally a city state situated around 15 kilometres upstream from the mouth of the river Anas, in the centre of the eastern continent. Although it borders on the river, the city is in a hilly region and could not be called an abundant country.

ハンの発展 BS400年
The Expansion of Hahn BS 400
Behind the rapid extension of power, starting from BS 400, of what had once been merely a city state lied the existence of Quell. At the time, Quell was scarce in the countries of the Central Plains (what is now the Lordless Land area), and possessing a large quantity was impossible. But the situation changed suddenly with the Merchmin and Finney Island invasions by the Free Cities Alliance in the 370's before the First Year. This was due to the discovery by the then feudal lord of Hahn of historical ruins housing Quell. Hahn absorbed Finney Island concurrently with the seizure of the Central Plains. And so, with the backing of the large quantity of Quell excavated from Finney Island, Hahn's might began to grow.

クヴェルによる戦闘の確立 BS300年代~
The Establishment of Quell Combat BS 300~
Part of Hahn's path to become a powerful nation was their prompt Quell countermeasures. However, most notable was their treatment of Quell as pure military power. In Wiessland, where it had originally been discovered, Quell was viewed as a mystical substance and was an object of worship. Thus its military applications were limited to being the weapon for the chief of a group. But in Hahn it was widely given to the leaders of front-line groups such as the commanding officers of units, and played a part in its military strategies.

As a result it made organised combat using Quell possible, added diversity to the offensive methods available. Battles utilising wide-ranging and highly destructive Quell unfolded, and it built up Hahn's overwhelming superiority.

The results were shown in history's pages. It is true that in Grand Teille there were many powerful nations that reaped the benefits of the Quell excavated in Wiessland. However, the Kingdom of Hahn continued its steady push forward.

In particular with the battle to found the Hahn Empire which would be the decisive battle with Laubholz, it ended with the overwhelming victory for Hahn who put Quell to use in its army.

And in the year following the defeat of the Kingdom of Laubholz, the Kingdom of Hahn announced its enforcement of imperial rule.

フィニー島取得 (BS400~)
Finney Island obtained (BS400~)
Merchmin unified (BS341~BS272)
Grand Teille unified (BS121~1)
Central Plains unified (BS400~341)
Grand Valley stone bridge constructed (84~)
Wiessland invasion (101~103) (301~392)

BS400 ● Kingdom of Hahn born in the present Lordless Land
The city state of Hahn, located at the basin of the River Anas in the centre of eastern continent, rapidly expanded its power through the use of Quell. It took the neighbouring city states under its control and formed an empire.

BS341 ● The Hahn Empire seizes the Central Plains
With a vast amount of Quell in its possession, Hahn established strategies incorporating Arts into its organised tactics. With that overwhelming military power behind it, Hahn unified the Central Plains. Afterwards they invaded Finney Island, and in BS320 began its advance into the Merchmin region.

BS320年 メルシュマンへ侵略戦争始まる
BS320 – War of aggression against Merchmin begins

BS272 ● Hahn Kingdom seizes Merchmin

BS121 ● Hahn Kingdom invades the Grand Teille region
After the unification of Merchmin, the Kingdom of Hahn focused its efforts on improvements to its domestic affairs. In BS121, with preparations of its military capacity complete, the Kingdom of Hahn was ready to march south. It began the invasion into Grand Teille.

BS121 ● The last royal house of Grand Teille falls in Grand Valley
The Kingdom of Hahn, continuing its march after ousting many states, clashed with the last Grand Teille kingdom in Grand Valley. They come out victorious.

First Year ● Founding of the Hahn Empire
The Kingdom of Hahn, having defeated the last royal house at Grand Valley, used the subjugation of the eastern continent the following year as an opportunity to announce the foundation of its empire.

64年 グラン・ヴァレの第一石橋の建設始まる
64 – Construction begins on the first stone bridge of Grand Valley

100 ● Construction of the first Grand Valley stone bridge completed
With the completed stone bridge, ??? to Wiessland on the outskirts of ??? became possible. In 101 an [expedition] force was formed and the invasion of Wiessland began.

101年 第1次ヴァイスラント遠征
101 – First Wiessland Invasion

??? ?????????(????????)

The rapidly progressing Arts research

Within the turmoil of war beginning at BS400, Hahn's research into Quell advanced rapidly. With the examples from across the world and the study of the already completed giant monument pursuit for uses of Quell was under way, and despite events such as the Anima rampage producing victims techniques to effectively put it into use were studied. And as a result during the age of the Hahn Empire construction of massive stone structures were made possible, and the application of automatically activated Quell techniques bore previously unimaginably convenient living spaces.

Of course, military uses were also pursued, supported the powerful military might to maintain the empire. Additionally tactics were also researched, and subdivision into indirect Arts use and direct Arts use also began.

♦帝国の繁栄と崩壊 (紀元年~465年)♦
♦ The Rise and Fall of the Empire (First Year ~ 465) ♦
The Hahn Empire entered a period of prosperity with its foundation. This was due to the expansion of domestic demand due to the establishment of infrastructure that followed the suppression of turmoil of conflict. Maintenance of highways connecting each city and the adoption of the latest technologies by city planning made the lives of the citizens affluent, and had the effect of enriching the nation.

ヴァイスラント遠征 101年
The Wiessland Invasion 101
During the establishment of its infrastructure the empire continued construction of the stone bridge crossing Grand Valley 100 years since the empire's founding. This was the preparations for the empire to begin their desired invasion into the south. The empire already had Grand Teille under its control, but they had long hoped to march a large-scale military force into Wiessland, which was said to be the birthplace of Quell. The invasion also had in mind the extraction of the Quell thought to be buried in Wiessland. And in 100, the first stone bridge was completed and the invasion south was put into reality.

In Wiessland, where originally nations did not exist, there was no organised resistance to the imperial army and the invasion progressed peacefully. With the discovery of a large number of buried Quell, the invasion ended in success. The vast Quell obtained here brought further riches and prudent governing to the empire, and its most prosperous era.

122年 グラン・タイユ砂漠の開墾始まる
122 Reclamation of the Grand Teille desert begins

200年 旧アニマ教成立
200 Formation of the old Anima reglion

211年 ●五賢帝時代終わる
211 ● Age of the Five Good Emperors ends
The age of good governance spanning approximately 100 years at the hands of 5 successive emperors came to an end with the death of the final good ruler.

266年 帝都に競技場完成
266 Completion of the arena in the imperial city

301 ● Wiessland Invasion recommences
An act of plundering organised to relieve the bloated desires of the nobility, with sparse political context. It recommenced after 200 years.

374 ● Juvenalis Rebellion – The gladiators revolt in the imperial capital
The revolts by the people forced into labour in Grand Valley, and the revolt by the gladiators confined in Thermes occur simultaneously. This sets in motion the decline of the empire.

Grand Valley Rebellion – The forced workers in Grand Valley revolt

392年 第六次ヴァイスラント遠征
392 Sixth Wiessland Invasion

400 ● The losing faction in the struggle for succession to the throne head to the southern continent
After losing the power struggle over the selection of the next emperor, the descendent[s?] of the 5 Good Emperors migrate to the southern continent. Spurred on by this event, more and more people leave the internally unstable eastern continent.

445年 グラン・タイユ地方一斉蜂起
445 Simultaneous uprising in the Grand Teille region

453年 第一次ハンの戦い・グラン・タイユ連合帝都へ
453 First Battle of Hahn, Grand Teille Union head to the imperial city

464年 第二次ハンの戦い・メルシュマンの地方貴族帝国から離反
464 Second Battle of Hahn, nobles of the Merchmin region breakaway from the empire

465年 第三次ハンの戦い
465 – Third Battle of Hahn

465 ● Demise of the Hahn Empire
After the 3 battle on the imperial city of Hahn starting from 435, the Hahn Empire fell.

人民の不満と2つの反乱 374年
The Dissatisfaction of the People and the Two Revolts 374
Entering the 300's [4th century], the wealth/poverty gap between those who owned Quell and those who did not magnified, and the lifestyle of the noble class started to become even more lowbrow. Their exploitation of the common people intensified, and various oppressions took place. Naturally the people pushed back and many anti-imperial campaigns began to spring up, but with Quell on its side the noble class continued to keep them under control.

As this dissatisfaction was building up amongst the people, by chance two revolts occurred at the same time. One was a revolt of the slaves forced to fight to the death in the imperial capital's arena, and the other of the soldiers and people forced to construct the Grand Valley stone bridge.

The imperial capital revolt was subdued within a few days. However the Grand Valley revolt, although ultimately suppressed by the imperial army, at point reached all the way to the state capital. This put in place a strong image of the weakening of the empire, and primed the pump for the collapse of the empire.

帝国の滅亡 465年
The demise of the empire 465
Many of the people of good sense had migrate to the southern continent, leading the empire towards weakening. Unable to contain the rebellions across the land, even the feudal lords of the empire's domain began to drift away. At last in 445, there was a simultaneous uprising in Grand Teille region. The empire no longer had the power to suppress a large-scale revolt, and are forced into one retreat after another. In 453, the Grand Teille forces finally reached the imperial capital. Although for a time it managed to escape its predicament with the help of the nations of Merchmin, with the defection of Merchmin in 464 the imperial capital was once more surrounded. And in 465 the third battle brought the devastation of war to the imperial capital, and the empire met its demise.

■クヴェル史総括 支配階級
■ Summary of the history of Quell The Ruling Class
Hahn's conflicts, which were tied to Quell, gave rise to the schema of antagonism between “Quell” and “Anti-Quell.” As a result Hahn took control of its neighbouring nations while maintain its overwhelming superiority. Later Hahn to grow to become an empire.

During this course of events, Quell permeated as a effective military tool. Quell, a type of energy source which also housed special powers, once again became an object of worship for soliders, bureaucrats, and common people. And after the establishment of the empire, possession of it had a great influence on people's position in society.
Owning Quell was a status symbol for the nobility of the empire, and also served as proof of their social standing. Naturally, Quell was handed down to family heirs over the generation. However, those without which inheritance would have to find new Quell in over to gain the special rights of the nobility. This meant that many people appeared from certain areas of society such as nobles and the wealthy, who put extraordinary effort into obtaining Quell. It was around this time that diggers, a profession focused on searching for Quell, was established.

But the supply of Quell was not limitless. Thus it was not only high-quality pure Quell, but also many inferior-quality and counterfeit Quell appeared in the market. But curiously, a number of these counterfeit or inferior Quell also exhibited power.

The appearance of these counterfeit lead to great advancements in Quell research. Originally, from around 200 years before the First Year, organised research into Quell took place in Hahn. Consequently, by the time the empire was founded Quell research had matured to the point where the utilization in the construction of enormous structures became possible. The uproar caused by the counterfeits in such an environment paved the way for the appearance of Arts that did not use Quell.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Fascinating stuff, dude. One of these days I'm going to organize a playthrough of SaGa Frontier 2 just so people can see what the deal is. Question though

100 ● Construction of the first Grand Valley stone bridge completed
With the completed stone bridge, ??? to Wiessland on the outskirts of ??? became possible. In 101 an [expedition] force was formed and the invasion of Wiessland began.

101年 第1次ヴァイスラント遠征
101 – First Wiessland Invasion

??? ?????????(????????)

Is that from the original text, all of those question marks?


Angry Lesbian
HI...I've had kind of a rough, year, Christ it has been more than a year since I've posted??? Aaaaaaanyway, um, I've still got my notes for this somewhere on one of the hard drives, so if this is something still being worked on, is it okay if I keep going from page *checks* 72?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
OKAY SO this is not happening. It's alright though, we tried.

However I have to ask: Are there any more pages to be scanned/uploaded Tet? I'm not giving up on this and I am going to make it my personal project to get it translated on my own.


AI Researcher
Some names that need checking:

シーク平原 = (shiiku - seek plain/prairie?)
インテル川 = (intel river?)
Oath = (the book gave this in English already, but it's possible the localised version had something different)

サンダイル歴史大網  ツール文明 <中期術文明期>
Sandail – Outline of the History
Tool Civilization <Middle [arts] Civilization Period>

♦支配体制の変化 (400年代~700年代)♦
♦ Changes to the structures of rule (400's~700's) ♦

Having felled the imperial capital, the anti-imperial forces remained in the central plane, looking at how they could prepare for the future. But the anti-imperial force, now without a definite enemy, saw its unifying power rapidly decline. As a result, the opposition forces scattered and the entire eastern continent entered a period of further war.

世界の再編 400年代~500年代
Reorganisation of the world 400's~500's
People sought to the unrest of war in the centre of the eastern continent by migrating to Merchmin in the north, Grand Teille in the south, and to the southern continent. This lead to a reorganisation of status across the land and brought about changes to society.
In the south of Grand Teille influx of the intelligentsia lead to the formation of a state regime, and while maintaining strong tribal solidarity shifted toward a monarchy. Meanwhile, in Merchmin the immigration of the aristocracy lead to the reformation of the old ruling class, and under a new framework many smaller states arose. And thanks to the ability of the Quell the immigrants had brought with them, a unique power formed in the southern continent, and various countries were conquered or absorbed.

新帝国の成立 470年
Founding of a new empire 470
Half a century before such reforms took place, the descendants of the Five Good Empires who had arrived in the southern continent settled by the Intel River which runs through the centre of the continent. At the beginning only one clan lived there, and they took on the task of cultivating the rocky, arid region. Later, following the weakening of the empire and the worsening of war, many people gathered in this land, and a single city state took shape. As the population grew the cultivation of the surrounding area also progressed, which made the earth fertile.
And backed by the plentiful crops from the cultivated Seek Plain, the city state Gruegel was born. Of course, the power of the Quell brought from the eastern continent lied behind this development.
In 470, the rightful succession of the empire was proclaimed under pressure from vassals who had heard news of the fall of the imperial capital. Hereafter many nations came under the rule of the new empire one after another, and in 547 the United Kingdom was established.


Labels of the diagram:

正当な帝国の継承者の権威 = The authority of the rightful successor of the empire
新ハン帝国 建国 = Foundation of the New Hahn Empire
国内の安定 = Domestic stability
組織の成熟 = Maturation of the union
前ハン帝国の統治機構の改良 = Improvements on the governing structure of the old Hahn Empire
開墾の成功 = Success of the cultivation
国力増加 = Rise in the strength of the nation
クヴェルの利用 = Use of Quell
新ハン帝国の傘下 = Under the control of the New Hahn Empire
クヴェルの力による 新ハン帝国への恐怖?? = Fear toward the New Hahn Empire due to power of Quell?? [check the scan]
南大陸の諸国 = Countries of the southern continent
クヴェルの恩恵 = The boon from Quell
災害への不安 = Anxiety about a possible disaster



The ethical code of the ruling class

After the collapse of the empire, the failings of the empire became a major topic in areas where the imperial ruling class reigned once again and in nations where the governing bodies still retained a heavy influence from the empire's regime. This was a merit seen particularly in Merchmin and others in the northern region, where they attempted to form a relationship between the new ruling class and its subjects different to that of the empire.
A notable example of this was the way they demanded strict rules for the ruling class, and governed themselves based on the Oath. The Oath was an ethical code that emphasised the dignity of social morals, and this made it possible to prevent corruption in the ruling class to some degree.
However, it could not stop clashes between antagonistic states, and the upheaval of war deepened further.

*attempted to form a new relationship between the ruling class and its subjects different to that of the empire?

465年 ハン帝国滅亡
465 Fall of the Hahn Empire

470年 ●南大陸で新ハン(ナ)帝国建国
470 ● Foundation of the New Hahn (Na) Empire in the southern continent
The city state of Gruegel, which was founded at the basin of the Inner River around the descendant of the Five Good Emperors who had migrated to the southern continent, proclaimed its rightful succession to the Hahn Empire and converted to a new empire.

473年 ●反帝国連合崩壊する
473 ● Collapse of the anti-imperial alliance
The anti-Hahn alliance that had assembled to overthrow the empire remained in the central plain as it looked into a new structural framework following the fall of the empire, but it crumbled as the opinions of the various feudal lords clashed with each other.

500年頃 ●東大陸中原にモンスター大量発生
Around 500 ● Mass break out of monsters in the central plain of the eastern continent
A massive outbreak of monsters occurs primarily around the battleground sites in the central plain. Exposed to this threat, people gradually begin to move away from the central plain.

520年 ●メルシュマンで小国家の乱立
520 ● A rash of smaller nations arise in Merchmin
The aristocracy flow in following the fall of the empire, leading to frequent fights with the lords of the land. Reshuffling of the lords as sovereigns moves ahead, and many small nations are formed in Merchmin.

547年 南大陸、新帝国下に連合として統一される
547 The southern continent is unified as a federation under the new empire

580年 ●グラン・タイユに王国が建国される
580 ● A kingdom is founded in Grand Teille
The intelligentsia emigrate after the fall of the empire, and its structure as a state undergoes remodelling. Then a new kingdom is founded, while still maintaining the strong cooperation of the tribe [tribes?].

600年頃? 東大陸の繁栄が始める??
[around 600 prosperity begins in the eastern continent] **check

Two parts weren't clear on the scan:

- the last entry nearest the spine for the timeline going through the middle of the page
- the edge of the diagram nearest the spine

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I guess I'm attempting to organize the already translated information a little. Excuse my dust.


The Birth of Arts

The evolution from ape-men to modern man... It all began there. From individuals to groups, from villages to nations. Evolution marched ceaselessly onwards, and at this point the cornerstones of ancient civilization were complete. And then, people gain [Arts].

THE BIRTH OF MANKIND – several tens of thousands of years ago

-The evolution of life presents one potential outcome. Several tens of thousands of years ago, on the southern continent that was at that time covered in shrubbery and grassland, various processes lead to the evolution from anthropoids to modern man. This is where mankind is born. What would follow was an insatiable desire to learn leading to further growth, and as they advanced with the everyday construction and use of tools, they spread out over the world of Sandail.

THE DISCOVERY OF [ARTS] – Around 2000 B.S.

-Mankind's progress took them across the seas. Humans spread throughout the world, and in temperate regions an agricultural civilization arouse. People started to lead a communal existence rather than a solitary one, and made villages, from which cities were formed and finally nations. At this time, a mysterious power was brought from the southern regions. This was called [Arts], and from the substance Quell they were able to manifest a power hitherto unknown to humanity. This marks the appearance of the Quell [Arts] on history's stage.


-Due to the migration of the southern races, whose populations had swelled thanks to the boons gained from [Arts], Quell flowed to the north. Quell would become tied with the ancient states to increase their level of production, and enhance their military force. And soon the knowledge of powerful [Arts] would find its entwined with the ruling classes, becoming kings and nobility and wielding tremendous authority. States like this would appear and vanish, and the fluid migration of people that occurred took the [Arts] civilization to the eastern continent.
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