My colleague left his current assignment after having made exactly 1337 code commits in the version control system - I'm afraid people would be like "this is my 7777th poast, I' done, bai"
Further, Gabe's poasts are both valid and just and I couldn't have said it better myself. Although I'd probably use better formatting,
But yeah. I'm seeing a few topics in here, might be better to split the discussion up or reach a consensus on them. I'm gonna do a shuffling of the sections later on, probably Saturday, if nobody else picks it up before then. Re: layout, I'm kinda leaning towards Gabe there, I haven't actually read that much feedback about the current looks other than that it could be tweaked or changed (or in one case redesigned / redone), but TBH without actual consent about that, or dissatisfaction, or hard statistics from A/B testing that tell us our targets will be met preferring design X over Y, there's not really a reason for a complete overhaul. We'd need said targets first, for example,
Re: focus, I'm definitely not going to go there; I'll leave that up to The People, and even then, if we put up a poll I doubt we'd get more than about two dozen votes - and given we're getting about 6000+ unique visitors a month to the front page, that would simply not be representative. I could take a closer look at the statistics though, see which articles are more popular or whether non-FFVII-related posts get enough pageviews and attention to warrant shifting our focus (I'm sure it won't if one were to look at the statistics alone, but then that's also because we mostly attract the FFVII folk)