I feel this forum is missing a :V emoticon and a ¯\(°_o)/¯ emoticon, which are two of the emotions I find myself most frequently wishing to express these days that are not, to my knowledge, covered here. (It’s entirely possible I’ve just missed one or both on the emoticons list, which is quite long!) If both can be expressed in Cookie Monster format, I would find that particularly ideal, but any format is fine, really. I am nowhere near talented enough a sprite artist to render convincing versions, so I am hereby making a request.
For those unaware of :V, the most famous rendition is probably

from Something Awful. ¯\(°_o)/¯ is just a shrug, perhaps most famously seen accompanying the phrase “I dunno lol”.

looks like he might be thinking about shrugging, so a shrugging variant might not be too difficult to construct, though you’d probably need to show both his hands/arms. Might not work, though; I dunno. ¯\(°_o)/¯