Something's wrong, and I'm gonna say it - FFXIII Spoilers abound


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
mako, seriously, let's be real here. They changed Yuna's character and even retconned Tidus' can't get much worse. The whole game was cringeworthy

"hellooooo booooooys!"

Yuna didn't really "change." The Yuna we saw was the product of the Yevon faith and how she at first thought she was gonna die, and then had to go and save the world.

The Yuna of FFX-2 was her finally getting to be a happy young woman who was out having fun with her friends.

And I'm not sure what you mean about Tidus. If anything, FFX-2 enforced the alluded possibility that Tidus still existed since well....he comes back. :monster:


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
nah, I think when you have gone through an ending like that and basically said "he isn't coming back" with the fayth all gone, and therefore no way to bring him back, to then do so with a technicality like that is less than honest. It is just like Hojo putting his brain in the computer....a feeble attempt at bringing a character back.

As for Yuna. she couldn't have changed more. The idea she could be that lovely lady in X-2 and that absolute horror in X isn't possible...

You should feel absolute shame for defending it. Be gone with you! *Get's out cross and garlic* I am not sure if they will work with you but worth a try. :awesome:


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Is Yuna in FFX-2 trying (too hard) to be a different person, which is why it's such a change?

No, in that someone as lady like, would not suddenly turn into a whore, wear those outfits and tote a gun...among other things. The whole script is wrong to th character.

I accept that this wasn't meant to be a serious game and more of a joke, but for me personally it was just too cringing.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
No, in that someone as lady like, would not suddenly turn into a whore ...

If only she had. A certain cosplay video featuring Tory Lane comes to mind. :awesome:

I'll go on record as saying I enjoyed X-2 quite a lot. It has its problems (like why the faith could become the aeons again, and why no one seemed to bother with sendings any longer), yes, but it was fun and it was nice to see the world rebuilding following all that people had gone through.

I also liked the ending with Tidus coming back and didn't feel that it ruined anything.

X's ending was bittersweet and wonderful, yes, and, sure, we were left with the notion that Tidus was gone -- but then we got to the end of the credits and saw Tidus appearing in the ocean. It was always left to be interpreted that he may have come back, possibly when Yuna was whistling for him in Luca, and perhaps even due to her own ability to manipulate pyreflies and her wish for Tidus to return.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Mako can be a fuckwit (and yes Mako, I still love the term fuckwit and use you as an excuse to say it) but I agree with his defense of X-2. I didn't see Yuna having changed in an unrealistic way, she was kind of the Spiran equivalent of the Preacher's Daughter (TM). They grow up all sheltered and repressed (and in her case believing she was living on borrowed time the moment she became a Summoner to boot), then they get a taste of freedom and BOOM! Wild girl is born just like that. Its a wonder she's not a more literal whore really.

And I never thought about that one thing you said Tres, what is with people apparently just saying screw the Sendings? No wonder there's still so many Fiends even after the trillion or so we all slaughtered in FFX.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
No, in that someone as lady like, would not suddenly turn into a whore

So a woman, an adult woman at that, being outgoing and cheerful means that she's a whore? You can't even really criticize her choice of clothing (which admittedly would be skimpy in the real world), because Spira's setting allows for that type of attire.

Yo dawg you gotta step outta that basement!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

Did you just call a woman a whore for wearing CLOTHES?

Christ it's like the 1980s again.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Another nice review on my travels:

But it's clear that the music, just like the story and the gameplay, took a back seat to the graphics. Final Fantasy XIII is visuals, visuals, visuals, with nothing of substance to back up the pretty colors. So many cutscenes are thrown in just to show off the landscapes, and FMVs are regularly thrown in just to be a glorified tech demo for the White Engine.
It takes more than graphics to make a game, and Final Fantasy XIII offers very little else other than eye candy. Ultimately, this latest addition to the Final Fantasy series is a pompous and masturbatory affair, created seemingly to promote the developer's ego first, and the player's enjoyment second.

Every now and then its fights can approach satisfying, but mostly this is a dull, dreary affair that is too busy licking its own arse to look up and notice that everybody around it has fallen asleep.



Double Growth
Now I wouldn't say that about the music. The soundtrack is perfectly fine. It's more ambient than Uematsu, yes, but XII had the exact same thing.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Honestly, aside from being way to linear, I think FFXIII is a really good game so far. Of couse I'm only n Chapter 4, so theres still time for my mind to change. I wouldn't mind killing Hope. I dislike him.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Now I wouldn't say that about the music. The soundtrack is perfectly fine. It's more ambient than Uematsu, yes, but XII had the exact same thing.

XII's wasn't as good as Uematsu's either imho (way too generic half the time, but I put the blame of that on game areas rather than composer) and I like XIII's better than XII's up to now...;)


Double Growth
Tough break haters, apparently its the fastest-selling installment yet. :monster:

As for the music, I like it, but I am shocked and amazed that the victory theme is no where. What the hell?! I think it would at least be in there like XII had it...but its just gone! I was not happy about that.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You have to understand though, part of those figures is because this is the first, and only mainstream FF title to be sold on two major systems at once.

Alex Strife

Surely that's true, that would help their selling figures, right?

By the way, I hope to read lots of bashing about the next Final Fantasy games, because that helped me like this game! I mean, I started it thinking I would not like it, so the positive surprise was wonderful.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Surely that's true, that would help their selling figures, right?

By the way, I hope to read lots of bashing about the next Final Fantasy games, because that helped me like this game! I mean, I started it thinking I would not like it, so the positive surprise was wonderful.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If I wrote fanfiction I'd write one where hope got hit by a semi during a drive by perpetrated by Super Mario and Lugi.

That's right, SUPER Mario.


Here in Britain the Spice Girls used to be a million pound seller....

Hey screw you the Spice Girls taught my 8-year old self how to be ~proud to be a girl~ :monster:

Also, having played this game I agree it's not up to the usual par but the bashing and hatred is very silly. It's like the opposite of FFXII (which coincidently, a game most fans also seem to dislike very much). Idk I guess I can appreciate those kinds of extremes.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Didn't know where else to place this really (and have only just spotted it) and don't want to create a new topic for it but...

I assume the current conversation goes abit like this:

CASHhhhhhhhhhhh In!

"Yo, remember when we used to make one or two great titles a year..."

"Yeah I remember that but why the hell bother?"

"yeah I get ya, we can create one great title a year or make as many crap ones as we can and exponentially increase our revenue"

"Will the fanbase fall for it?"

"Sure, there is a sucker born every minute"

High quality graphics are very important to the creators. They see it as a way to please that huge and recently discovered group of ‘casual gamers’. “We hope they will be engaged by the graphics and the story. We realize this means some of our fans, who like the more traditional games, might be disappoined in some ways. But we hope they will take this journey with us
Oh keep dreaming pal
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