Something's wrong, and I'm gonna say it - FFXIII Spoilers abound


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's good! I haven't played that KH game yet, was going to after Birth by Sleep, really. Anyways, I'm not saying all games that have the whole chapter format suck. Resident Evil 4, and Dead Space are two games that come to mind, that utilize that format wonderfully.

But there are also sadly games that use it as an excuse to just jostle you through the plot and keep you from going outside the lines.

I find it to be restrictive at times.


The Wanderer of Time
Well, how 358/2 Days works is this. You talk to Saix and he gives you a roster of missions, usually four or less, sometimes just one. Some of the missions are optional, others are required. Complete the required mission and the day changes, the plot advances, Saix' missions change, etc. You can replay previous missions at any time though, and collect missed items and such.

So yeah, I doubt that's how FF13 works, but that's how 358/2 Days works. The game is divided up but there's still sidequests and optional missions to do.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
If FF13 lets you run back through the game with extra awesome and unlock extra stuff like in 358/2, that's actually be pretty spiffy. Or even just missions like in CC- Though hopefully with more original content per mission...


Yes we already know that man.

The moron Mako apparently didn't. :monster:

Some of the stuff I heard concerns me though. It really does seem like monster hunting are the only sidequests and that you really can't turn back to previous locations. And those previous locations are all just completely linear paths anyway. Oo
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Mako, you are my fucking hero. It seems like every time I look at the game with a straight face and go "Well this is turning out pretty shitty", I either get laughed at or someone tells me "WAIT NO IT'S NOT THAT BAD AT LEAST IT HAS BATTLES RITE" as if that's some sort of consolation prize. Like you, I've been playing FF since I was a little kid, so every installment I expect more and more out of them.

FFXII left me with a lukewarm feeling, but in terms of gameplay (which is as important, if not more important than story (see; Final Fantasy V, which has a story that's pretty juvenile but it's still great because the gameplay is fun as fuck)), they had a few things right. I thought that they'd take those good things and make them great things the next time around. But apparently also from what I've heard of FFXIII, they didn't.

From what I've heard, FFXIII seems to be a mostly super linear movie where you press buttons every now and then, and fuck that. Some people don't really seem to understand that a game is a game. If they want to tell a story by sacrificing the gameplay, just make a movie. But I want to play a game, I shouldn't have to withstand or 'settle' with meager gameplay elements because you're taking away the prime experience.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well Mako if what you said is accurate I have to agree 100%. I want to PLAY games and WATCH movies, not watch games. Now if you have a great story and great gameplay that's wonderful, but keep the story minimal. This is what I hated about a lot of the recent Sonic games, gameplay took a backseat to story. That should NEVER happen. Gameplay should be most important.

From what I've heard, FFXIII seems to be a mostly super linear movie where you press buttons every now and then, and fuck that. Some people don't really seem to understand that a game is a game. If they want to tell a story by sacrificing the gameplay, just make a movie. But I want to play a game, I shouldn't have to withstand or 'settle' with meager gameplay elements because you're taking away the prime experience.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Now if you have a great story and great gameplay that's wonderful, but keep the story minimal.

I wouldn't say minimal, because believe it or not game developers, you can have a great story WHILE having fun gameplay! Devs don't get that the two aren't mutually exclusive. But I understand what you're saying.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wouldn't say minimal, because believe it or not game developers, you can have a great story WHILE having fun gameplay! Devs don't get that the two aren't mutually exclusive. But I understand what you're saying.

I guess what I mean is that the story should take a backseat to gameplay... if you had to choose between the two anyway.

Celes Chere

This game is shit.

I could have told you that. :monster: I'm laughing hysterically right now at all the XIII fans that have been obsessing over it before it's even out. Who knows though, maybe the story is SO DAMN GOOD that you don't need side quests. But I doubt it. c: Snow looks awesome, that's all I'm really excited about. Anyway, with the whole sitting back and watching thing- that makes it sound like Dirge. Is it worse than THAT?

Worse that RE5... ouch.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay waitaminute... how many who are posting in this topic saying it's shit have actually played it?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I concede that it looks like it's going to be shit. If it turns out to be great, great! But I'm not spending 50 bones just to play it to confirm that it is in fact, not great.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Okay waitaminute... how many who are posting in this topic saying it's shit have actually played it?

I'm wondering this too.

I've been watching tons and tons of FFXIII videos (gameplay, cutscenes, etc.) and I think it looks FUN AS HELL.

Gotta keep in mind that not everyone looks for the same stuff in a game. I don't mind linearity (is this a word?) in games. I don't think I've EVER fully completed a game, getting all the "extras" just doesn't really thrill me. I care about story and I care about pretty cutscenes and I care about really fun battles with cool looking monsters and shit.

Thus far, XIII appeals to me.

Drake Clawfang mentioned that ALL FFs ARE DIFFERENT ANYWAYS, and I have to agree. Besides, doesn't this shitstorm happen with every FF released ever?


Lurk mode: ON
Drake Clawfang mentioned that ALL FFs ARE DIFFERENT ANYWAYS, and I have to agree. Besides, doesn't this shitstorm happen with every FF released ever?
Yes. And it will probably happen with every Final Fantasy that is going to be released.

I think we should really just have faith in the creators. They've been making these games for decades now, and they've yet to make one that was shit to everyone. Give SE a chance to experiment; if this game is really as bad as some of you are convinced it is, they won't make the same mistake the next time around.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I am going to put forth a radical opinion no one shall agree with. This game will be average. You all may now scramble over how incorrect and terrible my opinion is now.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
... did you read the rest of that sentence?


I just don't like the whole 'I LIKE DA STORY AND DA PWETTY CUTSCENES SO I DON'T REALLY CARE IF THE GAME IS 30 HOURS OF CUTSCENES AND AN HOUR OF GAME' argument because it sort of excuses gamemakers from actually exerting effort into making good and expansive gameplay. You like cutscenes? Fine, just go to that, because nobody is FORCING you to actually explore a myriad gameplay world, sidequests, etc etc. Developers should go for both instead of alienating the other.

But just being satisfied with that and nothing else, that seems sort of...selfish? For example, I'm not one for uber bosses and such in JRPGs, but I'd still be pretty disappointed if say, FFXIII didn't have any because that's less for others to enjoy. Like I said, gameplay and pretty cutscenes and story aren't mutually exclusive.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
But just being satisfied with that and nothing else, that seems sort of...selfish? For example, I'm not one for uber bosses and such in JRPGs, but I'd still be pretty disappointed if say, FFXIII didn't have any because that's less for others to enjoy. Like I said, gameplay and pretty cutscenes and story aren't mutually exclusive.

So you're saying I shouldn't like what I LIKE because other people like other things, and they might not get them? It's not like I'm a game reviewer; if I were, I'd mark the game down. But this isn't about judging the game (at least, not for me) it's about what I like and what entertains me. Isn't that what all games are about, being entertained?

Besides, I even said in that post that good gameplay is important to me. Gameplay makes or breaks a game, obviously.

I mean I get what you're saying, I really do. And I can totally understand why YOU would be upset. My point is that saying IT FAILS ON ALL LEVELS will probably never be true -- SOMEONE will like it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Nothing wrong with liking what you like. I'm glad your experience is still as positive and optimistic over it, that's cool. And you're definitely right. People will like it, and I'm sure the storyline will be good. But from an objective, technical standpoint in terms of its design, they've made an inferior product. That's just how it is. And really, that just disappoints me to hell considering each and every time, they raised the bar and met it.

And now they went backwards. This is like FFX except kinda worst. But oh well. I love great stories but it sure does suck that I now can't enjoy a great game at the same time now for some stupid, cost-cutting/executive reason.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No, I'm saying they made a game that's at say, FFX's level.

Which was good back in the day, but compared to the innovation of games today, and what SE has given us's inferior.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OOOH I see what you mean, kind like how in Sonic games all those glitches that existed back in the Dreamcast era are still there. They were forgivable back then but now it's just pathetic...

and I'll stop referencing Sonic stuff now.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
From one article I read in one of the past gaming magazines, it was stated by one of the Japanese individuals involved with Final Fantasy XIII that yes - there was going to be side quests, which would take you all over the world - both Cacoon and Pulse.

... Now let me read the article (or at least skim it.) Also, if you wish me to scan the articles I have, please let me know. Will follow up with 'EDIT' as soon as I'm done.
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