I'm extremely disappointed in two things.
First, as has been mentioned, it feels like nothing's changed. Like...at all. All the discussion and debate and arguments and agreement and everything that happened in December, and it honest to God feels like nothing has come of it. This has been expressed elsewhere, so I have nothing to elaborate on.
Secondly, though...twice now - and yes, I realize it's only me asking for it
- I've said that I would really like to hear what the mods think of all this. Feedback, if you will. And not one person has had anything to say. "I read everything and try to do better" isn't really helpful (sorry to put you on the spot here, Tennyo), because it's not constructive. It's like a bunch of kids in trouble in grade school that are just kind of meekly looking at the floor while they think of how much trouble they're going to be in when they get home and blankly saying 'yes sir/ma'am' (whichever gender your principal was, natch).
There's no dialogue between staff and members AT ALL. The whole point of all this is to try and make things better and more enjoyable for everyone. Nobody likes to feel like they're being picked on, or like their lives are being dissected for every little negative thing. RESPOND. Don't just sit there taking things lying down. Give us something to work with. If members have a specific thing that they're not especially happy with, don't NOT reply to that and then later say that you've read it and taken it to heart. Talk to us;, especially here; ask questions to try and see what people are looking for or suggesting, talk to them about the way everything plays out in your mind and your outlook on things, whatever. If we're not talking and trying to understand each other, and then taking that and learning from it so we can actually move forward, not a goddamn thing changes and we hash this out again three months from now when something inevitably occurs.
It's disappointing to encourage that dialogue, and know that the other party is definitely thinking SOMETHING, but them not actually sharing that, and, instead (and this is my decidedly pessimistic and cynical lifeview talking now!), sitting in their clubhouse, discussing it amongst themselves, and stewing on it.
I guess the best example I can think of here is Mog. The first six months that I was here, things with him were intolerable. Things blew up, but then he just sat and talked to us about things and we sorted it out as adults, just having a conversation, back and forth, give and take. And that's not what's been happening here.