Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
That's extremely respectful there, Bex.
If this thread's gonna degenerate into insults and shit, then there's no way anything's gonna get discussed or realized, and the thread can just be closed since everyone's fucking around now.
Especially with people mimicking other people's AKA field.
I have not once seen a reasonable argument as to why the expectation of having the AKA field filled out, which was the entire resolution of getting the user name change issues resolved before, is a wholly unreasonable demand.
Especially when no one's being infracted for it in the first place like before. If you don't want to fill it out, that's fine. But if you don't, the user name change will not be done. That's completely fair.
If this thread's gonna degenerate into insults and shit, then there's no way anything's gonna get discussed or realized, and the thread can just be closed since everyone's fucking around now.
Especially with people mimicking other people's AKA field.
I have not once seen a reasonable argument as to why the expectation of having the AKA field filled out, which was the entire resolution of getting the user name change issues resolved before, is a wholly unreasonable demand.
Especially when no one's being infracted for it in the first place like before. If you don't want to fill it out, that's fine. But if you don't, the user name change will not be done. That's completely fair.