Yeah but its not like sweeping it under the carpet is going to do anything except making people more bitter and argumentative. Best wait until all the grievances are aired and shouting is over with before the thread gets locked.Yeah, but that doesn't seem to be whats happening here.
In lieu of the recent debacle over the AKA field stuff, I have to ask a few things of the staff.
1. For one, please be consistent and tell the freaking userbase when you have decided on rules. Post them in the rules thread. This isn't hard.
2. If there is a punishment for breaking the rules, state it somewhere. This stuff isn't being listed anywhere, so people are just suddenly slapped with punishments they can't even agree to because like I said, this stuff has never been listed in the rules.
3. When infractions are being handed out over certain things, don't pick favorites. I know I was handed an infraction as well as Rishi/Kanaya for trolling the ltd thread, but asking some of my other friends if they had been warned for it got a negatory, even if they posted right after me. This is clear staff favoritism for not liking myself and Rishi posting jokes in the LTD.
So, you want to close this thread already, with there being no resolution to this issue whatsoever, because you don't want people to argue?
Well good, because closing threads and trying to sweep shit under the carpet has worked so well for the tensions and issues people have here.
Dude, what the hell? I never said anything about closing the thread in that post. I said bring it up now and talk about it. You literally read the entire opposite of my post.
I understand conflict's required, hence we need to talk about it. Don't know what post you read, since it wasn't mine.
Yeah but its not like sweeping it under the carpet is going to do anything except making people more bitter and argumentative. Best wait until all the grievances are aired and shouting is over with before the thread gets locked.
4. People complaining about Scott's infractions. Seriously, Scott doesnt give a shit about it, neither should you. If you think you should stick up for Scott then you dont know the guy at all. He does this shit because hes fucking Scott, does anyone even fucking remember that Scott is fucking SCOTT? Derp guys seriously, its Scott
I was trying to keep the personal issues between Omega and V out of this thread Dac, and I didn't mention closing the thread once, so no.
Good job assuming though.
am i doing it rite?This is retarded. Lets make it worse.
Are we talking about the three-month-old LTD thread that got closed because people were flaming so much in it? I can go back and infract more spam posts if people think it would help but I'm afraid that might actually stir up even more shit at this point. I agree that the warnings in that thread were completely arbitrary though and didn't really conform much to whether someone had been spamming or not, since a lot of people who spammed definitely didn't get warnings or infractions.Yeah, the warnings in the LTD were all over the place. It was real easy to tell if the mod didn't like you.
I haven't seen it happen so much since that thread, though.
the post that was infracted for trolling was a fear and loathing reference about getting back in the car. which most everyone thought was funny except the staff who reported it i guess, and no one got back on topic at that time until ryu made a point that 2 infractions apparently wasn't enough like me and rishi were supposed to be like 'hey guys we got infractions stop it guys '5. Feferi , i see your referencing some general favoritism in the LTD thread. Ever think that maybe the people who didnt get the infraction probably reported your post? When i mod honestly, im lazy. If i get reports in my inbox i look at the post in question, not all posts prior to it or after it. Maybe you should get new friends. Also who gives a shit your arguing about a love triangle that has been irrelevant since 1999, its been argued to death. Let it go.... CLOTI FOR THE WIN, SRSLY.
Problem is, there's a reason why I have the username to begin with - it's a metaphor. Sooooo yeah no, not doing that.1: Omega, your not harry potter. Aaron is Harry potter he coined that username atleast 5 years ago. Get that shit changed.
ME<3 said:Lets make it worse.
I'm not sure that Aaron and Scott needed their e-penises egos sucked off quite so heroically, but good job anyway. I'm sure it meant a lot to them.
I can go back and infract more spam posts if people think it would help but I'm afraid that might actually stir up even more shit at this point.
@dacon , hey babe lemme quote myself.
okay here's the point i am trying to make gabe@feferi person whom i dont recall your original username maybe because ive long since become inactive here or perhaps am making a failed attempt at supporting the aka field argument.
Your arguments moot, favoritism happens, were humans. Get over it, maybe your right. Maybe someone doesnt like you and they have mod powar. It happens. We cant all like you
Well, I mean, several people have complained about it, and if we didn't offer to do something to address the imbalance in the way people were treated in order to help settle people's misgivings about the way things have been handled, that would look bad too. There's really no good way to deal with months-old drama that was mishandled. I don't think I was even on staff at that point.Come on, dude. Do you really think statements like this help anything? She was using that as an example. Sure it was months ago and that thread became a cesspool, but it's not really necessary to respond that way. And I think it's a legitimate complaint since I heard from users that were and were not infracted for doing the same exact thing.
I can see why people saw this as problematic. Live and learn, I guess.But the rules and consequences need to be clearly posted for all users. As a member who is all about following rules, what happened with Scott's name change issue was a bit shocking to me.
However... I don't think it's really necessary to have an explosion every time a mod tries to enforce a rule.
Part of the reason why we've changed the LTD thread to the way it is now, is to ensure that no more bizarre or inconsistent warnings happen in the future. So we're very much aware of the problem, and we're going to fix it and keep it from happening again. Particularly in regards to said LTD thread.
@dacon , hey babe lemme quote myself.
@feferi person whom i dont recall your original username maybe because ive long since become inactive here or perhaps am making a failed attempt at supporting the aka field argument.
Your arguments moot, favoritism happens, were humans. Get over it, maybe your right. Maybe someone doesnt like you and they have mod powar. It happens. We cant all like you
Ill make sure to e-blow your e-penis some day. But im sure ive probably done it already sometime between ACF and this forum.