Star Trek: Picard


Double Growth
Which makes sense given that the plot of season one was virtually wholesale lifted from Mass Effect.

"Is anyone you know still the person you knew?" is a very appropriate tagline for this series.
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Double Growth
So...I remain extremely wary of Lucy yanking the football away, but the first two episodes of season 3 have been like watching a completely different show.
Characters acting like competent adults in a professional setting, and not like petulant children? Whaa?! Where have these writers been?

Some excellent old-school musical cues from the franchise's past, and a Leaving Spacedock scene with a bit of gravitas that I don't think we've seen since season 1 of TNG? The closing credits use the First Contact theme, which happens to be my favorite rendition of that theme. And the show opens with a "In the 25th Century..." tag a la Star Trek VI. Why, it's almost as though someone who actually likes Star Trek is running this thing.

I have to roll my eyes at there being yet another world-ending threat, and by far my biggest complaint is that all the Federation ships are so damn dark. I said out loud at one point "Turn on the lights!" The Ferengi's seedy drug den (why is "nutrek" so obsessed with these?) was actually brighter than the Captain's office on the Federation ship. Freakin weird.
That said, if that remains my biggest complaint over the course of the season, that would be a massive improvement.


Standing guard
I don't wanna spoil anything, but it's leaning into the Wrath of Khan hard, yeah. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it has been tried before. This time around, though, it seems to be doing a lot of things right.

Weirdly enough, Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart have a great chemistry in this first two episodes, which is what I feel was missing from Seasons 1 and 2 (mostly featuring Picard with a cast of newbies). Add into that, that Picard himself seems ready to actually take charge of situations, which is frankly responsible for 90% of the character's likability previously (i.e., that people complained Kirk didn't act enough like a professional naval captain).

Season 1 and 2 Picard seemed locked in a loop of "do I still got it or don't I?" Season 3 Picard definitely still "has it."

Also without wanting to spoil anything, the far less stringent content guidelines of Trek these days do the whole idea of Klingon Warriors a **world** of good.


Double Growth
Star Trek Into Darkness


Double Growth
I know! Been bitten too many times to not still be a little nervous, but that whole first arc was really quite good. It's still not 100% of the time, but Picard actually feels like the character most of the time now, which is great. And the emotional conversations feel earned, rational, and human. Instead of everyone acting like children with emotional intensity dialed up to 11 at all. times.

And look, Star Trek. Look how much more enjoyable smaller encounters are with capital ships. Riker
hitting Vadic's ship with towed asteroid
was so much more satisfying than any of the incomprehensible effect messes at the end of Discovery season 2 or Picard season 1. Keep doing this.

The first four episodes also have a nice little contained 'arc' that resolved in a satisfying way. IMAGINE! Instead of throwing 7,000 plot ideas at the wall and only continuing whichever one serves best to end the current episode on a cliffhanger. And Shaw, even if a dick, manages to be a well-rounded character the likes of which everyone from season 1 could only dream of being.

I'm sorry to keep couching my praise in complaints about the other seasons/shows, but it's so hard to believe that has most of the same writing staff from season 2. It's so different, and oh so much better. Please keep it up the rest of the way, show.


Standing guard
Ep 5 continues in not disappointing. Clearly, the writers of S3 decided to do the time-honored task renowned the world over as "their homework."


Double Growth
:lol: Perfect.

We all knew that's what would be in the bay, but I confess to kinda wishing it had been the E. I just like that ship and it never got a chance to feel like a home for the characters and this show would have been a nice chance for that had the whole series gone a different way.
But I'm not gonna pretend it wasn't great to see the D, and I'm glad they at least acknowledged the E and Worf calling out that it would have made more sense, offensively, to be going up against the fleet.

Rebuilding the set was impressive, but my main thought as they filed in was "Now I KNOW this ship has lights inside."
Waiting for it like


Just finished S3E10.
I enjoyed this ending :monster:

Not sure this needed a post-credits type stinger though.

The Borg Queen looking all creepy alien freako like was dope.

Troi copying Empire Strikes Back there at the end lmao

Didn't expect the Titan to become the Enterprise-G. But with the Constitution throwback design I guess it was almost obvious. Seven being the captain is cool.

Little disappointed they didn't do the Star Trek VI thing with the signatures but I read somewhere they didn't do it because Avengers: Endgame beat them to it? :monster:
The credits rolling over them playing poker was great though.
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So like. S3 isn't shit? :monster:

I'm relieved they tried to save it instead of just cancel it, but then I think they had too much invested already in having the old characters come out of retirement etc.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I was not expecting this season to be this good. The last two were lackluster. I tried to like them, I really did, but in the end, I was disappointed. This season, however, is marvelous. It feels like the best of old times and new times. I think that's the only way I can describe it, lol.

I haven't finished it yet, so here's to hoping it's an awesome ride all the way to the end!
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